"Your right, going there is definitely not a good idea, or at least not here. However it is interesting to be with someone that can understand some of what I feel." He sighed "You know, I keep surveillance on everyone in this ship constantly, thousands of people, and yet I feel lonely. Why do you think I behave the way I do usually? Certainly eccentricity comes into it, plain and simple, but equally, it is an attempt to escape the feeling that I'm all alone. You see I'm not like other AI's, I act, even think differently, talking to androids is fun, but they aren't on my level on intellectual speed and capacity." For a moment his eyes where desolate of life, before regaining there sparkle, "But I'm sure we can at least give each other the illusion of life. Oh waiter!" Kip had finished his meal, and quickly paid the waiter using a card he materialised out of no-where. "That was not cheap."
He sat down and patiently waited for Harm to finish her meal, his eyes never straying from her face, and a gentle smile dancing upon his lips. Being around her made him feel alive.