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"Good going!" The green haired NH-12 claiming to be Yui cheered, though it was actually Midori she cheered and not her blue-haired counterpart. 'Yui' grinned and flew away in the direction Elisa had left.
Shortly after Luicen picked himself up and looked at the chaos he'd caused, he'd decided that it generally wasn't a good idea to eat on an off-day like this.
He glanced around, looking for another Kiosk to raid, but saw a woman in Samurai's clothing fighting with what looked like a living doll.
"Ach, wots all this then?" He asked in his brash highland tone as he approached the trashcan and doll-wrestling Samurai, "Are ye foightin' with a peepar doll, or are ye playin' silly-beggars wit' yerself?"
"My buisness is none of your concern." The samurai replied and brushed past the man with the thick accent in pursuit for the chibi yui impersonator.
While she had the express verbal reasoning of catching them before they could create any more havoc, Midori wanted to keep them for her own on a personal level.
At this moment there was something of a scene within the food kiosk. The scene in question concerned a certain crazy haired Elysian and an indignant food clerk.
"Coffee! Bring me the coffeee!" Ephesus exclaimed in a tone verging on fanatical fury.
"Sir, we do not provide coffee at this outlet." The clerk replied smoothly.
"You clearly don't speak English. Coffee. Coffee. C. O. F. F. E. EEEEEEEEEE."
"My linguistic capacity does not affect the fact we do not have coffee, sir."
"Still not relevant sir."
"Σαφώς δεν μιλάτε τα ελληνικά. Καφές. Καφές."
"Please leave."
"Allow me five minutes with whatever drink dispensing unit you have and I promise it will be producing pure, delicious coffee by the end of the elapsed period of time."
"No. Go."
It was at this point that Ephesus lack of caffeine sent him into a frenzy, during which he constructed a low grade explosive out of tomato ketchup sachets and blew up the counter. Upon achieving this he stormed out of the kiosk and sniffed the wind for the smell of Java.
Sana quickly grew bored and instead decided to investigate the samurai.
Dressed in a three piece suit and tie, she dropped her brief-case to one side, kicking it to the wall with a click of her heel as her hands slipped away to her pockets.
Midori barelled past Sana as well. She was more intent on capturing the neko before it destroyed Yui's image. She gave the little blue haired demon in her hand a squeeze as well.
Sana, not being one to be ignored quickly grasped Midori's intent. She reached into her pocket withdrawing a reflective silvery shape. Bronze clunts no larger than a pinkie finger slid into each one of the antiquainted devices holes. With a flick of her wrist, the tubes span and clicked sharply as the hammer was cocked.
Apesael sat across the street looking at the situation. He had been sitting at the kiosk, but as soon as his father had bought said kiosk he'd found himself obliged to leave. No debending on his father for him, no siree. Ah such he was now drinking a nice long glass of milk and scanning the area with his completely blue eyes - wondering if Ephesus was going to build a coffee seaking search and destroy machine. It would hardly be the first time.
Tanjo sat beside him drinking a whisky. Damn fine whisky. He was there representing the interests of the nefarious Nova Corporation (or NovaCorp)(No-one's actually quite sure which is the formally correct term).
Luicen shrugged, "Hmmf, high-horserider," He mumbled to himself as he strolled towards the Kiosk, still hungry.
"I'll have a bottle 'o yer finest 'n a juicy steak, if I may." Luicen asked as he ruffled his beard and hair, he also noticed the scene going on with the Clerk and the Elysian, Hmm, I hope my clerk isn't this impossible...
The hulking form of Michio was behind the counter. Tired of mercenary work he now would embrace the dangerous line of work that was fast food!
"I take that to mean you'll be wanting whisky and a steak of cow? Just some people seem to want blood and human flesh." He asked in a bored fashion, "Crazy Nepleslians."
"Aye, you could say that," Luicen replied to the clerk with a nod, "But oi'm hungry, and whiskey's off me menu for now... haven't had anything tae eat all day."
"Right, right. You see that doesn't actually tell me what you want to eat and/or drink." Michio sighed. Shooting people at least was fast - this was a slow lingering death that could last ten to twenty years.
Sana could have sworn she saw something flutter by. Perhaps it was the strange confectionary Elisa had given to her hours ago. Perhaps it really was a dream.
Either way, she heard whisky, the first meaningful word to her ears since she had arrived. "Hurry up and order" she groaned under her voice.
In a dark corner of the Kiosk Ahearn was having a rather interesting conversation with a Nepleslian abouth the relative merits of chivalry compared to an independant honour system. He found that the conversation had improved enormously since he rendered the pugnent man unconcious with repeated blows to the head with his cane.
"Well sure, but that doesn't answer what you want for a drink." Michio muttered, passing on the order, "Do you want pheremones with that?"