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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Good point. It's a shame his player is MIA.

Huh...No offense, but that's not one of your best @BloodyScarlet . Maybe you want to review that?
YSS Eucharis, Wardroom

Upon finding out that Taharial was sick Candon cautiously began stepping away...
I can sympathize, it is the change of seasons I call it. That day where the weather abruptly shifts out of winter and the clocks change, etc... it knocks everyone a bit off for a few days.
There appears to be part of your post missing, @Doctor Thaddeus Hemlock - Also I edited mine to insert a missing word (waved).
@Doctor Thaddeus Hemlock Sigurd arrived with Vesper, too, so I guess our characters would've already met each other. And with that skill set of your character Sigurd should report to him instead of the other way around.
Well, we'll see how it works.
There appears to be part of your post missing, @Doctor Thaddeus Hemlock - Also I edited mine to insert a missing word (waved).
Oh! What did I miss!
Edit: Oh, I see. Don't know why there was an "and" there. It was ending it there.

And sorry @Rattenkind, - I was told the following info:

Here's the situation: On the abandoned Mishhuvurthyar farm planet of Higaflan, the YSS Eucharis has been forced to make an emergency landing due to getting into combat with two larger ships of an unknown faction. The ships were depositing annoying bug-men aliens known as the Rixxikor on the surface. The YSS Vesper has responded to assist and has landed on the planet. Doctor Thaddeus Hemlock, a scientist who was on the Vesper, has been assigned to help the Eucharis scientistBjarnison Sigurd deal with the situation.

Trying to wrap my head around everything XD
On an unrelated note, now that we have two scientists onboard, I could definitely see something like this occurring between one of them and Jax.
lol, oh dear

@Wes: Did you want me to setup the cookout thing? I'm just wondering if we need to summon Lime and Mango in to speak to them or just sort of issue the orders? Also, did we want to go with Umeshu's idea of focusing on a nearby settlement to go to them, or have the cookout right at base camp where it is more secure and they come to us?
Whatever your character thinks is best.
Just putting it out there that no one has to wait for my replies. Since Jax is off on his own, I'll just be posting at spaced-out intervals. Don't want the ship to get completely fixed before people even leave the wardroom.
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