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RP: ISC Phoenix [Interlude 4] - A Hard Day's Night

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Enzo scoffed at the amount given to the large winged man. "Zeta!" he moaned, "This wont do anythings for the guy! Don't yous know Elysian's got Lorath liquor nearby they're homeland? We're gonna haves to pour two glasses for him."

Enzo looked up a Uriel with a smirk as he poured another glass and slid it up next to the first. The bottle wasn't looking too good, have liquor'd up at least six people. The poor bottle looked as if it were the one in need of liquor. With another fluent motion, Enzo produced another bottle and lay it on the table next to the other.

"The night's young yet," he said, "I can't be dry so soon!"
"When his glass will be empty I will simply pour him another," said Zeta without even looking at ships jester.
"I don't train," Vincent grunted quietly. "I just am." A moment of awkward silence passed as the merc drained a few more tumblers of liquor. The merc wasn't aware that nobody knew what he was talking about until the thought crossed his mind that maybe the awkward silence reigning over the table was possibly his fault.

He rotated towards Zeta. "I'm a tank-bred," Vincent grunted, "flash-trained special operations soldier built as a part of the Red Army a few years back. Everything I know, I know because it was hardwired into my brain ever since I was released from the tank as a fetus." He shrugged. "I was taught to fight and kill, not to tell other people how to do it. You want to learn, you watch, observe, and mimic."
Zeta just smiled and looked at Vincent. His arrogant talk kinda ticked her of. It could probably be beacuase of alcohol and her bad mood, but she really got irritated by Vinces statement. Her smile was cold and unfriendly.

"You got it all wrong," she started. "I don't need to learn. I want to practise. I don't need to learn, I already now how to fight, just need to refresh those skills. You know why I know it? I am combat clone. I am half person and half programmed soldier. Only I was trained more to guard someone instead of being a soldier. That doesn'T mean I am any worse in killing and fighting."
Robert knocked out a beer while Zeta and Vincent were arguing. "I could train with you if you'd like, Zeta. I usually workout in the cargo bay. We could do some sparring or something if you'd like." he waved a hand dismissively. "either way no need to argue about it. Just relax and have a good time."
Uriel smiled first at Zeta then Enzo. They were right, to be sure, but he wasn't looking to get wasted. "This will do fine, thanks." He took a testing gulp, and winced. "What sort of person drinks this?" he asked the table, holding up his drink. "It's... rough. How do you find any merriment in torturing your throat so? Where I come from the alcohol is smooth, with a sort of carbonated crispness as it goes down." At the very least, though, the warm sensation in his gut was familiar.

While waiting for an answer, he finished the first glass. Hypocrisy be damned, he wanted a drink even if it wasn't from home.
"Naoko," answered Naoko, "You can call me 'Ko' if you want. I rather think, with your accent, it would sound pleasant that way."

She continued to hold the meat delicately. There was something about just eating it in front of Panther, without utensils or anything, that made her feel very crude. Despite her savage, unkempt appearance, savagery was not something that came naturally - or comfortably - to Naoko. In fact, she stood there in awkward, distraught indecision until Luca arrived and greeted the two of them.

"Fine, thank you."

She took a small bite out of the scrap. Chewed. Swallowed.
Enzo nodded almost sagely when Uriel described the Elysian beverage. "It's a fickle thing, yeah?" he pondered aloud, "What's is gonna be whens every other society's gots all the sweets tastin' liqour an' all Nepleslia's gots is the hard stuff? We mades a decision. Ifs our stuff's gots to be hard, its gonna be hard enough to punch you in the face with. Still, I coulds do with some Elysian bubbles or some Lorath wine sometimes myself. Here's a fun thing to do: Pour some Sweet Dreams in the glass with some Lorath brandy and downs em' after hittin's some Rage."

Enzo smiled to himself over the intricate mixture of illegal drugs and the fond memories which he associate with them. There was no indication that he had any intention of relaying the effects of the concoction to the people around them, instead deciding to let them guess, lest they try it for themselves. "Moving on," he began abruptly, "What's to say we don't all drink to somethins, yeah? It'll be like a toast, see? I say we all drinks to 'Kicking Ass and Stacking Cash'!"

