Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP Episode 3: Bittersweet Tidings

"Her encryption was designed to lock down all research projects her lab had in case of a breach. Hades got nothing out of the lab. But her codes are in her Geist. The sattelite coverage and idle ship sensor sweeps were her lab's protocol, and nobody took the tags off when they were implemented. If you can crack her encryption, go for it. Director Pine has a set of codes, but he's not available." The technician shrugged, rolling his eyes. "It's a case of the dumb, so we gotta clean up."
Medbay 2
Adria glanced at the horned head that was now under her arm, raising her injured leg slightly so she wouldn't put pressure on it. "I don't need help..." she hissed, glancing at her leg and sighing. "Just... put me on Neera's bed..." Adria wasn't even sure who Orias was, or even what species she was- but, though she didn't want to admit it, she still needed her help to get off the floor now with her shot thigh. Her red five foot long tail was drooping on the floor, the butterfly girl was still torn apart, even if not physically, from letting her brother get captured.

Chlorate walked to Mark's bed, hoping that perhaps her father would wake up if her mother couldn't. "F-F-F-FAAA-ther?" She asked glitchily, covering her mouth in surprise as she didn't expect her voice to glitch. Chlorate looked down at her still operational but battle damaged body, reading a couple errors in her head. There were occasional sparks, burns, even a few holes, and other damage marks in the body under her flickering hologram that didn't pain the AI inside but she could detect. The robot could tank a lot of damage in this body, but she couldn't heal it- it needed to be fixed. Fortunately, the damage was only light, and seemed to only be effecting her volumetrics (And apparently speech), but it was an inconvenience.
Kessler rested a hand on her uninjured shoulder, "I fear myself sometimes too. We are all capable of terrible things, but choosing to do the right things even if with those same skills is what makes us different. We are people, not weapons. Take a break, and maybe go get yourself a drink. The hallways are clear enough now, and you're just going to run yourself into the ground at this rate."

He looked sad as he had seen the kind of powers PP had given her through their vile means, and thought on how much this was clearly wearing on her. Kessler may be a spy, but he was still a captain, and he cared for his crew. "I can get some pain meds if your arm is still hurting, but I need you to take it easy for a bit."

He then turned to the new female voice, seeing the fiery haired lass after offering to help. "Thank, there isn't much left, then we can help move wounded around in the medbay."

Orias did as requested and helped the shorter girl over the the gel bed where the wolf girl slumbered. Helping her get into a sitting position next to her, before slipping out from under her arm. "I'm sure your sister will pull through, the doctors said they'll provide the best of care for her and your uncle.", the demoness stated after looking over Neera all hooked up to life support machines just like Mark. These mortals were proving more and more resilient then she had ever anticipated.

Both Neera and Mark remained unmoving, but where as Neera was asleep to the world. Mark would noticeably stir if disturbed, but again it was very feint.

"Very gracious of ya. Seems this shit happens anywhere ya go. These people just want a home, but assholes come out of the damn wood works to just try and ruin that dream. These people never done anything to them, why can't they just be left in peace?", Mark said somberly as he poured the first glass and enjoyed a swig of the glowing blue stuff which had a appely and citrus flavor.

"Most just call me Whisper. And I've fought Neps before, usually a beer and a new gun usually make up for it.", He offered with a feint chuckle as he shook Heather's hand. "Besides, you had as stated and injury and looked like you needed some attention. I can give you something for the fractures as well."

Seraphina felt tired, still feeling rather weak from her injury, and looking down the fabric was a bit fresher color of crimson. "I uh, think I need to rest for a bit, I don' well.", The angel said as she sat down and slumped against a nearby crate, closing her eyes to rest a bit. She felt just so tired, having had adrenaline and the drugs run their course already. The Elysian was just so weak, and despite the heavenly quality of her white dove like wings, and golden hair, it seemed sad and pitiful in her worn state as eyelids lowered shut over deep blue eyes.

