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OOC Gam'trosha Discussion


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
This is the OOC thread for the SNV-Gam'trosha.

Feel free to talk about anything about the plot, what you like or would like to see, or just general questions about the plot - anything!

Needs to be sticked, can't sticky!
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We have a few folks, probably enough to get the ball rolling, other players and characters can join later.
Shotty, is Shar a Heavy Marine or just a standard Marine? Because her bio made it sound like she was a standard Marine, but the crew page for the Gam'trosha says Heavy Marine.
That might be my bad, I added Shotty's character and copied the previous row.
Gotcha. I was just wondering because when Shar went in for approval I noticed that she was a marine, but that she wasn't a heavy marine (since my character's a heavy marine).
Bad sign the forum claims that only two replies have actually been made to this topic for some reason, so I wasn't aware anyone has replied... time to subscribe to it!

Anywho, as I was telling Shotty earlier today, I'll get the thread up either tomorrow or the day after (or perhaps tonight provided this headache decides to go away)
Khasidel's character is up. It seems as thought I won't be the only male, however I still appear to be the only My'Leke (Actually, it appears that there are no Laibe either).

Actually, we might have a Laibe. I believe Abwehran was thinking of making one ;)
I volunteer to show the Laibe how the airlock works while in space. :P
Gabriel said:
Especially since there's mostly females, which means lots of Tite'Yanus flirting with the other crew members.

Well if he likes brooding alcoholics then sure give Shar a shot :D