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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I know this is a bit unusual, but we have all these NPC ships with us...would you guys be interested in each making/being assigned a basic NPC captain for them that you could control for this mission, allowing you to RP the helper ships as they help us search the area? (credit to Zack for the idea).
Sounds like a cool way to run this. Should I make a character or do you have some ready to be assigned?
I'm flexible. Making a character might be more fun, but also more work. I'm more than willing to provide characters if needed.
Not too much, basically just a name and a brief description of looks and personality.

Edit: The appropriate rank is Shosa.
If it's not too complicated, I might be able to play along. Just got a lot of characters to juggle already.
know the feeling of having 'too many' characters. It gets quite funny at times when posting something meant for another character at times.
God, I really wish Jax could've heard Hanako.


"Uh, I got one, but it involves a grenade launcher..."
Reactions: Wes
My friend introduced me to a game called warframe. The armor in that game seems to handle very similarly to how I imagine PAs of star army would
My friend introduced me to a game called warframe. The armor in that game seems to handle very similarly to how I imagine PAs of star army would
Why? How is it handled? Your post has no meaning without context.

God, I really wish Jax could've heard Hanako.


"Uh, I got one, but it involves a grenade launcher..."
Yeah, I need to come up with that NPC so Jax can escape engineering. Sorry for the delay on that.
@Blizzard Or we could arrange the task force like a big sandal...

Also, I am pondering how to answer Wazu's question, but Nougfran actually has no real star/planet/etc system data on record on the wiki it seems.
Looks like the rest of my post was cut off.

Basically in warframe your character is a space ninja. I believe that a warframe is what the game calls the power armor you wear. It can't fly without a special backmounted wing pack but it can launch itself really far with out any rockets or thrusters that I can see. You can also stick to walls and such, when you do you can see a gap between your armor and the wall that's all blurry and distorted. It seems to use the same system to shield itself. I'll post a video when I get a chance to find one that show what I'm talking about.
One of the things I've been wanting to do for my character is have comic-book style covers for the chapters/missions/whathaveyou they've been on. I didn't have the ability to do that before, but I certainly do now thanks to Gunsight's art blowout sale: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/gunsight1s-art-commissions.17702/#post-263337

There are 10 PCs on the Eucharis that would need to be included, and I'd like to find a comic book / pulp action novel / movie poster to homage to for this. So far I think the best suggestion is to use the Star Wars 4 poster ( http://theartmad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Star-Wars-Poster-6.jpg ) but if any of you guys have ideas please let me know!
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