Jack couldn't help but just look so defeated, his expression no longer stalwart like it had been. The rage and hopelessness had left him haggard and almost old as his white hair seemed to suggest. His cheeks were moist as he gestured to all the body bags before them, "Izzy, over 400 people are dead. I promised them a home, and peace, and look what happened. They're dead, hunted by vultures who prey on those who only wanted safety. Even now, we're vulnerable. Three ships destroyed, the Anvil has significant damage, people are missing, and our son...our son is still in the hands of those bastards. I didn't do everything I could, I should have fought harder, been faster. My own brother is in critical condition, and our daughter Neera in a coma in a bed next to his. Adria even got shot in the leg trying to save Adilis. Our people have suffered deaths, our family is hurt, and..I..don't know what to do. I feel p-powerless."

His words came fast as the stress just broke the last wall of any hope of holding it together caved. He couldn't be calm, he couldn't keep up the facade any longer, the mask that he was strong that he wore so people would put faith in him. People saw him as a leader, but at the end of the day, with out the armor, guns, and a army at his back. Jack Pine, was just another weak human. He wasn't some super soldier, or fearless figure of authority, not some unrelenting force,...but just a man. A man who could only watch as his family and people suffered, because he was not the image he projected.

The Anvil continued to lower it's altitude until it was flying over massive mountain ranges, then over the jungle. They needed a place to set down, and park the ship for the foreseeable future as the base to run colonization operations out of. Someplace to serve as bastion while teams surveyed and took stock of resources, as well as made contact with any intelligent species that also called this world home.
Last edited:

Ash just gave a simple nod from under her hood, the fiery fringe of her pixie cut catching the light as she spoke - delicate features remaining rather stoic behind her self-inflicted facial disfigurement, "Don't mention it~" she spoke simply, glancing back at the demonic thing strutting around the medbay before she began moving aside some of the rubble with the one good arm - the motion revealing a few more scars on her toned body and even a few cybernetic ports placed around the Nepleslian's skin, it wasn't like she wasn't easy on the eyes but it was clear Ashley wasn't exactly flaunting herself around.

Meanwhile Jacky's armoured figure rounded a corner into the same room the green haired Lorath was working away in, offering a weak smile from her own porcelain features as she rapped knuckles against the doorway to make her presence known. "I was told you could use some help?" the clone queried, white hair partially exposing the one blue eye that reminded her she wasn't normal.


"No worries sir," Leon mused as he took another swig of his own drink and began cleaning the few glasses that remained intact just incase anybody decided to join them, running a hand through his bright blue hair with a sigh before the Minkan continued speaking. "Assholes always hide in the woods sir, assholes and wolves - which end up being assholes half the time, but where there is good there is always bad, I hope nobody ever told you trying to come out and settle down would be easy," the bartender continued speaking, his words having a certain resilience and charm behind them despite a few tired sounds.

"There was a reason my great grandad carried a rifle when he was out on the frontier, something bites and you gotta put it down, sir."


Heather's mechanical arm let out a few clicks and whirs as she shook this mysterious figure's hand, before shaking her head at his statement, "the Fractures are my sister, she took the brunt of it, poor thing... but hey Whisper is an odd name if you don't mind me saying, does whisper have another name?" The blonde's green-gold eyes narrowed into inquisitive slits as she gave a warm smile, things were a little too tragic around here but this conversation was helping her push that aside for now - which was appreciated
If she could crack it, that both sounded like a challenge and a joke to her, unless this person happened to be one of the most sophisticated and utterly thorough tech geniuses in the universe. Although the pink haired girl didn't put it past these people to have someone like that in their arsenal. "Just, let me have a look at it I guess." Haisely sighed while reaching for her own handheld device to check this fabled encryption. After running a quick search through the system she found the locked systems, with a bit of poking she found the encryption blocking their use, at a glance she guessed she'd be able to get through some of it but it was quite good looking.

Isabelle didn't quite know how to respond to the anguished outburst. "I know Jack." She eventually said, resting a hand on his shoulder softly with a grim expression, she was feeling the pain as much as anyone else if not more, her own children had been hurt and worse. But she also trusted Jack to get them back, she trusted the army he'd put together to fix up and help the wounded. "And everyone else knows you have done everything that you could, we all knew there would be risks in this job but we all followed you into it because everyone trusts you Jack. No one else can do what you have done for us, we will mourn for them and give aid to their families in their time of grief, but to preserve their memory and to ensure they will not be forgotten we must finish what we started. Get the rest of us to our new home, for the legacy of the fallen and their future generations." She spoke, gaining confidence with each word.

