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RP: ISC Phoenix [Interlude 4] - A Hard Day's Night

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Panther waited his turn to collect his plate and food afterward thanked the chief for the food. He then took a knife and cut his portion into smaller bits and headed away from the mess and followed the path of the little Neko while chewing on his food. He could faintly smell the table cloth clothing and simply followed it's path, thinking that he might as well make sure she didn't somehow blow up the ship.
Enzo nearly tripped over the minute NH-12 as he slid past her and Panther on his way to the kitchen. He allowed himself a brief glance of indulgence at the tiny Neko before making himself move onwards, dismissing the sight as a normal occurrence on his new job. Without much more effort, he found himself at the kitchen with everybody else. He took a seat close to the crowd and grabbed a fresh plate. With a rapid pace he downed the slices meat and gravy, almost swallowing each bit whole.

When he was finished, Enzo ducked out briefly to retrieve the stolen booze from the bar on Nepleslia Prime. After pouring himself a glass, he threw the bottlesup in his arms, spilling a little on the table. "Heavy liquor for anyones who can handles it!" he shouted gleefully. As a side note, he placed an unopened bottle in front of Melissa with a smile before downing his own drink.
Vincent shovelled several times the standard man's serving size of everything onto his plate. He was suddenly very hungry, and wanted to eat. He supposed it had something to do with getting his mind off the fact that he now had to deal with an eight-inch-tall nuisance of a bitchy, superior, annoying catgirl assassin - the living embodiment of all his hatred of Yamatai in a convenient package! - running around the ship he'd sworn himself to protect.

In reality, the catgirl was probably none of those things, but Vincent didn't give a damn. The hulking ID-Sol would believe it when he saw it. So he plopped down at his place at the table and started eating. When Enzo crowed his statement about booze, Vincent didn't wait. "I'll take two of whatever's strongest," he grunted.
The NH didn't get far before the Kohanian caught up with her. She had been staying near to the wall, trying not to get in the way of the people transiting.

Similarly, she stood aside when she noticed the Kohanian coming up behind her, but stopped entirely when she realized that he was following her, not passing her. Looking up, she regarded the Kohanian at first with a sort of disinterested exasperation, but it only took a few moments for her curiousity to wear through the mask. She examined him up and down, tearing him apart with the mild dark brown-ness of her eyes.

"You are following me."
Panther had kept to the side as well when Enzo approached and was bit surprised to catch up to the small Neko so easily. The only Neko's he have ever met was the one trying to kill Luca, and before that was just stories. This little Neko however did not compare to those stories, nothing was known about Neko younglings at home, or even if a creature about the size of a pen could answer questions on "Are you Smarter than a Nepleslian Grade Schooler."

To her question he gave a small nod while feeling a small warmth in his cold assassin heart. "Hungry, little one?" the Kohanian asked in a low voice looking down at her. He was slightly amused himself for a second about eating her instead, though in the end she wouldn't be too filling.
"Yes," she said in simple, blunt honesty, "But I do not need to eat now."

Naoko folded her arms beneath the towel, still craning her neck. It was absurdly inconveniant, so she quit that nonsense almost immediately. Instead, she picked a spot on the wall where an electrial conduit ran and jumped easily up onto the sheaf of wires, balancing for a moment on her right foot, arms still crossed, before finding a good place to put her left.

She looked up at Panther with a faint smile.

"Now, since I answered that, you owe me a question as well. What are you?"
The Kohanian preceded to sit on the floor cross-legged as she asked her question, considering that it was as low as he could without losing odd. He took a bite out of his shrinking portion and then answered, "I am a Kohanian, my kind comes in different forms but I am what humans consider a 'Panther'."

The Panther like creature offered the tiny Neko a piece he cut up that was almost as tall as she was. It may have been a little bigger since he didn't see her up close until now. "If one to explore, a full stomach is required little one."
Before John could answer Crane rigned up others for dinner. Zeta was still hungry and she knew she needed her energy. That was only reason she went to others and ate formidable portion. "It was delicious Crane," she said to be polite.

When Enzo took out the bottle she just looked at him. She coul use a glass or five. "Hit me," she said and put her glass in front of Enzo.
"A panther," agreed Naoko, "Really."

She examined the offered food incredulously. Naoko was only seven inches tall; the portion she was being offered was that, or a little more. There was no way she was going to be able to eat it all. Even hungry, she didn't need a regular portion to survive.

Naoko grabbed hold of what looked like a promising chunk, and yanked off a small strip bare-handed. Then she stood there, embarassed and awkward, holding the food but not really wanting to eat it in front of him.
Seiren was, to say the least, slightly annoyed. He had just found out that his clearly foolproof sticky note telling people not to eat his candy didn't work at all and about 2/3 of it had been eaten by the time he had gotten to the pan. For future reference, he'd need a larger sticky note. That, or he could just make the next batch a prank batch.

