Kokuten had begun to wonder how long the process of his painting would take. The Chiaki had never painted a picture himself, so he had little idea of how much effort would be going to recreate image. He himself was more the musical sort; percussion, brass, and woodwinds. Perhaps that was why the music of the place seemed to stand-out more than anything, something that someone who appreciated that sort of thing would notice.
The LEDs in the Captain's eyes brightened for a moment as he was drawn off his train of thought. Did Tweak run off again? Honestly, she's like a little child! chuckled Kokuten. It didn't take long for him to spot the hooded Freespacer out over the floor, especially amongst the expressionist types that seem to be patroning the place. Then, he noticed something that seemed a little out of character for the girl, she was walking out toward the dance floor.
With that, he held up a finger to signify he would be taking a break from Blake's artistry and jogged on after Tweak. As he persued he pressed down the tip of his cigar on his hand, snuffing out the fiery life of the blunt, and thumped it off to a near-by trash. Showing a bit of aiming skill from his time playing basketball. Irrelevant details aside, he covered a reasonable distance to reach the girl and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Miss Tweak!" said Kokuten cheerily through the sound of music, he had nicer-than-usual smile from the sensation of finally enjoying his one vice. "I did not know you danced!"
"Where's Tweak gone?" He asked, craning his head in the darkness to see her. "All I have for her is... this, uh... This shadow."
The LEDs in the Captain's eyes brightened for a moment as he was drawn off his train of thought. Did Tweak run off again? Honestly, she's like a little child! chuckled Kokuten. It didn't take long for him to spot the hooded Freespacer out over the floor, especially amongst the expressionist types that seem to be patroning the place. Then, he noticed something that seemed a little out of character for the girl, she was walking out toward the dance floor.
With that, he held up a finger to signify he would be taking a break from Blake's artistry and jogged on after Tweak. As he persued he pressed down the tip of his cigar on his hand, snuffing out the fiery life of the blunt, and thumped it off to a near-by trash. Showing a bit of aiming skill from his time playing basketball. Irrelevant details aside, he covered a reasonable distance to reach the girl and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Miss Tweak!" said Kokuten cheerily through the sound of music, he had nicer-than-usual smile from the sensation of finally enjoying his one vice. "I did not know you danced!"