"I'll be right by you the whole way, you know I will. And once it's all over I'll still be here."
"Fuck, that," she snapped. Violently brushing Kessler off, huffing to herself as she moved over to glance at one of the plates. It would've been so much easier if she'd used her powers. Opening her hand, a crystal of ice grew. Though it shattered as soon as she had conjured it. Too afraid it would hurt her again. Her shoulders slumped visibly as she just stared at her empty hand.

And without another word, the vibrantly coloured, ever-shifting woman went to work again.

Also medbay
A soft huff came from the Jane clone, Jacklynn, as she worked. Many of the ships residents and soldiers had prostethics, metal arms or legs. And while she could help out, albeit sorely limited, in the medbay, getting the prostethics in order would've also been a massive help. Or so she thought. Pushing her glasses up her nose again, the tip of her tongue slightly portruding from the corner of her lip as she worked with the greatest concentration. It was odd, to see her so focussed through the crying, the shouting, the lamenting and complaining. The silver haired woman was currently focussed on replacing some burnt and cut wires of some poor sod's legs. He had been patched up-... But.

A scowl came on her face as she lowered the tools. It seemed like he would need another replacement for the bloody stump she cast a glance on. He seemed to take it well, telling jokes and vividly fantasizing the colours or models he could get his hands on.

Though the look in his eyes attested of fear. Wriggling her nose slightly, pushing in the final wire, she thumped the armoured shin and glanced over. "If you could kindly wiggle those toes of yours, I'd be more than just happy," she stated warmly.
Medbay 1

Harmony blinked as she looked to the newcomer as she asked if Harmony needed help. With a small nod, she jerked her head to the side and spoke.

"Gauze, I need gauze and that needle and thread. I need to stitch this person up here so I'll need you to wipe blood down as I cauterize the wound real quick to stop the blood ok?"

Harmony said aloud as she picked up her hands and the gauze she was using, soaked through now with blood. She bit her lip as she took a small cauterizing tool to seal off the blood vessels that she could and stitched the others as best she could before she took to the larger wound in an attempt to seal it off completely.

"Thanks for the help." She told the clone helping her as she looked rather tired and winded. She leaned against the table a little and shut her eyes and tried to recover as quickly as she could before moving off to help another table.

Jacky simply nodded and quickly pulled the top half of her armoured suit down to hang at her waist, exposing the white tank top beneath that hugged her well proportioned and sculpted upper body as well as two strong porcelain arms that began gathering the gauze and suture kit with her hands that were surprisingly clean when compared to the state her armour was in - the clone took a brief second to note this woman too had dyed hair, though assumedly for vastly different reasons than Jacky had to make her raven locks as white as snow despite the black still showing though, before the suture kit was placed down.

"No worries, happy to help~" the tall woman spoke as she got ready to assist with the process when a familiar voice graced her ears, the twin sister she and Talos both shared - where Jacky and Talos looked like they were each made to mirror each other Lynn managed to pull off the mixing and matching of pigmentation in a much different way, though it did make it harder for the third sibling to fit in that seemed to be more a concern Jacky had picked up rather than something shared by her twins.

"Hi there Lynn~" she tried to get her sister's attention with that slightly meek voice and a warm smile, a voice that didn't draw too much attention unless you were used to it like the silver haired woman with missing fingers would have been by now - being twin sisters and all that.
Medbay 2
Adria sat on the side of Neera's bed and sighed. She put her cat- clawed hand on Neera's soft hand, being careful to keep her claws sheathed and avoid accidentally scratching her. The small feline girl eyed the life-support machines her much taller wolf sister was hooked up to, horrified. She held Neera's hand and whimpered "Please... sis... you have to wake up..." but received no response. Adria sniffled and layed her blonde head on Neera, and then something rare happened- Adria cried, tears falling on Neera. Her sister being in a coma, hooked up to life support machines, and her brother being kidnapped right in front of her really took a toll on the red butterfly winged girl.

