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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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The ID-SOL didn't react well to the knife in the guts, but it still felt better for him than the bullet in the shoulder. Luckily, he was able to get his head away from the knife to the brain, although a good part of his lower jaw developed quite a large cut from the blade. The massive man, not feeling a squish on his back, instead leaned forward, and slammed his neck and shoulders backwards, this time in a better-aimed attempt to crush Nelew. Once he had done that, he quickly swung his arm forward, attempting to swing the woman into the other Initiate at high speed.

The man Chandler had been firing at was unfortunately spared damage, thanks to the wall, but did withdraw his rifle to reload.
After reloading, Chandler altered his footing and squatted below the curve of the roof, aiming again at the soldier behind the wall.

"C'mon, pop up you sonnuva bitch!"
Nel pushed off of the ID-SOL's shoulders with her knees as he prepped to slam her against the wall again, popping herself into a one-armed hand-stand with all of her weight on her right arm, which was still being held by the guard. She knew that he could bear her relatively measly weight with ease, and she could hold herself in the hand-stand with little strain. The way he wound up had made her not want to hang around to see if she could withstand the second smash attempt...

Then he swung her, like a baseball bat. This was rather unexpected. In a rather helpless position, with all of Nel's weight on the one arm and flying through the air, it was up to Athrylis to avoid the maneuver.
Unfortunately, the attack was too fast and too close. Athrylis knew she didn't have time to dodge. At the very least, she was going to do what she could to reduce the damage to both of the initiates. She retracted the blades, as to not hurt herself or Nel, and brought up her arms to the side to defend against the attack.

Once contact was made, Athrylis was sent sliding across the room, barely keeping a foot on the ground to ever-so-slightly keep control. The vast strength of an ID-SOL, coupled with the inertia of Nelew's swinging body, sent Athrylis across the room to the wall perpendicular to where the guard was. She hit with a loud thud and a gasp.

Athrylis fell to all fours, wincing in pain, and breathing hard from the wind being knocked out of her. This bad day was only getting worse.
The ID-SOL continued the swing, bringing Nelew hurtling towards the wall. If nothing else, he hoped to at least break a few bones, if not dash her innards all over the place.

Chandler's target had disappeared from beneath the window he had formerly been occupying, and the one being fired through, only to pop up moments later with a fully-loaded rifle. The other window exploded outward as four three-round bursts of high-caliber rifle rounds streamed out towards Chandler. While several of the bullets missed, crashing into the side of the building, there were still plenty coming straight towards the Initiate.
Chandler was moving before the second burst impacted the roof behind him. However, no amount of speed or craftiness spared him from the next two bursts. One bullet shredded the pantleg on his lower left leg, another one carved a tiny path along his back, and two more fried past his nose and the back of his head, one successfully taking off a lock of his hair. Chandler dove behind the wall and stalled there, waiting for the fire to drop in frequency so he could answer with his own calling card.
Lenz found himself searching for a target through his scope, his gut felt like it was tied into a knot as he felt a touch of panic. Where the fuck are any of these fuckers?

He could hear the chaos but was having trouble finding a unique target, he didn't want to waste the time pursuing the same target as the girls, he was only have tempted by the notion of friendly fire to stop the clusterfuck they had found themselves in.

"Cyrene, look for another target, let the other girls fend for themselves. The target might try to escape through a back way, try to locate him and terminate him before the back-up arrives to secure the area. Don't waste time, just kill whomever you come across," Neis growled into his SPK-R, still searching for his own target to kill.
From about ten meters away, Cyrene brought her RPB up to face the ID-SOL, and unleashed a rapid volley of rounds directly at the attacker's head. It was pointless to engage in melee against a target of that size without a suitable weapon, and the cyborg simply wanted to end it and move on. The bullets whizzed through the air as the standard (non-HE) gyrojet rounds picked up speed.

Maybe they should remember that a gun is the ultimate equalizer in combat. As long as we're all using the same kind of gun, anyway.

