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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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Alaster was looking down at his empty tray thoughtfully considering getting a second helping as he heard the distinct sound of a woman's voice. The young man looked up, still wearing the thoughtful expression as he did so. Alaster quickly did a once over of the woman, noting the dual HHGs. One of his more preferred weapons.

He held out a hand, indicating for her to sit. "Please, by all means miss." His voice carrying a slight, but apparent english accent to it as he politely responded.
The woman's expression lightened as she smiled at Alaster and slid easily onto her seat at the table. She tray made a light clinking noise against the table's surface as she carefully set it down. There were a bunch of unidentifiable foods on her tray that smelled good despite their odd appearance. Long slender fingers covered in black finger-less shooting gloves toyed with the metal of her fork for a few moments, spinning the utensil around with her fingers.

"Thank you. How's the chow tasting today? Yesterday, there was a minor hiccup when someone let the guy with no sense of taste bake cookies, and he got the sugar mixed up with the salt," She grinned a little as she watched Alaster curiously for his reaction. There was a serious if a little playful tone to her voice as she recounted the story of the salt cookies.
The bright LCD eye swung down to Caleb, focusing on his face. "You should know enough by now to know that such comments are not appreciated. Also, please refain from removing beverages from the cafeteria," Flins pointed to the now-spreading puddle of tomato juice spreading from under the Cadet.

He then turned the electic eye back to Nelew. "The men in there shall be your closest comrades. They should be like family to you. You should stay with them." The massive ID-SOL then strode past the woman and into the cafe. "Please follow, Initiate."
Caleb offered the Captain a quick apologetic smile, "Your absolutely correct, Sir, it was rude of me. I'm sorry for offending you." He hopped up with a disgusted frown as he felt the fluid soak into his pants. Beverages from the cafeteria? Uh... "Yes, sorry again, Sir. I'll get a mop and clean this up right away." He hurriedly picked up the red soaked paper bag and hurried down the corridor again and disappeared into a side door.
Alaster wore a small smile for a moment and then back to the look of thoughtfulness. He quietly took a drink from his cup, and dabbed at his mouth before placing the napkin on the table.

"Well, I can tell you it is certainly better then what they served during boot camp." He replied wryly as he sat there, his hands on the table, and fingers interlaced as he continued being polite. "But, if you are concerned, I could try it for you. And check and see if there were any mixups."
The woman laughed a little and shook her head at Alaster, "No, that's quite all right. I don't think they could mess this up. But thank you for the offer, the next time I need a 'poison' taster, I'll give you a ring. What's your name, Soldier, I don't recognize you as one of our regulars? I take it that you're one of the new batch that cam in today?"

She leaned forward placing her chin on her propped up left hand and made a light twirling motion with the fork in her right.
"Very well, sir." Nelew released her salute and looked down at Caleb's mess, then glanced up at Caleb as he left before she followed Flins back into the cafe.
"Actually yes miss, you hit the nail on the head. I just arrived today." Alaster inclined his head, and continued to speak as he sat there. "As for my name, it is Alaster, Alaster Langford, Ms. Eros." The young man replied having caught sight of her name tag a little earlier.

"A pleasure to meet you."
"Nice to meet you as well. Please, call me Sarai. Who's squad are you in? I'm probably going to be seeing a lot of you and your squad, I work with the medical staff from time to time. So I've been here for a little while," Sarai smiled brightly as she jabbed at one of the odd things on her plate with her fork and brought a small forkful up into her mouth. Whatever she was eating almost looked like some sort of dark blue kelp.
"Well...Sarai, I am with Captain Flins squad. I am sure you know him." Alaster replied as she continued to sit there, content for the moment as he was engaged in a somewhat interesting conversation.

"Only from time to time? Do you work elsewhere, or instruct here as well?" He asked politely, looking a little curiously at her food. "I also wonder what you are eating...forgive me, it is just that I have never seen that kind of food's like before."
"OH. Captain Flins is an interesting character, you're in a good squad but that's all I can really say." The woman took a sip of the water in her glass before talking to Alaster further.

