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OOC [Freespacers] Skeleton Ensemble

I was going to post last night but I was stuck playing Call of Duty with my nephew against my will. Will definitely get to it today.
Reactions: Wes
Yes. But with the floor blown wide open, it's likely you can see the events unfolding pretty easily anyways.

Sorry about the mistake, but I just really want to end this mission, and get onto something that's actually tailored to your characters.
Okay. The last thing anybody wants to spend their free time doing is listening to other people bitch, but at this point, I guess it isn't fair to leave you guys out of the loop either.

Gemini probably COULD have broken through the grid, but it's basically the one thing that would make them look like they were involved with the intruders. The grid is like ten feet away from the others, given that the floor has been broken open. Sorry Arsenic, but even if I did tell you to edit a post which isn't technically wrong, it still would have killed the flow no matter what I did.

So, yeah, given all of the other random arguments, people bugging me for art, and pointless system changes going on as of late, I basically just ended up taking a step back from SARP whilst I decided what to do, to be honest. I want to actually work on cool things that people can enjoy, not get constantly mired in either interpersonal drama or tech submissions.

Where do we go from here?...

Well, it's not like any of the original Skeleton cast members past Cordinarr are still here anyway.

What would you guys like to do?
You're back! *hugs and cheers* I would like to continue with a new mission if you still want to run it. I'm sorry people were bugging you. I totally understand. And I'm sorry if I messed up the flow. I would still be glad to remove the line about hacking the door open. Only problem with continuing is I'm not sure Dumont is still around..
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I'd love to finally get Vista involved, since he's been sitting on that story that just kinda fell through the cracks.
I don't think the problem in this community is that there are conflicts, it's the attitude that conflicts should be suppressed, hidden, painted over, and even fomented in secret instead of aired, resolved, or moderated. I'm still constantly mired in drama here, and I'll be pleasantly surprised if that's not the case until I leave the site.

Run whatever you enjoy running, whether you want me to play or not. I'd prefer to just finish what we started, I don't see a problem with it. If Dumont's gone, Kiver can pass out and once we leave she can be sent off to go get new legs, just in case. One PC who arrived on the ship is enough to justify leaving the same way, without a need to explain how it's getting hijacked.
Always nice to see you poking your head out Primitive. Breaks are good, healthy even and I'll encourage them to help guard against getting burned out.

I'll definitely shoulder some of the blame with all of this. I'm not going to lie, I always dreaded posting here a bit. It was the high-intensity scenario that Six Three was in that didn't really ring well with me, and kept me from posting often. And yeah, I'm a bit to share in the reason we got here in the first place. In my defense, however, with Gunsight's big character and Moogle's characters ability to hack stuff, I thought it'd be a cake walk. But, we all saw how that turned out. Oh well, can't really plan for that stuff to happen, only hope it doesn't keep happening.

But me wallowing in that pity party is my way of identifying the problem so that you know where I'm coming from when I talk about what I'd like to do. I think we should swing by and pick up Vista, while simultaneously dropping off Kiver, Phase, and hell I think we have Halcyone lumbering around somewhere on the ship, then look for a nice peaceful mission. Diplomatic, scouting, exploration, some mining, cargo transporting, something easy going at least until we get the training wheels off and figure out what our crew (or new crew) is good at. We know what we're good at as pieces, but we need to figure out what we're good at as a whole.

In closing, I really enjoy the Freespacers, and I'm still pretty excited to see where SE is going to go. But, I think we all need to take some smaller, slower steps before we get into the big stuff.
Okay. Had a bit of a busy weekend, but I think I'm finally ready to sink my teeth back into this. A new post will be along in short order.

Heck, a new dynamic should be along in short order.

Cordinarr is completely right. The vibe wasn't really working, from the minute that the original peeps who chose the mission left. That's nobodies' fault, but it is something we can totally fix now. The old back room machinations are going to continue being in play (which Vista actually nudged against without knowing it, btw. He was involved all along!), but I have an idea for a new plot direction that could suit a less 'shooty' sort of atmosphere.

Thank you for all being chill, I won't forget it any time soon. ;I

@ArsenicJohn ; I'll try to write in a work-around.

@Navian ; Seems like people just want to avoid the drama wholesale, which I can understand. But it certainly doesn't seem to help in the long run. Oh well.
I try not to involve myself in any drama. I'm here to have fun and relax. Anyway, I am going to try something different with Gemini. You'll see what I mean soon..
Just to give y'all the heads up, cyberspace threats will be handled like 'real' threats, so you don't need to worry about being insta-killed or anything.

That said, even a pro hacker is not immune, Gemini just has the biggest 'sword' in the party. Feel free to be creative with your attacks! It's basically supposed to be a dream world in there!
Probably going to put a nail in this mission soon. It was already kind of done, I was just waiting to see what Gemini did with that data. Oh well.

Next up is likely just going to be some chill time on Port Hope with Vista.
Oh, she's just going to give it to Cinereal like a good little Locksmith.
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