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RP: YSS Genesis [Episode 2] A Maiden's Voyage

Mako watched the Engineer flirt with her new boss, she didn't know what to say or do at that time, but as luck would have it the new CO announce the launch of the ship and everyone jumped to go to their stations. "Well I'm not sure where to go my self," she said to no one in particular so she quickly ate the rest of her food and watched the vid feed of the launch.

She wondered if the ship's AI could link the forward view directly to her own optics input, so she sent a telepathic message to the AI.

UHHH, Miss Ship's AI, I'm sorry I don't know your name or anything yet uhhh, can you link the forward view to my eyes I would love to see what the ship is seeing. uuhh thank you?
"Hmph! They'd bettah be 'pleasant' - this hea is supposed to be the latest and greatest ship Origin's got, yaknow?" Yoko shot back at Amethyst, arms crossed. "Now, I needs you to - oh shit." The head engineer grabbed her datapad as a higher priority message came up. Since the 'Engineering' section was just a workshop and a series of rat tunnels rather than an engineering section proper, speaking aloud to one another wasn't exactly the best way to communicate.

And that was why Yoko found out there was a problem through her datapad.

"Shit, shit, shit! A plasma conduit's starting to fail in the system test," she spoke to herself in frustration, biting her thumb out of habit. Yoko then turned to Amethyst while rapidly prodding away at her datapad. "Grab that new conduit and bring it with you!" she ordered the other woman, pointing to a roughly three foot long section of what looked like dull gray piping sitting amongst several other spares. The drab thing was easily four inches wide, and looked rather heavy.

"And drag that along wit ya - you push it in, and I'll pull," the head engineer instructed, grabbing a toolbox and shoving it into the maintenance way first with a leg. She then dove in herself. "C'mon, we don't have all day!" Yoko called at her, head poking out of the 3"x3" hole in the wall.
Mako would receive a message in return, fairly quickly.

You may Refer to me as Genesis, or Ship, Or computer. any of those names is appropriate at this time. I regret to inform you that I do not currently have the capability to directly link the visual sensors of the ship to your own, but I can supply you with a volumetric window which you may control the field of vision on. will that be acceptable?

Immediately, the offered window appeared in front of Mako, with a set of simple directional controls in the corner which she could poke at to operate the camera. the current field of view showed directly in front of the Genesis, which was looking at a wall; it was dull grey, and had many doors, several pipes, and near the roof of the hangar, a set of windows that seemed to be the launch control chamber. To the left of her field of view, she could see the launch bay doors opening, and a view of open space, and the vast, grey, speckled form of Dawn Station.
Thank you Miss Genesis, I'll play with this for a few.

Mako started playing with the scrolling buttons, moving the view around to look all around the ship. With out her noticing she started leaning in and side to side to try to see more before the view could get to the right spots. She was completely entranced with the system, it reminded her of her Power Suit training.
Spencer peered around the room with an approving eye at the massive collection of both Yamataian and Origin weapons. Without waiting for anything else, the middle-aged Nepleslian took up the task, going down the row and one-by-one listing each unit on his datapad. He grinned a little at one of the Peashooters and examined it more closely for a moment before returning it to it's place and finishing his list.
Shinon was watching other leave. She had a lot to though about, but she did not want to do that. Mako seemed to busy herself with volumetric screen so Shinon took her attention to Rüd.

"Grülik-san?" She called him out. "What is your take on this ship and the combination of military and civilian crew? I am interested in your opinion as man who handles security matters on this ship."
"Normally I'd say it's no big deal, but I'm not so sure with the ranks stripped," the Nightwalker began. "From experience, soldiers don't respond well to orders from anyone beyond their outfit; conversely, civilians aren't terribly excited to bear the burden of the rules and regulations most military operations put on their shoulders. For all our sakes- but especially the warriors-" a word choice that included the Samurai as well as the soldiers- "I hope the Captain clarifies our directives in the near future."