"I work elsewhere. I help with scoring on qualification tests from time to time, I mostly try to keep to the firing range or the experimental weapon ranges. There is nothing like a gun that can fire a large load," Sarai grinned and then looked down at her plate, distracted by Alaster's question. "Oh, it's this weird underwater vegetation they've been growing, it kinda tastes like a mix of spinach and carrots but it's supposed to be a good vitamin supplement. Most of the stuff I'm eating are hybridized, lab grown vegetables. It's only for about a month or so to see if someone can maintain a healthy diet and weight on this stuff in case of a food shortage. But I swear that I'd kill for a nice thick piece of meat by the end of this month. But since I'm on this fish food, that's why I was curious about how the chow was. What did you end up picking?"
"A jack of all trades it seems." Alaster remarked, and nodded to the conclusion as she explained what she did. The fact she worked in so many areas was interesting, and quite possibly very demanding. When she had asked about what he'd gotten, he merely wore a small smile.

"You may hate me for saying so, but a big steak, with some mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables." He shrugged a little knowing the meal was a little ordinary. But hey, such meals were good no matter how ordinary.
"Nah, I don't blame you. Regular meals are always the best. What were you doing before you got recruited for here? You seem a little too polished to have been in our infantry forces," Sarai commented politely with a grin. "You could say that. It makes my routine less monotonous."
The tall Captain marched through the room, scanning over it's occupants. He saw all three of his other subordinates involved in either their meals, or, in Alaster's case, a conversation. However, before meeting with any of them, he decided it prudent to supply himself with a large can of iced tea from the buffet. With a look over his shoulder to confirm Nelew was still in tow, he began to step in Lenz's direction, tapping him on the shoulder as he walked past the short man. "Please, join us."

He quickly reached the table occupied by Hatu, sitting down silently, and directing his eye at the lieutenant as he opened his can of tea. "Hello, Mr. Chiaki. How is your meal." He motioned for Nelew to fill a seat next to him.
Lenz nodded with a grunt of acknowledgement to Flins and stood up from the bench. He followed the two in silence. The expression on his face was fairly neutral as he stood behind Flins and Nelew for a few moments as they came to a stop before taking a seat beside them. He made the assumption that this was an attempt to socialize them, but did not say anything.
"I was a marine before I joined the IPG." Alaster explained in his thoughtful tone. The young man twidled his thumbs a little as he continued. "You could say I stood out amongst some of my more rowdy brethren. Though that doesn't mean I do not like to cut loose and have a good time every once and awhile." He chuckled only slightly at this and sighed.

"How about yourself? What did you do before joining, or volunteering?"
Wondering what the Captain was doing, Nelew continued to follow her CO. "Treat them like family," Flins had said...but how was she expected to reconcile the images of a close-knit family with all of its intricacies and the professional relations between soldiers?

Nel's eyes narrowed briefly as she thought this over, then decided to experiment. By the time Flins directed her to sit, she smiled at Hatu and sat where indicated. However, her bearing became much more casual. Like a sister hanging out with her brothers in a school cafeteria. "Looks good," she commented as her index finger darted through his mashed potatoes, sweeping the small portion from his plate into her mouth. "Mm...much better than the baked one I had. I'll have to have some next time they're available."
Sarai had noticed the large cycloptic ID-SOL enter the Mess Hall with the odd woman that Caleb had been addressing earlier but she keep her eyes on Alaster. She laughed, "Really? How'd that work out for you? Me, I've been bouncing around doing odd jobs for a while now, I think my last job was as a last assistant in a medical research facility. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new equipment in action. I heard that one of the guys in your squad, Chiaki helped develop the Britva armor. It's a really sweet alternative to power armor."

Lenz looked at Nelew oddly as she put her hands in Hatu's food. He wasn't sure what the woman was on but he was grateful that it wasn't his food that she was touching.
"Well, I saw quite a bit of active duty while being a marine." Alaster explained as he shifted a little in his seat to get more comfortable. "And...more then a few wild nights. When there was leave my comrades tended to drag me everywhere looking to have a good time. I suppose I deserved it by being the more laid back one of the bunch."
"How often on those outings did you end up being the adult and getting them back to the berthing in one piece?" Sarai asked with a grin crossing her face. "You seem like the type that ends up being the responsible one and acting as the 'dad' keeping the kids out of trouble."
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