Yup, definitely a prank batch. He thought to himself, passing Panther in the hallway. He didn't give much notice to the Kohanian - the guy frightened the bejesus out of him - and continued on to the mess hall, where he loaded up a plate with a bit o' everything and a glass of juice.
Full of smiles and laughter, Enzo lined up four glasses and shook one of the bottle side-to-side over them until they were all full. He slid two towards Vincent and the third to Zeta, leaving the fourth to himself. After draining his own drink, Enzo moved on to Seiren. "Hey, little guy! Get yous a little buzz and be merry!" While he was talking, he flourished with the bottle to make a show of his skills as a bartender. The vagabond would toss the bottle in the air and catch it without spilling a single drop. And of course, he spiked Seiren's juice from his own glass with his other hand during the performance. In hopes that his distraction worked perfectly, he moved on to the other members of the crew, offering liquor to each and subsequently attempting to sneak some liquor to them anyways.
Panther had returned to his portion which was shrinking as time went on just as Panther's stomach grew a little in size and stared at the wall ahead of him. "Humans have named me Panther, not that my home name would be any fitting for an assassin among the pink skins," he complained mostly to himself as he took a chew out of his next bite.

There was something he liked about the pint sized Neko, probably because she was something the humans hated. Other than Luca and maybe the woman with the rifle, he rather despised of the humans probably the same reason they dislike the Neko.

"Hmm what is your name? Or shall I just call you little one?"
Despite having served himself more than his plate was meant to hold, Uriel was finished in very good time, and left the cockpit in silence to place the dish in the sink- his best guess on where the cook would want it. Afterward, he proceeded to the makeshift 'dining room,' strode to Luca's side. In a level and solemn tone he said quite simply, "Captain, may I speak with you privately?"

He had noticed in glancing around the room that the NH-12 was not present, but still felt it best to speak with Captain Pavone as just the two of them. And besides, he didn't want to rain on the little party the others were having. After the talk, he might have a few drinks.
"Down the hatch," said Zeta and raised her glass to Vincent and Enzo before emptying it in one big gulp. That was some hard stuff, but it was just what Zeta needed. "My god, normal people could get blidn of it! What is this stuff?" She asked but Enzo was already gone. Well no conversation there, so she turned to Vincent next to her.

She took one of the bottles and poured herself another drink. Only this time she will enjoy it and drink it slowly. "Hey Vincent," she attempted to start a conversation. "Thing is, it looks like I got quite dull during time I was out of any posibble action. Is there a posibbility I could train with you? I don't know if there is anyone better at this expertize than you." she asked with calm voice and her eyes pointed down. She was still embarassed for the kitchen incident. It was her mistake after all, she was the one checking those crates. Next time she will find time to open them one by one even if it she should lock herself in the cargo while doing it.
"One please, Mr. Bortelli!" Luca called out as he asked for a glass of the stuff. He took a shot on offer, and downed it quickly, just as quickly as he'd finished his meal.
It could be agreed that the change from Cornmeal to the real meal was a large jump for Crane. When he was asked why he'd cooked up such a storm, he just replied: "I figured we could do with some good eating every now and again, it relaxes us."

Then Uriel requested the Captain's presence, in private.
"Alright, one moment," Luca whispered to the Patrician as he stood up, waved thanks to Crane, raising his voice and a glass, "My compliments to the chef!" And to Enzo for the good drink, "And to my friends, of my crew and company!"

"Hear hear!" Sebastian and Anna called out, "To our son, the captain!"
They had a drink and gave each other a peck on the cheek.
Jimmy, Hitori, Melissa, Allison, Crane, and more reluctantly, Mitch gave a toast. Mitch was also consuming a sizeable chunk of Enzo's liquor in addition to his own stash.

Jimmy got up and gave everyone a quick nod, heading towards the kitchen, and picking up a plate that'd been set aside for Nyezeh, then walked over to the medical bay.
She was still lying down in that bed. He put the serving of food down on the bedside table, within reach of the Lorath woman.
"Just checking up on you," He said as he looked at where she'd been injured, taking little notes, "Hope you're feeling better."

Back at the dinner table, Luca left his plate where it was with his utensils on it, and walked towards the lounge with Uriel next to him. He then took a left turn towards the Head, and leaned against the wall next to the entrance to the Men's head.
"Alright," The captain was with just one of his crew, and it felt different to addressing a crowd, "You've got my attention. Speak freely, no need to be formal."
The Patrician nodded, and began as frankly as he could. "Captain, that Nekovalkyrja is a bad idea. Not only do they have a history of their own, but much of your crew has a negative history with their kind- myself included. I can understand any desires to show pity to such a small creature, but it is none the less militant in design, and surrounded by many people- and a Demon-wielding AI- that would rather see it gone. It must be removed if any sort of peace is to be maintained."

And God help the bastards that thought creating artificial life forms in a mutated version of ourselves was a good idea, he added to himself.