"Understood. Feed me coordinates if you see him, but can't get a shot off." She replied, not even bothering to see if her bullets had hit the mark. She bolted through room after room, eventually encountering an ID-SOL. The cyborg reacted first, firing a volley of rounds to his abdomen and crawling up to his right shoulder before rolling behind a doorway for cover and continuing away. She activated her infrared vision to track down heat signatures and moved upstairs, thinking that most of the people on the first floor were incapacitated.

Ugh... where is he? That one I dealt with myself... and these slightly cooler bodies were taken down by Nelew and our marksmen.

Cyrene then checked the yard behind the building, hoping to find a signature, ideally, one that was warmer and attempting to run away. That would likely fit the bill of the possibly escaping target.
Nelew tried to bend with the impact she had against her teammate, making the blow more of a hard shove than a bludgeoning impact.

With Athrylis back out of the guard's immediate reach, Nelew used the ID-SOL's grip on her right arm to swing her body around faster than he was swinging her arm. Her legs swept a horizontal arc through the air as her left hand gripped the guard's hand that held her right arm, both of her shoulders straining to give momentum to her spin. Using her right shoulder as a pivot, Nel's body spun hard around, shooting both feet up at the ID-SOL's face. With the right angle to her kick she might be able to crush his nose and send fragments of bone into his brain.
Unfortunately, the ID-SOL getting the kick in the face was dying almost an instant before the feet connected with the front of his head. Two bullets had connected with the broad side of his head, the rockets still firing, driving them into his skull before beginning to destroy his brain. Unfortunately for Nelew, the rounds had spread, and as her feet connected with a dying head, a high-speed round impacted the side of her calf. The ID-SOL spasmed before falling sideways, driven with some amount of speed by the jets buried in his head. He didn't let go of Nelew as he fell.

A moment after Cyrene dashed up the stairs, heavy bullets were exploding through walls and floors following her. The ID-SOL she had fired on had apparently survived.

Cyrene would find nothing in the way of heat sources upstairs other than lights, and the backyard would show even less. The basement, however, seemed to be a solid block of uniform temperature, with nothing seeming to be hotter or colder through a thermal display.
Lenz felt antsy, his patience was thinner than he had ever felt it before. He sat up on the platform and secured his rifle into the bag he had brought it in. He cast a quick glance down towards the direction of the the targets house for a long moment. Better clean up.

He made sure the his pack was secure against his back as he pulled on the cap that was in the pocket of the construction worker uniform he had acquired. He carefully and quickly climbed down the ladder of the tower, hoping to figure out what it was he was going to in the time it might take him to clear the woods.
Athrylis stood again, shrugging off whatever damage was done. She redrew her CO pistol and, noticing the ID-SOL was finally dead, left the room. She headed in the direction she heard gunshots from, to find an ID-SOL that was firing upon Cyrene.

Athrylis got as close to the ID-SOL as possible without detection, which shouldn't have been that hard, afterall he was focusing on trying to kill Cyrene, before she unloaded a full magazine at the ID-SOL's upper body. The whole magazine was just to try and make sure he was dead. After just how hard it was to kill the last one, going a bit overboard wasn't uncalled for. The initiate quickly moved back, trying to take cover to reload, just in case the ID-SOL hadn't died.

Nel was whipped around as her kick missed, then she was drug sideways, spinning her off-balance as the ID-SOL was propelled off his feet by the bullets.

The hit in her half throbbed and she lay on the floor blinking as she tried to process the feeling. She looked over at the giant hand still gripping her wrist. Reaching over with her left hand, Nel gave the guard's thumb several sharp pulls to the side, leaving the digit popped out of its socket so that it pointed away from the hand at a right angle. Then she did the same to the index and pinky fingers, removing enough of the grip to let her slide her arm out. The skin underneath was chaffed from all of the twisting that her arm had done under his fingers, but it was nothing serious.

