Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Flowers for Harm

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"It's a personal shield generator. Ephesus is very unhappy with it, and so hasn't improved it for a long time which is why it's stuck in a rather lmited form. It's capable of taking 5 megawatts every 5 seconds, and has enough power for 2.5 hours of constant use. It apears to have some side effects though, rashes, that sort of thing."
"It's is here madam." A waiter came out from behind a pillar carrying two trays, one with there pasta, the other with Harm's drink. The waiter laid out the meals and left again.

"Dig in." Kip instantly began to eat his food with furvour. "Oh God, this is amazing. How can you live with such wonderfull food?"
"This is true. That's why I am happy being a simple AI." Kip managed a seated bow, no mean feat. "How's your meal?"
"Much better than the stuff I had on the way here. THAT was no fun... but then again I guess I am a little spoiled.â€
"Not easily. My mind is here, imbeded in this ship. It's not actualy that large thanks to the whole hyper-dense thing, but it would still be a bugger to move around. I could lessen my capacity to only that of 50 times that of a human and put it in an avatar easily though. Then I could move around."
"So you are slightly independent then. How do you feel about life? Do you envy it?â€
Kip sat back and thought. "Yes and no. I envy mortality, the rush it must give to every day life. I envy your lack of power. As for life, I can mimic most of it here. This body for example, is for all intents and purposes and living, breathing, fully correct human male."
"It depends what you mean. I can mimic growth, and grow through a way that would resemble organic, moving the right parts of synthetic materials around. As for reproduction, I could easily create replica's of myself, biologicly, with this body, I could have sex, but the fusion between my synthetic self and the other persons real eggs would not work. I am sterile." Kip laughed again, bitterly. "I'm considering making an organic avatar, just to feel what it's like."
So your not truely alive then," Harm said, "I can relate..." Her gaze went down to her plate as she halfheartedly stabed her fork into her food.
"Another thing we have in common then." Kip said half heartadly "And no I'm not alive, I don't even have a soul. I'm a demon according to some faiths."
"Feeling like your just some piece of software that mimics the actions of something that's alive... That raises questions of fate and destiny, can those exist if you lack a soul? Do you really have free will or simply programmed to imitate it?â€
"Your right, going there is definitely not a good idea, or at least not here. However it is interesting to be with someone that can understand some of what I feel." He sighed "You know, I keep surveillance on everyone in this ship constantly, thousands of people, and yet I feel lonely. Why do you think I behave the way I do usually? Certainly eccentricity comes into it, plain and simple, but equally, it is an attempt to escape the feeling that I'm all alone. You see I'm not like other AI's, I act, even think differently, talking to androids is fun, but they aren't on my level on intellectual speed and capacity." For a moment his eyes where desolate of life, before regaining there sparkle, "But I'm sure we can at least give each other the illusion of life. Oh waiter!" Kip had finished his meal, and quickly paid the waiter using a card he materialised out of no-where. "That was not cheap."

He sat down and patiently waited for Harm to finish her meal, his eyes never straying from her face, and a gentle smile dancing upon his lips. Being around her made him feel alive.
"Your watching them, but they aren't watching you. You talk with them, but they are not your friends, just subordinates. There is a saying, ‘it is lonely at the top'. Sounds like what you need is another ship to talk to.â€
"Well if duty calls..." Kip waved his hand aimlessly "Then who am I to stand in the way. I have really enjoyed tonight Harm, I hope we can do it again someday. Mint?" He offered out a small plate of round mints that came with then bill, which he had hidden instantly. He had already eaten three.
Kip smiled "Buy into my philosophy: it doesn't matter what people think of you, unless you think something of them. And I'm sure a lot of people here would like to see you more underdressed." He laughed cheerfully.
"Well unfortunately not all of them will be so lucky. And besides, I enjoy looking nice sometimes,â€
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