"I will stand by any decision you make, Captain, but..." he gave a soft sight. "This is one that I will always feel strongly about." He could handle the Kohanian aboard, and in fact was quite interested to hold palaver with the fellow in the future. The AI wasn't much of a problem now that they'd all come to common grounds. But the NH-12 (Uriel refused to call it by any name other than its design moniker) was a blight for all of them.
It had turned out that Jolokia's shoulder had popped out of it's socket and had to be reset, and there had been massive internal bruising on her wings and back. Her leg, eventually, healed as well. Her system had to be pumped multiple times and monitored closely for infection and any sign of the Mishhu toxin still hiding within her veins. She had weathered the worst, and now good food and some more bed rest was all the Lorath needed to get back in prime condition.

"Thanks," she responded, sitting up slowly and licking her lips at the delicious plate of food. "I guess pretty soon Imma need to stop freeloading and start pulling my weight, hmm?" she asked, jokingly as she picked up the silverware. "Way to start a new job--"

Taking a forkfull into her mouth and chewing, the ex-Origin employee held up her hand so that the Yamataian wouldn't leave yet. And as she finished chewing and swallowing her bite, she asked, "So, doc. How much longer until I can go back to work?"
"Well," Jimmy said as he turned around, opening a cabinet of various medicines he'd bought on the side whilst everyone else was busying themselves, "For the most part you can move around fine, but it's there's still a bit to go."

He paused as he put a cup next to Nyezeh. The cup had a mixture of crushed Dr. Fixit tablets and liquid Niskord mixed together with a bit of mulled wine and whole cloves to make the otherwise sterile affair taste better.

"If you want to get right into action, I can give you something to speed up the process." He then listed the after effects, "You'll feel like crap and have to rest for another few hours, you'll have heartburn, cramps, exhaustion and some stomach, but afterwards you'll be flying. Excuse the pun."

Back near the Men's head, Luca shook his head lightly, and sighed somewhat, "Uriel," He said, "I know how you feel. Let me tell you about the time my executive officer attempted to kill me two years back in the Yamataian Star Army,"

He then pointed to various spots on his body, "If I was able to grow scars, I'd be able to show off all the damage I'd taken in that time - countless shrapnel wounds, and they only got out the last of it recently. They said I had about two pounds worth of metal in me. And this was before we went to recover our stolen ship and had our position referred to the SMX."

"Yeah. We were kind of fucked sideways from the get-go," Luca was very matter-of-fact about the whole issue, "Turns out or executive officer was not only a double agent who worked with SMX and SAINT, but she also happened to screw over the wrong supply ship. She was found out after we all survived, and she was probably killed," He then paused for a moment, going onto an unrelated tangent, "As a matter of fact, it was an all-male ship."

"But that's not the point," He corrected himself, "I eventually got over it and adopted the Mercenary gig, sort of as a coping mechanism, sort of as a new way of life. I might not fully trust Nekovalkyrja to this day - but Naoko is an unexpected, but not an entirely unpleasant guest on my ship. Most Nekovalkyrja try to kill me in the first few hours."

"If she's content to just stay in the background and out of our way, fine. If not, we'll see what she's made of - aside from being less than a foot tall. She probably won't stand all of us at once if she gets violent. I'll talk to her and make sure she's clear on this."

The space lines, meanwhile, were smooth sailing. And integration into the 5th Fleet/Nataria spaceline would be a breeze.

As a matter of fact, there were lots of other cruisers, escorts, cargo ships, battleships and destroyers of Yamataian manufacture flying alongside the Big Bird. Generally they didn't ask too many questions why an independent vessel was heading this way, since the identification spoke for itself. Drift was now only a short distance away now that nobody had to worry about defending themselves.

Luca then left Uriel to his own devices, and moved along, and started looking for Naoko, he eventually tracked down Panther, walking next to him and looking down at Naoko.
"Did you enjoy your meals?" He asked the Kohanian and the Nekovalkyrja pleasantly.

Meanwhile, Echelon was whirring away quietly, moving about and exploring the ship. It sat down in the lounge next to Sebastian. Sebastian looked over, "And I thought having an arm replaced was bad news," He grumbled.
"I resent that," Echelon replied without missing a beat.

Meanwhile, the ship was humming along quietly towards its destination.
Uriel sighed at the end of the story, and simply gave a solemn nod. "As you say, Captain," was what he said as Luca strode away. That had hardly been compelling, but the Patrician still understood his point: the NH-12 doll had been peaceful up to this point, so the least Uriel could do was show so courtesy. In all honesty, though, he simply didn't want to deal with the eight-inch Neko, and was going to put it off for as long as possible.

So he found his way to the "dining room," took the available seat nearest to the Enzo and his bottle of liquid courage, and said, "If we're drinking, I'd like one as well."
Zeta was still waiting for Vincents reply, but it didn't stop her to nod to Uriel. Tall winged person was a bigguy who can probably take a lot so she took one bottle and filled him a full glass.
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