Shots fired. Locate...

Nel glanced to the side at the man firing after Cyrene. Getting her feet back under her, she launched herself at him, keeping low and zig-zagging best she could with her damaged calf. When she got close enough, she brought up a hand with the heel of her palm held forward and her fingers half-curled above them, aiming for a straight-on hit at his nose. This, she decided, had to be the ID-SOL's weak spot. Neck was too well-muscled, eye sockets were too small to reach the brain, but the nose had little but bone on it. It had to work...She quickly adjusted to time her strike after Athrylis had finished her clip, then struck.
Lenz hiked through the woods until he found himself at the edge of the highway, looking at the house. "Girls, progress update. How many down?" He muttered into his SKP-R as he tried to inconspicuously as possible cross the large open space to get towards the house. "Chandler, I'm about to check the rear of the structure, I'm in a blue construction working uniform, so don't shoot me."
"Assuming the other two have finally killed the one that had me pinned down, just the target." Cyrene replied into her SPK-R. She resumed her search and ran to the door leading to the basement and stared at the door for a moment.
The ID-SOL suffering the combined attack of both Nelew and Athrylis was luckily spared a nosebone to the brain as the magazine's worth of bullets pushed him back, a loud grunt erupting from his throat, thanks to the bullet hole that formed in it. He collapsed to the ground, his back against the wall. It looked like the massive amount of punishment the Operators had pumped into him had taken its toll. However, he was still alive, and his ragged, horrid-sounding breathing was almost audible over the roar of his rifle as he snapped it up and sprayed wildly at the two women.

Another long burst of bullets blasted holes around Chandler. "You dead yet, asshat?!" came a yell from the window. The ID-SOL seemed to be mostly unaware of the chaos in the house surrounding him, and continued firing. Unfortunately for Chandler, the large bullets were beginning to chip away the stone protecting him. He didn't have much time before the bullets got to him.

"COCK-SUCKER!" The yell was audible from the house, as pained as it sounded. It was followed by several inaccurate rounds streaking towards Lenz from the window he had been shooting into not too long ago. It appeared that the ID-SOL wasn't quite dead, and had a .50 caliber pistol in his still-intact arm.

The door Cyrene found herself staring at looked like a normal wooden door, painted white. Closer inspection, however, would reveal that the door was made of a very non-wooden piece of reinforced titanium set in a frame of similar construction. The door was locked.
Lenz grimaced as he ran quickly towards the front door of the house, being mindful that he needed to get the hell out of the open and get some sort of shelter. He pulled the rifle from the bag on his back and chambered a round. He didn't like the notion that he couldn't aim well enough to actually get a good shot in but, he liked the idea that shooting back meant he was less likely to get killed running across the yard.

He fired two shots towards the muzzle flash at the window, but it wasn't what anyone would call a well aimed shot. He'd be lucky if it hit anything at all.
Lenz's first shot actually did connect with the man, but simply grazed him. Sadly for him, it simply served to further damage his already-eviscerated arm, releasing a yell as the arm and its firing gun were once again retracted inside.
Lenz took advantage of the yelp to hurry into the household. His eyes searched for the flight of stairs that'd take him up to where that bastard was. He was irritated by the notion that the body guard hadn't simply died yet. He also didn't like the risk of the bastard surviving any better.

He kept his rifle raised as he tried to find the way that'd lead him up to his victim.
Just before Athrylis could get around a corner to take cover, the bullets started flying. She was grazed along her upper and lower back, and shoulder. One more round flew straight into her right forearm, the powerful round punching right through it, sending a spray of cybernetics out just as she rounded the corner. She cursed under her breath as she ducked down low to avoid more rounds.

Now with her arm in pieces, it wasn't exactly going to be easy reloading. She released the magazine and set the CO pistol, quickly grabbed another magazine, and, after struggling a bit, put the clicked the new magazine into the gun. She picked it up and readied to fire again.
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