Chlorate watched Mark from the foot of his bed, relieved to see he could still respond, even if only slightly. The glitchy robot waited by his bed, hoping that perhaps he would wake up- though, she was no medical droid, she didn't understand much about her father's condition.
Haisley could see the encrypted portion of the network from any access point, such as the technician's tablet. And what she would see had been military grade at some point in the distant past. All of the files had been compressed, the data scrambled under different algorithms, occasionally changing or reversing before being reencrypted. Moreover, there were three or four layers of it, changing programming languages to adapt to the encrypted sub layers. The first set of key codes would draw te encryption engine out, then a second set would be used to unlock the drives.

The part that had been driving the technicians nuts for the last several hours was that the code line for the if/then switch made the key look like a memory imprint. One event that could be remembered by an individual with a Geist. Rose was not thorough. But the piece of her that was used to generate the program, the piece of her that was still locking it down from the inside, was. It wasn't special, simply a small infomorphic critter of limited intelligence. But hiding and building behind several layers of encryption just thin enough to see its movement.
"Oh-..." Lynn glanced up, greeting Jacky with a warm smile, before glancing back at the leg. The man in the midst of wiggling his toes as requested. "Give me a hot second, sis," she noted, before turning back to the man. Tightening the screws on the armour plating, a soft scraping of her throat as she did. Pulling up the small roll of stickers she had, she placed it down on the armour plating of one. "Now, I know gunmetal gray's all dull, so I'll be giving out a slick new paintjob after I'm done getting to all prostethics. Y'know my number, if not, just ask around hotshot," she said with a singular tap on the metal leg, before pushing herself up. Turning over to Jacky, pulling her in a soft hug. "You're geat work here, sis," she murmured. "Just relax, I won't be too far off."
So thats what this fabled security looked like, they should have got this person to design security for everything if it was all this good, might have actually made it a bit more enjoyable to break in the first time. Reading over the displayed information carefully the pink haired girl shook her head, she'd heard about these implant thingies before and seen them in action once but she didn't have one of her own.

"Don't think I can help you out with this, not unless we have several spare days." Haisely said, not defeated or annoyed that she couldn't do it, just bored because she wouldn't be able to do it.
The technician was disappointed at Haisley's response, at least until another one found him. "Jim! Looks like R&D's version of that algorithm was a test build for a Fleet Development program!"

The tech, Jim, looked up, his brows furrowing in question. "What?"

"Yeah, we're implementing a new version in its place. Fleet Dev just finished decrypting their system and found it. Don't get me wrong, we still gotta decrypt our stuff, but cracking Rose's encryption takes a little less precedence. Also, we have a list of people who might have both the code and the Geist."
The Anvil continued to lower it's altitude until it was flying over massive mountain ranges, then over the jungle. They needed a place to set down, and park the ship for the foreseeable future as the base to run colonization operations out of. Someplace to serve as bastion while teams surveyed and took stock of resources, as well as made contact with any intelligent species that also called this world home.

As the ship made its way from the west to east side of the continent it was hovering over, it began to encounter sprawling masses of orange plant life beyond the barrens and mountains that were observed previously. Abnormally among the other enormous chunks of land this planet held, this continent was unusually barren. More commonly, they would have small badlands among the west shores which would quickly become replaced with elaborate forests the moment it would pass the mountains. Yet the mountains were closer to the east shore than the west, here. Despite this, the jungle, when it came, was as lively and wonderful as ever. Creatures leaped and glided between trees and eternal chirping filled the air. As the ship flew in search of a clear place to land, it encountered a recently lost confrère. It was rather close to the beaches of the east, just a kilometer or two away. Smoke bellowed from the earth in a stream of steady black. A faint signal was still being forced out of the dying structure, barely able to be heard between chokes and stutters. Where it had crashed was remarkably precised, being almost perfectly set to the side in a large lake filled glade. Not far away the land becomes steep and harsh, filling with plant life once again and accompanied by small streams and large waterfalls ushered in by the cliff faces and mountains to the west. Off in the vast horizon on the eastern shore lay the rest of the coast, partnered with a single, large island. Although the glade itself would undoubtedly have harsh, rocky soil, the earth of the jungle around it would most certainly provide.


