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OOC Eucharis Discussion

@Kayla : The description you gave is actually from the newer Mishhuvurthyar parasites. However, these are old ones from the first war. I didn't actually intend for the bugs to be parasites or even in the torture victims' bodies but the RP has progressed this way. So I've dragged up some old descriptions of the two types of creatures that would be in the torture chamber for you:

Here's the ones from the floor:

Here's the ones form the body:
Maybe you could update your post to describe these types?
Erm... Yeah, I basically included bugs on the spot just because I was vaguely aware that they were involved with mish torture methods somehow. >_>
You don't wanna know.

And I meant well in the sense of character growth and such. I got to explore a freaked out and disgusted Mio, compared to ice cold robot soldier Mio. I actually had a lot of fun writing up these posts of Mio being creeped out and disgusted.
I intend on posting. and I intend on Hisoka to be on that ship. I just don't have an excuse to explain where the hell she's been. :/ I need to talk with some people.
I intend on posting. and I intend on Hisoka to be on that ship. I just don't have an excuse to explain where the hell she's been. :/ I need to talk with some people.
Have her go to the cargo bay to check out Akiashiro's behavior.
Yup. And thanks. Actually started in sprite art myself, alrough I'm a little out of practice now. Tend to dump new stuff on Toyoe's page if anybody is that interested, anyhow.

For mission 22; I'm waiting for either Kayla or Keiri to reply before having old devil-face finish cleaning up. Mightawise give 'em a little longer. This has been a pretty cool arc. :3
I know I've seen confusion about the stuff before, but - as far as I can see after double checking - the Cargo Bay and PA Bay should be separate, and there's not anywhere to stow or charge the Mindy in the Cargo Bay. The PA Bay has all of the facilities for that, and its own openings to launch from. I already brought up the rule about not wearing the armor anywhere else on the ship ICly, but there's that, too.

Let me know if I'm wrong, though. I had to reference like five different wiki pages to combine that information to work out where everything is. I have a thing about that, as my little deck plan submission shows. >.>
Considering just using the CFS (basic propulsion and shields) would instantly kill anybody in a meter radius... Yeah...

I don't mean to be harsh with Toyoe being paranoid about Aikiko, through. I honestly thought that there was some kind of mind-control thing going on, like you were in kahoots with Wes behinds the scenes or something. But, hey, it does give more people a chance to talk to her, anyway. ;I
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Speaking of the Plumeria gunship's layout, this would probably be a good time for me to remind that you can wash your armor suits in the decontamination showers:
The power armor bay has a changing room, toilet room, and a decontamination room with showers adjacent to and forward of it, across the hall from the medical bay.
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