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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies

Uh, @Brett M ? @cyborgakadjmoose ? You guys there?

Just a friendly reminder guys; you gotta think tactically! Take in the environment and your character's abilities to figure out all your options! I'll post in the middle of tomorrow to give some time, but I would really like to keep us moving.
Yeah, I'm here. I just got kind of distracted by college work and other stuff... I'm gonna remedy that now!
Great to hear!

I'll try posting later in the week. Just to make sure I've got the situation correct: both Yuzuki and Aya don't have any immediate threats to deal with, but they should go help Dimitri and Rin out before something goes wrong. Is that right?
Alright, cool. I just didn't want to have to create more work for you by misinterpreting the situation.

Anyway, posted!
I am sure that sometimes Aya wonders why she's in the one squad that has someone constantly insinuating things. Can you tell that she dies a little inside every time Kuroneko makes yet another bit of innuendo?

Anyway, post's up!
I see you're all very curious about my lowly Neko... As such I'm going to ask @CadetNewb; do Kuroneko and Sif have their own questions to add before I start addressing what has been inquired?

I don't mind handling it in a couple of posts but it would streamline things if all inquiries were handled at once.
I'm sorry that I'm taking a while to get a post up - I'm currently running out of time. However, I got tomorrow off, and will get a post up then.
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