Kessler frowned as he heard Neon's response, turning around to grab her by the uninjured arm. "Hey! Stop, just stop. Pushing yourself is not going to fix anything, and I am not going to watch you run yourself into the ground. As your captain, I care, because you and I have been through shit. This toughing it lone wolf style bullshit, does not get you anywhere, believe me.....I don't care if I have to drag you, but you need to rest, and take a moment to collect yourself." His expression turned from stern to concerned and worried as he spoke, pleading for her to just take a step back and breath. Knowing the tension was there, and how everything must have weighed on everything, he did something unexpected and gave her a hug. "We all need someone to lean on."

Mark swirled the drink in his already half empty glass, thinking on the blue haired man's words. It was true, after the terrorist attack a couple days ago when they left the OSO, they should have expected more trouble. This shouldn't have been a surprise, yet it was still somehow shocking. Maybe it was the alcohol, but he felt a bit of positiveness however. After all, Fenrir had been dispatched to give Hades a killing blow, "Sometimes that's when you send in your own wolves."

Whisper tilted his helmeted head for a moment, "That is not something I'd like to share publicly. The reasons for that....are complicated. Just know I'm a bit old fashioned." He smiled under the helmet, tapping the flat of the blade leaned against the plain. Looking over the craft, it looked mostly undamaged despite recent events, a surprising feat of luck if he did say so himself. "This your bird?", his augmented voice asked with a quick nod of the head towards the craft.

"Bridge to Hangar. Sir, we've got a signal from the UFO and have arrived in the area, this also according to the engineers, looks like a prime location for a colony. The only issue is.....we're not going to be able to stay airborne much longer, and there isn't a LZ for miles around here. Orders?", came a somewhat panicked voice of the PA system.

Jack looked up at the sound of the voice, then to Isabelle, "Thank you Izzy, I needed that. It's time I made good on that promise and delivered." he said as he pulled her close to embrace with his arms around her waist. After holding her for a moment, he stood up once more. His armor was in sad disrepair from combat, the plating scorched, dented, scraped, and gouged. The arms had taken the worst though, so he disengaged the pieces for the arms, letting them thunk to the deck before sliding them out of the way with a boot. All that remained of the arms' armor, were the bits that stuck to the hand portions of the under suit. Taking a deep breath, the white haired man began the short walk to the hangar doors, where he sent a signal for them to open........yet nothing. Another reminder of just how bad of a shape the ship was in, forcing him to take another couple steps to the door console, and pulling the manual release handle out.

The massive 2 feet thick blast doors, grounded and shuddered as they were opened, the two halves opening like some mechanical maw. Sunlight began to pour in through the widening gap, filling the spacious hangar with a more natural light then those of the electrical ones within it. They never opened all the way however, which pulled a sigh from Jack as he toggled the safety rails to raise outside the lip of the flight deck. The door had stopped the top edge of the inner door at waist height, the doors' retraction now slowed to a painful crawl. As the doors had parted, wind blew in, fresh air along with it. It was a small comfort as he vaulted over the door to stand outside, and leaning against the safety rail, looked at the area with his own eyes.

Surveying the land, he saw their LZ, granted it needed a renovation. "Hangar to bridge, charge up the main gun and load the cannons. We're clearing a LZ on my target, marking and passing your way.", He said with a smirk.

"Sir, this target is.....will begin immediately.", came the voice from before, confused at first, then realizing the plan. A few moments later, the hum of the plasma cannon that was the Anvil's main gun could be heard. The ship began to turn about, until it's prow faced a ridge of a mountain that curved around the bay.

