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OOC Fifth Fleet: The Unluckies



Be advised that I'm going to end up posting a bit later than normal - Monday or Tuesday, my time (GMT). This is hopefully just a one off incident.
@Brett M @Syaoran @cyborgakadjmoose @Eistheid

It all depends; in this case, it'd be a "Keikaku Doori" moment down the line instead. : P

Getting her flustered or angry takes certain things, and this isn't one of them. Though, it will get her to start scheming up mischief for later, assuming she doesn't forget about it.
D'aw. Who could possibly hate these li'l guys?

Certainly not Aya, even if she's not about to let a bunch of well armed strangers hitch hike just yet.
I might not reply until after the next GM post. Yuzuki doesn't have much to say on the matter at the moment and I'd rather avoid a verbose "She sat and quietly observed" post.
Well, she could ask for any specific details to add on to Dimitri's request. Otherwise, I'm going to do a dice roll on what the Kobolds think you want to know about them, or whatever comes to their minds first. : P

Post will be up tomorrow!
She could... But she doesn't want to be genre savvy right now. So you'll just have to deal with a momentarily mute Neko : P
@Brett M @Syaoran @cyborgakadjmoose @Eistheid

Later than I intended, but something to note; in DnD games, your character could do a 'check' to examine setting elements more closely for additional detail, or alternatively, the player could ask for more info OOC. I think it's ok for you guys to do either - you'll likely need it/have it come in handy - however, if you want to do a 'check' IC, make sure to fully capitalize the word or something similar to it that would otherwise just fit into the writing. That way, I'll know for sure that you're looking for something in specific.
I am in the process of working on a post. So one should be up sooner than later assuming I don't have too many problems figuring out what to do with Yuzuki.
Sorry I haven't posted yet, but I've been dealing with a fever on and off for the past few days. Hopefully it'll clear up soon and I'll be able to get a response up.
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