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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Ira, I need a post from you that describes the landing site.
Please forgive me if my posts are a bit long and wordy. I'm exploring the character and trying to figure out what I like about him and what I want to change. Plus, I personally enjoy long posts, makes for interesting reading.

Also, I was wondering if anyone had some free time and would be willing, they might look over Armundo's profile and see if there are any glaring issues I might need to fix. I tried presenting negative and positive facts about him, but since he's so new there is not much outside of what the general idea I have in my head. Anyway, if anyone would be willing to help me polish him up a bit and help me understand what is expected of me and him in character I would be most grateful. So far I've been enjoying this site, it's really one of a kind.
No problem, Neon. Your posts are great! I will look at your bio after I get home from work. I'm sure it's fine (otherwise it wouldn't be approved, right?).
I appreciate it. I edited it quite a bit which is why I was even asking. The first time around was kinda rushed through, even though it took me the better part of four hours to type it. Don't let me be a bother either, please take your time .
I fixed a lot of spelling and grammar errors. I think it's okay now.
Thank you!

Another noob question, what about Armundo's cabin. Should I just choose that myself or will that be assigned to me ?
I looked at the orders thread but it said orders were already posted and it didn't have the complete form.
What he did was quote his other request for orders post, which included your original "orders posted" comment.
Ira, I need you to try to pick up your rate of posting. Otherwise, I will have to post my best guess for what the Garts are doing/saying.
Another friendly recommendation: the Enter key is your friend.

Seriously, Ira, split your posts into paragraphs. The wall of texts you've been writing are pretty heavy.
Next time use the complete form so it has the orders thread URL and other vital information.
Anyone that doesn't have their own Gartagen, try to pair up with someone that does. Remember (I just remembered, lol), you're not supposed to run around alone while off the ship.
I think yer referring to Neon's character, if you want Wes, I can have Takeyu have the -hei join him (besides, being that he's a cook, he could ask the council woman about some of their delicacies)
Alternatively, it's also okay to grab one of our NPCs for an escort, like I did.
I plan on doing that, although you stole the one I wanted since Blueberry is a nurse. So I'll figure out who I'll snag once Ira gives me a new gar to play with.
Wes said:
Anyone that doesn't have their own Gartagen, try to pair up with someone that does. Remember (I just remembered, lol), you're not supposed to run around alone while off the ship.

Umm..It's funny that you should mention that because I just had Armundo step out of the loading dock to go start on preparing lunch. I must have missed this message. He just stepped out though, so it would be a simple matter of dragging him back inside the room to act as a escort for someone.
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