Jack relayed the signal to fire, a linear blast of cohesive plasma firing from the massive main gun, the blast slamming into the top of the ridge. Rock, dirt, and any vegetation unlucky enough to be on top of the ridge was either disintegrated, or blasted away as the stream of plasma moved across. Once the main gun powered back down, the ship turned about again, moving in an arc towards the ridge. The assault was not over yet though, as the ship's various turret housed cannons turned towards the ridge. After a minute to calculate ammo needed, and how much to fire where, the gun thundered. A reminder at just how much firepower this ship had at it's disposal, the shells, and lasers pound the ridge into a leveled area large enough to support the ship.

Everyone aboard the Anvil, would feel and hear the rumble of the guns. This was shorty replaced by Jack's voice over the PA system, "All hands, brace for a hard landing. I repeat, brace for landing!"

Jacky returned her sister's soft hug and gave a few small nods before speaking, tucking the white hair back behind her right ear nervously before doing so, "Thanks, I'll... try to not get in the way too much~" the heterochromatic clone spoke with a small smile before she moved back to doing her thing, preparing the suture kit when suddenly everything kicked off - the warning to brace for a hard landing made Jacky freak out for a moment before she remembered the injured person before her and leant her tall frame over and planted both hands against the table he was on, hopefully shielding the man from anything that might fall from the higher-up shelves.

Ironically, she was getting in the way...


"Granted, sir, I did say only half the wolves were assholes," Leon spoke back with a hearty chuckle, rather pleased with his little joke and how he was helping this conflicted man if only a little bit before the guns went off and the warning to brace was given - causing the wild-haired man to mutter a curse under his breath as he began grabbing a few bottles off the shelf.

"Well take anything if you want it, it's all going to need replacing anyway," the guy spoke as be began sliding over the counter top and then hunkering down on the patron's side, like hell he was about to have a shelf of broken glass come crashing down on him willingly.


"Pfft don't worry your armoured little head about it, everyone has something to hide and at least you're honest about it," Heather shot back with a smile before her vision drifted across to where the sword was gently clunking against her pride and joy - to her the light damage looked cool, it was like her ship had its own battle scars and being a Nepleslian... that was very cool.

"Yeah this is her, The Dutchess, only girl I'll publicly admit I like," Heather continued with a small chuckle as she climbed part way up the ship's ladder in that near skin-tight pilot's attire stretched over her sporty frame and gestured to the cursive decal she'd slapped on the hull, red text that looped about before ending. Her eyes widened at the alert they'd be going down hard, which lead to the pilot looking back to Whisper with a cheeky grin as she spoke, "Y'know, a hard landing is just a controlled cras~" she tried to get out before being thrown off the ladder with a small eep and into the armoured person's arms, it was rougher than she thought.

Also Medbay but the Hallway Outside or Something

Ashley finished moving a slab of rubble out of the way before the alert came in, causing the stoic redhead to simply shrug her uninjured arm and then slide down the cool wall into a sitting position - deciding to just wait it out.
Neon held her arm up as Kessler took a hold of it. Giving him a vile look, her hair cascading in a blazing orange, eyes turning to a deep crimson. She wanted to rip herself from his grasp, before she was suddenly pulled in, causing her eyes to go wide in surprise. What used to be something she could easily regain control over as her past self, it was instincts, this time, that kicked in. Traumatic events, pained past and throwing up walls. Neon drove her knee up, and hard - aimed directly for poor Kessler's groin. Though even if she didn't cause him any pain, it was enough for the chromatic girl to slip from his clutches and take several steps back. Before rushing off into the halls.

Also medbay
Lynn softly padded Jacky's back, before softly breaking the hug. "Nah, I'm glad you're here. Damn good measures to keep my morale up," she whispered softly, squeezing her shoulder momentarily. If anything, Lynn barely spoke her mind or explained feelings, for her to state it as easily as this, meant she was taking it rather badly.

