Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

The joys of midterms. I don't have those yet.
But I do have an essay to type up tonight to turn in tomorrow. That'll be fun.

And all hail the d20!
Ok i'm editing it, apollogizing for the auto, just not used to that form of PBP. Though thank god for the all mighty D20. I've played to many PBP's where there are no regulations on hitting and crap like that.
yeah.. I autoed earlier in the plot... it was like, 7 months ago OOC though... and wes got kinda mad at me...course i was a noob so he let me off easy...
I found something ironic about this post. Noboru was saying how he didn't care for the Neko's life, and when I rolled the dice on the Mishhu's attacks, I got 2 for the right Mishhu, 5 for the center, and 19 for the left. Natural Karma at its best?

Anyway, this is a beginning plot, so you are expected to slip up a few times. Just try not to auto in the future.
That mass of tentacles could be 'considered' a lower body... Course, it would take a helluva lot of bullets to take out that lower torso...
I say the "torso" is the head above the eyes... but I think it really should be called 'Center of Mass' because Military Personell with ANY firearms training are told to fire at Center of Mass, not the Head, or Arm.
It even pertains to our military, with the exception of the Sniper Corp., who recieve training on exactly where a killing shot can happen, and even they are told to aim for the rib cage area, where they are far more likely to score a killing hit.
If they miss the heart, they puncture/deflate/break a rib of the lung unless they miss completely.
I hear that stomach and shoulder wounds are usually life threatening if not tended to soon.
Sorry for the in-depth rant about that, I know its uncalled for...
But hey, I was bored and wanted to type something. ;)
(I don't claim to know everything about this, however, and this has only been my experience with retired military personell and things I've read. I have not, persay 'Researched it' but I do know a good bit of it.)
Just saying, I'll be going on a short backpacking trip this weekend, so I won't be in reach until Sunday afternoon. Don't get yourselves killed by the Mishhu while I'm gone :shock:.
I'll take over.. oh wait, I have no D20..dang... well.. watch Kai be all smart and leader-y then do something stupid!
Hmm, i think I may have confused myself with my last post. Is the misshu hiding behind cover(like a pseudo-wall type thing) or in some kind of building. This kinda affects my post(ie, blasting a misshu from above is easier w/o a ceiling in the way)let me know if I need to edit my post. Thanks.
Yoroko, it's in a hangar, which kai is brashly running into, so flinging plasma everywhere isn't so smart..