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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Gah! I forgot the blast shutters are down.... should have taken more time to read through the post than to just scan....
Let's start putting locations in the top of our posts again so we don't have any more snafus like the one that just happened with Nika warping to the bridge. If we keep track of where people are, that will make things less confusing.
Seems like I boo boo-ed again...

How did I miss out that the target is so close to the ship?!?!?!

*Goes to one side and started muttering to himself*
Sorry, I thought the closeness would be obvious since we just physically collided with them.
hmm, except if you look at my post a few days back. When Sune fired on them before Nika got to the bridge., he had the Eucharis fly by the NMX Scout, as he fired on it, and then flipped the ship around after passing so that they were going to close from behind, but whatever.
Wes, what about the work I've had Takeyu doing on the AM containment fields? He started working on that even before your second to last GM post.
Unfortunately, the recent impact has destabilized the field generators again.
Kind of curious if it's the same here; I'm assuming, based off what I've seen in other sci-fi shows and such, that Engineering has the ability to divert life support from areas of the ship that open to vacuum but also seal off those areas as well right?

Just wanted to make certain before making my next post.
If you're pumping life support to a part of the ship, you'd better make sure that part is not open to space first.
What he's referring to is can we shut off life support to the sections that ARE open to space. Or failing that, does the MEGAMI do that automatically?
Yes, you can (and should) do that. A section with zero pressure isn't going to get any air from the life support systems (why waste it) but a leaky or burning one might.
Just thought I'd post and let ya know that I'll be out of state from the 9th to the 15th, I'll have my laptop with me so I should be able to reply to the thread since I'll be visiting a friend. However, there is a chance I won't be able to.
Kumiko frowned at the request to take one of the engineers away from his console while they were still fighting to get the ship back into fighting shape, but said nothing.

Presently we have 1 Starship operator, 3 Engineers, 1 Medic, Sune and Hanako. So what else would he choose, besides, he's not an engineer, and will need one to remove the transponder without damaging it.
True, I'm just writing from the perspective of someone like her, who would rather you take the medic and Hanako then her one engineer. XD
I knew that, but had to say it, and if Sean gets whatever is keeping him so busy you'll have another Engineer.

Power Armor Bay, Deck 3

Then how would we be able to get into the Power Armors?
Space suits? The damage was mentioned in the post-torpedo post.
But you have to remove them to put on the Power Armor...
You can drag the armor into the shuttlebay or the briefing room and put it on there...I shouldn't have to solve these dilemmas for you. You're the player, figure it out!
Eeps.... guess I'll make edits to my post after I have some breakfast.

Not to mention I need to call the Marines to locate Sean

Edit Made
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