There was however, little time for either of the Janes to get into it. The alert came and Lynn exhaled a soft breath. Jumping to secure her tools, throw the case on the floor and scoot it under a bed. Before the entire ship shook violently, causing the white-haired Jane to get thrown off of her feet. A loud cussing following as the ship kept tossing and trembling.
Medbay 2
Adria heard her dad's announcement and looked down at her leg. Crap... Yeah, she was gonna have to hang on to the bed somewhere if she couldn't walk, unless someone held her- which she didn't want them to do. She wiped her tears with her fluffy tail and quickly surveyed Neera's bed for something stable to hold on to. Her comatose sister? No, not a good idea. The medical machines? Also a bad idea. The foot of the bed? Probably the best chance she had. The flat girl scooted a little closer to the end of the bed and gripped on to it with her hands tightly, trying to use her palms' insect hairs to stick to it more. She glanced to the side at her sister again- Neera obviously wasn't going to prepare for a rough landing herself, so Adria had to do something. She moved her long red tail on top of Neera and tried to hold her down as best she could, which still probably wouldn't work very well given her awkward position and her only using her hands to hold on to the bed.

Chlorate heard the announcement for a hard landing, not entirely sure of what to do. With her heavier body and even greater strength than normal, she might accidentally break something trying to use it as a handle. In case she fell, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to land on one of the patients either. The damaged robot decided to sit down on the floor just outside the medbay, in hopes that by sitting she wouldn't fall over as hard or as far as she would if standing, and deciding she would be much less likely to bump into somebody on one of the beds by sitting outside.
Medbay 1

Harmony started to panic a little as she heard the announcement come through for the rough landing. Her first thought was on the children and did her best to quickly secure them down so they wouldn't be tossed about. She gave them a few reassuring words before she rushed back to the injured in the medbay to help secure them down as well. She was quick and safe as she made sure everyone that was critical or badly injured would stay stable, but in her rush to help she had forgotten someone important.


With a yelp she was thrown from her feet and in an inborn reflex, flapped her free wing to try and stabilize herself. She had forgotten the injury which caused the pained Lorath girl to cry out as the bandaged apendage only struggled for a moment before she stopped. With little else to brace herself and even less in the way of energy to try and protect herself, Harmony hit the floor hard. The shock from both her injured hip where her initial landing was, the falling flat on the wing, was enough to make her vision go black as she passed out on the floor.
Kessler was too busy holding his agonizing nads to hold onto something, only ending up being violently thrown as the ship hit turbulence. The last thing he would would remember was the ceiling and a clank of metal before he was knocked out from hitting his head on a discarded deck plate that had been propped up against a wall.

"I believe that a ladder was not wise, but nice of you to drop in all the same, so how about you stay with me since I have mag boots. Because the landing you just tried was far from controlled.", Whisper said with a smirk under the helmet, conscious where his hands were close to, but didn't care given the situation.

Mark looked bored as he hooked his feet in the foot rest of the stool, thankful for the stool being bolted to the deck. He picked up his glass and leaned back before spinning around. The shelf did indeed tilt forward and fall, a few glasses and bottles striking the counter to shatter, a few of the shards striking his suited back. One bottle went sailing over the counter, which he caught as the shelf struck the counter. With a sigh, he popped the top of the crystal decanter of whiskey with a thumb before pouring some in his now empty glass, "Well here comes home."

The crew was racing about, those without suits finding someplace to hunker down, while those with rushed to fasten down anything loose. Clamps locked vehicles and fighters in place, a few clearly fighting the strain from the turbulence with only marginal difficulty. A few lights flickered with the sudden expenditure of energy to clear the mountain top. An automated voice began to declare emergency landing across the ship. The bridge crew were in a blur of motion almost as hands flew across controls to adjust the ship for "parking". The aft section swinging to the side as the ship rotated around the tip of the prow as it's point of rotation. Once it was parallel with the newly cleared area, the ship began to descend a little faster then might be comfortable to watch.

Jack was quick to vault the door and hunker behind the partly closed blast door. His boots magged to the floor as he pushed himself against the door, his hands doing likewise with it. He waved Isabelle over to hold onto him for the landing. "Izzy! This is going to be violent."

["Attention all hands, were are going down. Power is low, the ship is descending towards a LZ, I repeat. Prepare for crash landing, ETA 2 minutes."], came the automated voice once again. The gap between elevated land and the armored hull of the super carrier, quickly closed. Things were not going to be pleasant, or gentle. But they were out of options, and firing the guns had drained the energy that would have kept them hovering if they had stayed so to search for an existing landing zone.