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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

I'll bet this is gonna end up like that Distant Star anime-thingy, Mizuno. I even un-intentionally included Noboru in my name ;
Ok, striker and Aendri, you two are done fighting, as we need to move on so that we can prepare for class 3, and because both of you rolling 17 makes for a good spot to end the fight.
hehe, I actually wanted to be able to text someone in a different fleet so in a sense this was my goal. Yoroko kinda likes noboru but not a lot, who know what time, or other players, will do .
Now I see the point of that rule Wes pointed out... If there wasn't a time skip, I'm sure there would be some punishment for the four who either were injured or caused injury. It's basic so it would not be extreme, just maybe brutal .
Yeah, basically it's stuff that they could hide and heal themselves within a few hours. Very brutal at first, but that's what happens when really strong people fight each other. And besides, they technically aren't soldiers yet ^_^.
Hmmm... You know... Neither me nor Devonus has posted in the 4 days I've been away. What shall I do about that? Hmmm...>.>
sorry about that Kriss. Ohwell i say we assume i get my ass kicked and move on to make room for the next class. Although i beleive stopping short of hospitalizing me would show that the both of us have control over our battle urges. You can post first if you want or i will.
Hell yeah! I AM FEARED!

I don't think Kai would hold a grudge. he'd give you a hard time about it and maybe make you his errand-boy for a while, though ^^
Fort Ready is nearing its conclusion for its current classes, which leaves us open for new recruits!

A beginning plot that will start again soon where new or old role-players can start from the beginning and learn the basics of roleplaying in the SARP environment. This plot is especially useful for players who have just recently joined the community and still don't know the ropes. This will be the third class, so the Fort has improved with age.

For all interested, please post in this thread with a link to your character's approved bio thread and wiki page. You can also request orders with "Fort Ready" as an option.
Hmmm... May as well have you go first, since you have to respond to the pounding you got anyway before I can figure out how Yuril will end it ;P
Ok however you want to stop me i don't care. Just simply yelling stop loud enough or mentally enough will work and i'll halt the blade. Whatever happens though Kai you can assume my attack misses if Kriss decides to make a fool out of me and trip me or something, if you want to. I'd prefer not to have my character looking like an idiot though. Thankyou.
Aww... But making fools of people is a good tension breaker. And it's funny. but I guess I'll have to go easy on you, seeing as this is a thing for myself to decide as opposed to the nearly almighty D20
The nearly almighty D20? It IS almighty! XD

Oh ho ho ho ho. *Ponders how to beat Devonus silly*
FYI, it's spelled 'damn' not 'damb' ;P
I think he ate too many lamb chops that morning Krisslanza.
It seems the thread is kind of dead, however, somebody needs to post :?
It will happen soon, I've been preoccupied. By tonight, things will go down.

Edit: Poast in the Graduation thread.
Poast? What is that some kind of food?
Well Class One can go down in history as being the only class to incapcitate roughly half of the player-controlled characters by graduation time, ne? XD
For the record: The broken nose Did not incapacitate kai

And besides, what Kind of military RP would it be with no casualties?
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