Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

Uhh.... MAster... It's Kazuma, and, you need to learn not to Auto people's characters. You only control your character and what she does. The other character's actions and reactions are the sole property of their respective players. Don't go dragging other characters around unless you have that player's permission to do so. (I got hammered for Autoing my first time around, so it's not like i'm singling you out) Just know, it can annoy people if someone autos. also, don't be so hurried, do things that are somewhere around a 25-45 second timespan, unless you are told (like when the instructors said take 5 minutes, your post could've been 5 minutes worth of your character doing something)

So, in summation: don't auto. you only control your character, keep it that way.

(Oh, and edit your post if you couldn't figure that out from this message)

I'm not being mean. You have promise as a player, we just need to make sure you know the rules. That's why you're in Fort Ready in the first place.
It was? Well I just thought that since they were both heading for the hall anyway just going through some doors I could insert some comic relief plus I wanted to RP a little as a klutz and did not think anyone would mind but if you really think so then I'll change it and I express my apologies to anyone who was affect by my actions.

EDIT: I changed it any way, hopefully it is now more permissible and again I apologize.
Mostly it's the fact that you auto'ed a GM's character. RPing her as a klutz is fine, it can be fun, there's other players about who could notice her.

Edit: LOL, nice. Fort Ready would be mean like that, such nasty things as manual doors.. FU FU FU.
something like that. At the time we let it slide because Mya's odd schedule makes (him? her? I forget) a slow poster, and we needed to hurry that part along anyway.
oh, I'd worry, just enough so you don't forget. also, work on your tenses more, you're starting to slip again.
master9147 said:
Work on my tenses? Okay now you lost me. Sheesh your as bad as Wes sometimes.

“You’re” is always a contraction of “you are.” If you’ve written “you’re,” try substituting “you are.” If it doesn’t work, the word you want is “your.” Your writing will improve if you’re careful about this.

If someone thanks you, write back “you’re welcome” for “you are welcome.”

Read this:'re-and-Your
Fort Ready is a training plot so that you have somewhere to roleplay and someplace where we can improve your understanding of SARP before diving in a plotship and where you can improve as a writer. Granted, we're a rather elitist community when it comes to writing... but I suggest you take that opportunity to improve rather than being cross at being told to improve.

In a way, writing well not only is a skill which will benefit you, but it'll also be more respectful for the people whom do end up reading your posts.

Kai, for example, is not a stellar writer. He's not the most incredible roleplayer I've ever seen either. But since he's come, I've seen his written english improve a lot and his character also fleshed out pretty well since... and that's why he's ended up on my plotship - because I saw a lot of potential in him. ^__^

In teaching, Kai gives himself a chance to improve too. I'm certainly not going to begrudge him trying to help you out master9147.
Now I see what you mean, usually I do know when to use my tenses, however I'm embarrassed by the fact they get mixed up like that because sometimes I forget how to spell them properly with comma. Stupid spell checker always misses those. Sorry I did not mean to come out as cross like that. I need to stop writing those, they just get me into trouble and I'm tired of giving that impression.
Actually, I am usually a sarcastic person so I knew what you meant. Anyway that wasn't really relevant to me, my question is for Kai:

Was it okay to give myself the auto hemosythesis heal?

I figure the bruises wouldn't be that bad, but I wanted to make sure that it was okay first.
Yeah, your character only tripped so the bruises shouldn't be bad. They should mostly heal by now. Since your character was just in action, the fast heart rate and adrenaline probably helped speed up the process, but I'm not sure of that part.
So this one is good for the English, I really do need work on that one.

Let me introduce myself, name's Nazarii. I enjoy writing music and, then playing it. The current used character is what best reflects me, hopelessly self centered. So if I say; mess up in my work you must notify me. What is the use of practice if I can not improve.

Note: This post is useless except for the introduction.
Welcome Nazarii! My post was pretty much the same thing - character introduction. My character doesn't really reflect me at all, he's a large, oafy, easily confused individual who would rather punch stuff than figure it out. I'm pretty tall, but that's about where the similarities end.

What I think would be fun eventually - and we'll have to talk about this - is possibly setting up a rivalry between the two characters (friendly between us of course). Your PC seems like he enjoys toying with people, whereas mine really doesn't want to be bothered, and they both conveniently are starting at the same time. It would be an interesting dynamic, though one that should probably wait until after Fort Ready.

Best of luck!
I agree to that plan of action. It is agreed friendly rivalry. Is always good to have another challenge. I hope we cause quite a commotion.
There will be plenty of time for you guys to do that in Fort Ready, no need to worry.

There's something I want to ask you about your character Nick, does he expect to be a frontline soldier?
No, he's definitely more of a technician and intended to be starship bound, though with his size he could respond to combat situations fairly effectively. I imagine that would be more useful if, say, the ship he was on got boarded by hostiles.

He's not really an angry person either, but when situations arise that he doesn't know how to handle, he reacts physically.
He's fine if he's a technician, just, at 6'6", he's too tall to fit in a Daisy, the Star Army's most height accomodating powered armour, and with most combat being PA oriented, he would be quite useless during a boarding, actually. So long as you keep to starship technician, you should be fine. I'm just going to wonder how we'll get him in the PA training we do..

I have a character who's 6'2", and he's pushing it in the height area. Just so you know.