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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

No problem! I didn't notice it until super late, and Gryal even asked me a question about it earlier, haha. it's all fixed now, though, so it's all good.
Damn. I haven't been as active as I wanted to be this weekend with all the work I've been putting into this Linux computer.

Just as a heads up to everyone, Sif is definitely speaking in Yamataiain - it's why only certain bits of her speech are pointed out to specifically be in Nepleslian. It's ok for your characters to speak in whatever language you guys prefer, but I'm point out since there was a little bit of confusion, and since it also helps to give everyone a better idea how things are in regards to the mood of the place. I mean, how would you all feel if everyone was speaking English, but this one girl that's in charge of you all is speaking in nothing but Japanese?
Highly confused because I don't understand Japanese It's an interesting point, though, since Brandon doesn't understand Yamataian perfectly so it might lead to some amusing situations. And while we're at it, it's probably obvious but he speaks in Nepleslian, in case someone's wondering.
I'm on board with that Cadet. I kind of figured, I actually automatically assumed everyone was speaking Yamataian unless specifically pointed out like you did. I know James speaks both Yamataian and Trade. @Gryal sorry I automatically thought you were speaking Yamataian. I suppose we can say between these two they speak Nepleslian. I will just make sure to add it into my post interactions with your character.
No problem, not a big deal at all. It's not like there's any place where speaking in Nepleslian or not doing so would've changed much of anything, I think. If anything I should've made it more obvious .
Thanks for the advice and links, Kai! I'll probably have a post up on Wednesday (if I don't, feel free to slap me ).
Actually, Kyoshiro and Gryal- I tend to assume everyone speaks Nepleslian, normally. In fact, I myself didn't realize that Sif had been speaking Yamataian until CadetNewb pointed it out to me after I asked why he bothered to note when she was speaking Nepleslian. Assume Kai and April are both speaking Nepleslian, unless I otherwise state so.
A note to all you setting up your Armors: Your armors are all equipped with the AIES operating system, and not Origin's PAWN Only April has that suite, since she is third-in-command. Kai uses a different OS since he is the CO and needs the increased processing power.

So, if you would kindly change that on your armor's Wiki pages? if you guys do not comply within the week I'll be forced to do so myself, so be aware.
I have a question on just how many weapons we can hold. Is the plasma rifle the only thing that can fit there? Or can any of the handheld weapons fit the slot? I ask because I've only seen the Guass and Bazakoo stored there but I was wondering about the Grenade launcher? I would imagine you would only want two different types of weapons for ammunition reasons. Correct me if I am I would also guess that since the plasma rifle doesn't actually require anything other than power from the suit, it is a good choice as a secondary weapon.
The Gauss bazooka is its own thing. those armatures (up to two) can hold any of the handheld weapons. Essentially they're just an extra arm to hold your backup weapon, or weapons. So, technically, you could have three different rifles, or two of the same and one different, or even three of the same if you were crazy. Or you can replace both armatures with the gauss bazookas, or the shoulder missiles, or something like that.
oh, also, @Warriorx1, I have done some mathing and figured out that the Daisy can carry up to two Type 35 AGL drum magazines per thigh compartment. this gives you, if you use both thighs for drum storage, a maximum capacity of five drums (Including the one on the gun) and therefore up to 150 rounds for said launcher.
There, I shot Kai a PM about Aya's upgrades; once he's given his blessing and/or I fix any errors on my part I'll post.

Again, I'm really sorry for taking so long.
Alright guys, be sure to put your armor pages (if you have them) up on the Squad 13 Wiki page so that We can all have a handy reference to them in one easy to find place. If you need help editing in the links, Just let me know, and I'll help show you how.
Ok, well I was still waiting on an IC response before I did mine as I am still rather on the fence about what setup to use.
I keep becoming unexpectedly busy, but I will do my best to post again this weekend. If all goes well, I will try to start Chapter 5 by February 24th.
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