Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

Wes said:
What's with these lame, short, no effort posts, guys? I'm looking at you, Aendri and Wolf Ward. Please put some creativity and effort into your writing!
Sorry. I've been busy, so my posts have been what I could pop in during 5 minute periods of time.
You guys better move your asses and get cover!

Also, remember posting expectations are at least one post every two days. A lot can happen in 48 hours of posting so make sure to keep up!
She figured that the wiring being exposed was a minor issue, so long as it was fixed.
Not when the room is full of water. That's like trying to blow dry your hair in the bathtub...not smart. And at least in the tub your wires aren't exposed...
Alright, as far as Cherry goes, Gamer hasn't posted for since Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:18 pm -- It's the 22nd now, more than twice the one-week limit.

According to the Eucharis rules:

1. All members of the plot are expected to post as often as the plot permits…
2. …and at least once every two days.
3. If a member is going to be absent or cannot post as often as required, he/she should contact the GM beforehand.
4. Players who have not posted in more than 2 days may have their characters' actions posted by the GM to keep the plot moving.
5. Players who have not posted in more than 7 days, without any notice to the GM, may be removed from the RP.
Rules ones, two, and three haven't been met so it's time for rule five.

Basically, I'm declaring that the artillery hit that landed near Cherry has now killed her. Konoka should realize this in her next post.
Lilly, you may want to have Misaki tell Alpha Team not to use telepathy, since it could most easily be triangulated (and bring an artillery strike down on the whole team). Radio and subspace aren't much safer, either. The best way to communicate is by voice or by hand signal.
Konoka Miyazawa said:
Konoka was dragged roughly away from Cherry-Heisho for her own safety. Of course, she could do nothing. She was sad, so sad. How could this have happened? With all the planning...She loved helping people. Yet she couldn't help Heisho, or anyone else who may have gotten hurt. There was nothing to be done. Stars! How could she be so USELESS? No matter what, some things were beyond her help. No matter how much smiling, or optimism, or training, or planning, or just plain ignoring, some things couldn't be helped. No matter how wonderful the world was, sometimes things sucked.

She'd had that horrible worry in the beginning. That gnawing feeling something would go wrong. She wasn't a psychic, just sensitive, caring, and always worried. Well, she had to move on. There was a mission going on. Was there some form of optimism in there? No, just reality. What could be optimistic about it? Well, at least I'm ok...she thought. So what? Everyone ELSE always came first.

That was right. EVERYONE else. She couldn't help Heisho. However, she could help Hotaru-san. She could help. She could! She looked where Hotaru-san and Karei-Hei were going. She'd follow them. She rushed after them. Stay in this minute, she told herself. One minute ago, you couldn't help Cherry-Heisho. That minute's over. Now, Hotaru-san needs you. So go. And off she went. Catching up to them, she thought to Hotaru-san, Need some help?

Helping was life.

Thank you for this post. I found it a particularly good read - both for giving Cherry's death the weight it deserved to have and for being touching. I do not know Konoka, but this post helped me understand her more.

In the end, that represent the crux of characters I want to write about and read about - people whom a reader can relate with. It also meshed very well to the dutiful, optimistic side of a young nekovalkyrja whom wants to be useful, new enough to still be innocent. Regardless, good job.
Wolf, can you try to stick to the current time? In your latest post, you skipped backwards a few hours to the fighter attack, and then declared it was night when the sun was just starting to set. I had wanted to have the team see something in my next post...but now it's dark. ~,~

Just try to stay at the "current time" in the future, please.
Sorry, I meant to have put a little line separation in-between one of the paragraphs signifying two different times. I must've gone too far. Sorry. I can edit it if needed?
Player Survey Results:

==== Mission 4 Favorite Parts ====
The scramble after Hanako's Capture
Showed how characters personalities under pressure
Firefight near the end
Cloak-and-dagger feel
Valen's Injuries
Fun ending
Good communication with Nepleslian GMs
Good planning