He raised his glass high over the table; inviting everyone else to do the same.
"I will take you up for that offer," said Zeta and smiled warmly on Nev. Well as long as she will have a saprring partner and someone to train with, she will be fine.

When Enzo proposed a toast, Zeta raised her glass saying, "I'll drink to that. We should also drink to our skipper! To Luca!"
Uriel remained outwardly placid, but listening to Enzo described one of his favorite things to do, he became uneasy. He was perhaps the closest this man could come to having a polar opposite. While he was willing to partake in alcohol now and again, the Patrician was by no means interested in taking his nervous system through a quality assurance test- he was perfectly content with the way it functioned now and had no doubt it could perform at both extremes just fine.

And when the thief-turned-mercenary put his toast to words, it was crystal clear that the angel and the Nepleslian had two very different world views, and two very different sets of desires.

So he put on a gentle smile, raised his glass, and said, "To Captain Pavone." Even as he said it, though, Hisshana realized that he wasn't really feeling that toast, either. He had promised to work for Luca, to abide by his rules and do as he said and would follow that to the T, but Uriel was still feeling very uneasy about the decision to keep the NH-12. So he added his own.

"And to the crew." That one worked; the doll wasn't a member of the crew, merely a guest at this point, and he quite enjoyed most of the crew.
The Kohanian nodded slightly, "N-oa..." he said as he tried to be polite to say her whole name first, though he gave up on it, "Ko, if you need help I can see what I can do." The plate in his hands was empty by this point and had plans to return it and rejoin the others in their merrymaking. His job would be a little easier if they saw him more so they wouldn't shoot a shadow that was shaped like a Panther.

Before he stood however Luca came by, he just nodded along with Ko's reply. "How long before we arrive Luca?"
"Hopefully, now that we've merged into the space lanes," Luca said as he tried to look for some sort of indicator that he was tagging alongside a fleet of other ships, "Not too long. We've ditched the whole 'careful' thing, and it's heavily defended against NMX."

"We should be there in an hour," John said over intercoms, "By the way, I'm getting some advertising sent to us, it all seems to be junk and porn, but I've found a few things that might catch your fancy."

"Forward them to my Communicator and I'll have a gander later," Luca replied over intercom, "I think we've got everything packed to go in a hurry. Let's pass the time with more merriments," Luca cracked his knuckles through his gloves, "We'll sleep easier once we hit Drift."

Melissa walked past with a six pack of Delsaurian beer she'd procured from somewhere or had kept hidden in her toolbox.
"Lemme chip in, Enzo," She said as she got one of the crown-topped beers and smashed the cap against the table, un-elegantly opening the beer with a loud thud and putting it in front of Enzo, "Gotta pool the resources t'gether, right?"

She put her chest beside his head, and looking at her would yield a tank top. Mitch, however, was reluctant to share what he had, and was happy to keep it to himself. Crane had already supplied what he could, which was just common Yamataian brews, which were either already gone or ignored.
Enzo smiled while alcohol piled up on the table. With a quick glance over the beer, the tank top, and the woman's head above it; he decided to bring his impromptu toast to an early halt and downed his drink. Shortly thereafter, mixing another from various liquors and the Delsaurian beer. Halfway through drinking that one he produced the acoustic guitar and tuned it up quickly.

"Alright, alright," he started, attempting to catch everyone's attention, "Who knows The Sisters of Mercy? Come one people, at least one of you guys gots ta know it! I needs two girls to sings the part of the sisters, and one guy to sings that part of the Nepleslian Marine. And I'll sing the part of the ugly sister wit' a heart of gold!"
"I've heard it." Vincent grunted. In fact, he had heard it - it'd been a common song amongst the ranks of both the Red and the Green Marines, and the words had trickled down to him over time, so that he knew the song by memory, if not by heart. His face took on a tiny little smile as a bit of an attempt at sarcasm trickled into his voice.

