Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

Hey, if anyone can do it, Nana can! :D
Ah....since Blueberry is played by a different player, you may not remember.

The Blueberry Yaichiro remembers had a thing for 'making people beautiful', cosmetically and stuff. One of the few things she actually enjoyed.
I've always played Blueberry except for her appearances in non-canon Hot Tub stuff. Blueberry likes sexy makeup, but isn't exactly a special effects makeup artist.
Apologizes for... Well, never posting, but I haven't been able to think of much to say for Cherry. And I can't really complain, mind you.

I will, though, definitely have a post up should we ever get to Nepleslia.
Yaichiro is suggesting things because Misaki has not made any mention of those details. Not to be a nag. If she had those as part of her plan, she never briefed him on those things, in spite of the necessity of his knowing. -_-
Heads up guys: Next week I'll be gone all week, meeting up with my family for a beach vacation. Unfortunately, it's unlikely I'll have any internet access. During this period, Lilly will be acting as the GM.
Wes said:
I've always played Blueberry except for her appearances in non-canon Hot Tub stuff. Blueberry likes sexy makeup, but isn't exactly a special effects makeup artist.

Always? For a good bit, yeah, but not always.

Toshiro said:
Ah...I wonder what I'm remembering then...

You're remembering the two sprites I created for Miles' med lab because I felt bad for the poor guy to be cooped down there alone. One was blonde, the other was blue-haired.

The blonde I played as the eager-to-please social butterfly without the kinky bits Cherry had. The blue one was more quiet and concerned with perfectionist. Eventually, they needed names and Sunflower popped out for the first, Blueberry for the second. While Sunflower was the sprite I regularly portrayed when I wanted a sprite to show up, Doshii for his part decided to invest more effort in Blueberry.

Blueberry became obsessed with efficiency, stylishness, making things pretty and all that stuff... which Doshii adding all the sort of subtle details only a guy living with a girl could supply.

Eventually, Kotori and Yukari moved on from the Sakura plotship, so, we didn't play them all that much anymore. Other players (Jo Midori's player leaps to mind) started trying to play them for a bit trying to stick to their established personalities. Other players in turn tried their hand at it as they got to knew them until Wes pretty much took over and changed them to suit his tastes... which is fine, he's your GM and they were sprites on his plotship.
Fred said:
Other players in turn tried their hand at it as they got to knew them until Wes pretty much took over and changed them to suit his tastes... which is fine, he's your GM and they were sprites on his plotship.

And we were quite annoyed when we realized only six peeps on the ship (The PCs) seemed to have a unchanging personality. :lol:
I had an absolutely awesome vacation with Lauren and my family! I just got home around 6pm so I'm still catching up on things. It's good to be back on Star Army!
Sorry guys, but I won't be as active for the time being, due to summer jobs and family and vacation and such, but once it's over with, I'll be back and ready.
Should someone NPC Kim, or should Yai go off alone on the mission?

There's a chance Kim and Yai can be killed over this, so it's important to know what you want.
Hey guys, I had originally intended most or all of the PCs to go down on the planet...but somehow only Kim and Yaichiro did, and Kim's player is off somewhere. So...anyone want to play Kim's character for her? Let me know if you're interested. I don't want you players to be left out.

I'm also looking for suggestions on getting more PCs down there. PM with with ideas if you have some.
Sorry, Wes, Toshiro.

I'd post if I could, but to be frank... I have no idea what to post, 'cept for "Kim did as told and went into stealth mode and waited untill further orders", and I ain't too fond of oneliners, so... sorry.

That and I've got a busy schedule. It's one in the morning here in Norway as I post this.
I understand. I'm not blaming you, just trying to figure out what to do from here.

Do you mind being NPCed, or do you not want that, since there's a risk of character death?
Maybe we could arrange some sort of retcon to put another PC in the shuttle instead?

EDIT: Sorry, I was confused. Kim is with Yaichiro, not Pineapple.