"How about you? As an officer, what are your concerns about the integration of corporate and military interests?"
Masami shook her head slightly in response to Rikou's question, content to let the princess take the lead for the time being. "I have nothing to add at this time, Hime-sama. If something comes up, I will be sure to inform you, however." That said, she privately connected into Genesis's security systems, noting that nothing she hadn't planned for had happened yet, though the Nepleslian quartermaster starting his inventory work with the restricted armory wasn't what she'd been expecting. It appeared the engineering group was working, albeit nowhere as efficiently as she assumed they would once they'd been together for longer, and all of the other groups were where they should be, so for the time being, she tucked the connection away in the back of her head, with instructions to alert her at any potential security issues.
After a few minutes a dedicated eyeballing, Spencer noted the final peice of hardware in his log. Then he had it all: 12 Handheld Gauss Rifles with a full supply of replacement parts suitable enough to build several more, 30 NSP's, 30 SEP's, 20 Fatboy's, and a smattering of the smaller ODM 10mm and 17mm guns. Enough to field the entire crew at once, it seemed. There was also a large supply of replacement parts, which, if supplemented with more frames from the computer, could be used to build more guns.

Spencer scratched at his beard and logged the inventory. ((Wiki update on its way pending approval)) After a momentary census, he cleared his throat and spoke to the computer,

"Ship." He said, his eyes still on the big list in front of him, "Tell me how many items were ordered so I can compare 'em to my list here."
"Thank you, Masami-san" Rikou answered to her Samurai's reply. "It seems we have everything we need to continue on, then." The Princess took this as a chance to refer to her XO, whom simply nodded that she was free to proceed.

"Helm, Lift us off and take us out to the testing area, please." Rikou ordered her crew, and, with just a hint of hesitation, the ship shuddered, and then all the vibrations ceased as the landing gear removed itself from the floor of the hangar.

The viewscreens would now show a scene that was changing, at first slowly, rising a little bit, and then rotating to face the prow of the ship toward the Magnetic containment field, and then out into space. from the inside, the only noise the ship made was a dull thrumming of the engines; although the engineers would contend that the powerplant was actually rather loud.

As for Spencer, he would get his needed reply just about the same time the ship lifted off the ground. "Your list appears to be correct. If you could upload it, I would be able to confirm in a moment." The Genesis' tone was still quite business-like, but Spencer could almost note a hint of feminine tone in the voice.


At this point, Sierra made her way into the Mess, her hair slightly out of place, with a datapad in her hand. She seemed to be a bit perplexed at what was on it, tapping away furiously at the screen. The Junior Executive stopped tapping for a moment, realizing she had arrived at her destination, and then looked up, and around, starting as she noticed that she had, indeed, found whom she was looking for; Not that she had ever doubted the AI's directions, having written the initial programming and created the AI literally from scratch with a team that had been bought over by origin and led to her current positioning.

"Ah! Shinon Maverick! Could I borrow you for a minute? Sorry to interrupt you and Rued"
Shinon gave Rüd a nod as he spoke. She generally agreed with him. It was good to finally talk with him and even if they had some misgivings at the beginning she was now getting to know his professional side. Which was side of his she was more interested in anyway.

"Well," she started with reply to his question. "I think it goes hand-to-hand. If there is war military need weapons and weapon making company wants to sell them. They won't sell much if they won't co-operate with the army though. So it is easy to see why this happened. This ship is prototype that will most likely be used by SAoY later, but it needs to be tested. Now Origin made so it knows how it works, which is why their engineers and their people need to be here for the test. But, you also need SAoY soldiers here to see the ship, see how it works and if it truly can be of any use to us. So technicaly this had to happened and we just need to find out how to make this work."

She then looked up as Sierra talked to her. Shinon was fully concentrating on her conversation with Rüd. "Hello ma'am," she answered. "Of course you can. Grülik-san, if you can excuse me for a moment. I would like to talk more later though." She said with smile and stood up walking to Sierra. "How can I help you ma'am?" She then asked.