"After all," he grunted, "I figure you should have a real marine sing the Marine's part." Then he added, with the pre-mentioned sarcasm: "My figure is nowhere near girlish enough to be one of the sisters."
"I will manage sister one." said Zeta and smiled when toast was done. "But if your heads will explode due to my singing it is your problem." It was some time since she sang that song. One of her mate from taxi service was marine and whenever he was drunk he sang it. She was ussuealy only woman around and was made to sing part of both sisters. When she was drunk enough she even tried to change voices for each sister. Some found it hilarious, some ran aways screaming. But strangely enough she knew it even from before since som crazy wanker programmed the song into her. He probably thought it was part of "being a marine."
Robert lifted a beer up. It was his third bottle so he wasn't really drunk. "I don't really know many drinking songs but I always like to learn them." he stood up with a smile. "I can try but I can do other things tipsy." he grabbed up three different objects up off the table. He then started to juggle them. Slowly at first, then picking up speed with every second. Then the real tricks began as he pulled out his favorite knife and started to juggle that as well. After a while he called out. "C'mon toss me some more stuff and I'll show you some real tricks." Robert grinned crookedly as he looked around the room. "Anything?"
"Aaaand I'm done!" Arin exclaimed to no one in particular. The aetheric engine was back in its housing and a quick turn of the key showed that everything was running smoothly. Just as the Representative was about to clean her workstation and leave however she noticed that she somehow ended with more parts than she started out with. A few were random bits and pieces of sharp broken metal welded off the generator casing when she was patching that up, but then she recognized some components from the generator itself, and just what is this metal pineapple thing?

"... Or not." The Nepleslian woman was eager to call it a day. It was pretty obvious that the Jeep didn't really need whatever that was left on her workstation, the Origin made vehicle was probably lighter (and hence faster) without them. But tossing them away seems like a complete waste, and she didn't really want any of the parts either. The Representative was deep in thought.

"They HAVE to go back into the Jeep somehow." She mumbled. Well, not integrated into the machinery but at least stored somewhere just in case a mechanical failure later shows that it really needed those parts. She attached a small box to the rear of the vehicle and then returned to the workstation to sweep up the junk in her arms. She did not notice it but something that suspiciously looked like one of Vincent's missing grenades were also swept up. She then went back to the jeep and deposited all of that into the box. It was full to the brim when she closed it, she would discover later that it was much like the Big Bird now.
"Drift?" asked Naoko, folding her hands around the scrap of meat and hiding it against her tattered, sparse rag-clothing. She had decided to either scarf it when nobody was looking directly at her, or find some place out of immediate view.

"Planetside, or a station?"
Seiren was, to say the least, very drunk. His body, being much smaller in stature, was far more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than a collossus like Vincent. As such, this caused the one spiked drink and two others he drank between now and then to make him rather tipsy to say the least. So, when Enzo mentioned the Sisters of Mercy, he couldn't help but pipe up.

"Hey Enzsho," He hiccupped, tugging on the man's sleeve. "I know the part of the other shishter. Thish one guy I shtayed with taught me it. . ."
"Alright!" Enzo bellowed all-too-enthusiastically, "You can sings that part and Rags can juggles in times to the music. Hey, Rags!" Enzo tossed the empty liqour bottle towards Robert to test out the claim that he could preform some 'real tricks'. After a moment, he tossed his on knife, blade closed into the fray. With the visual entertainment being done, Enzo began plucking out a soft waltz tune. Then, in a hearty voice, he began to sing, taking time to enunciate and not speak with his usual accent:

"Oh, the sisters of mercy are graceful in stature and shine.
If you come in the night,
they will turn out the light,
And make sure that you feel all right.

"In this first part, we come across a Nepleslian marine who's far from home and weary from battle. He comes upon the eldest sister while she shops at the market and this is what he says:"

Enzo nodded to Vincent for the next set of lyrics while he played the build-up.
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