==== Mission 4 Suggested Improvements ====
Story depth
More downtime to shop before the kidnapping
Longer combat
Less focus on Hanako (this doesn't make sense to me, since she was
absent for most of the mission)
Should be more believable - Hanako should not have been able to be
captured in Kyoto

==== Too Many Eucharis PCs? ====
4 No
0 Yes

//1 suggested 8 or 9 is ideal//\\
//3 Suggested **no more** additional PCs//

==== Too Many Eucharis NPCs? ====
5 No
1 Yes

==== Planetary or Space Combat ====
2 Planet
1 Space
2 Both
1 Neither

==== Combat or Exploration ====
1 Combat
4 Exploration/Social
1 Neither

==== PCs Who Shined ====
3 Yaichiro
2 Kim
3 Misaki

==== Eucharis Improvements ====
Taller shuttle bay door
Crew room upgrades?
More environments to RP in (I was thinking maybe detail the Ikoi more,
as well as detail more spaceports around the SARPiverse)
Enhancement Modules

==== Mission Ideas ====
social mission w/ normal operations, maybe scouting somewhere of
suspected enemy activities.
Survival Training
Arctic Survival
Save Azoreans from slave traders
PVP Star Army Rebels (wouldn't that just be the UOC though?)
Eucharis boarded by PVP enemies. non-PA gunfights, etc
Border patrols against pirates, fighting the Neko Slave Trade,
protecting ships with sensitive cargo, resolving a hostage situation on
a remote territory (mix of combat and diplomacy?)

==== Character Development ====
Scribble's char - technical skills, rank
Misaki/Hanako Relationship exploration
Hotaru learning bridge ops
Valen befriending Hanako
Yaichiro wants to get more involved with diplomacy/humanitarianism,

==== GM Suggestions ====
Encourage players to act independently
Explore Hanako's flaws
More patience x2
Make posts more interesting by being longer and less
Let other people GM
Make sure plots are believable
Maintain inter-GM communication
More flexibility with IC politics

==== Yamatai/Star Army Suggestions ====
Be less aggressive, develop diplomatic dialogue
Don't let anti-Yamatai players work on Yamatai setting elements x2
Expand the empire

More focus on dealing with the civilian population increases caused by
the decommissioning of vast amounts of resources and soldiers. This
should be done by defining and developing the resources and living space
on currently inhabited worlds.

The Star Army should take the decommissioned ships and find other uses
for them, such as Logistics. Exploration can continue, but at a reduced
pace....grabbing of worlds via NPC actions should be greatly reduced.

Yamatai should focus more on an honest attempt at rebuilding itself to
be capable of a peaceful existence with its neighbors, as it has been
having trouble doing so as of late. The motive should be more for the
nation to better itself, rather than to compete with UOC reforms.

==== Tuesday Night IRC JPs? ====
2 Yes
4 No
1 Maybe

==== 18+? ====
7 Yes
2 No
0 Maybe

There seems to be more of a focus on the violence than the sex.
The only person who even knows how to disarm things like that on the mission is Kurosora, I should point out. Even Misaki hasn't had time to learn demolitions from her.

Hm. Cherry died. Oh well.

(Side note: UOC can't be the only rebels in a massive empire of thick ethnic-diversity that no doubt has conflict with each other.)

(Oh. And I honestly don't remember what I put down, but the focus was still on rescuing Hanako, so I suppose that might be justified. Think I said depth, anyway.)
...and then there were four (Kim, Misaki, Konoka, and Hotaru).

Kanashii Karei, the Science/Intel officer I had high hopes for, had to be ruled dead because Eric hasn't posted for her in about three whole weeks. Lilly, you may want to have Alpha team sleep so we can timeskip to the next morning. It might also be prudent, once the team reunites, to tally up the remaining supplies the team has left, based on what each (still living) player listed at the beginning of the mission.
PMed Kimberly M. We really need a post from her. She hasn't posted since the 30th of last month, putting her in the "danger zone." If she doesn't post today, expect more blood.
I can get her to post no worries. Sleep coming! I'll have them settle down, eat&sleep posts then time skip after that?