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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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The corner of Lenz's mouth twitched. He was starting to get the impression Nelew was either fucking with them or really socially inept. "... I was content to not be the focus of whatever it was that the Captain hoped to accomplished here. I would rather get to our training because I am not here to make friends. But I am not dumb enough to disobey my superior's orders since he feels the need to socialize some of us."

"Oh?" Sarai sounded slightly pleased at this information. "Career over romance? Must be lonely sometimes. You keep in contact with your folks or at least call your mom?" She pushed around the pile of red kelp on her tray with her fork before hurriedly shoveling a large forkful into her mouth. She forced herself to finish it and took a large gulp of her water with a disgusted look on her face. "Yuck."
Nelew nodded. "I am here for training as well," she said, then turned to Flins. "Sir, is it possible that your objective could be completed when we learn to trust one another on the field? None of us are interested in casual conversation, nor do we seem to have any particular skill at it." She looked over at Alaster, then back at Flins. "Mister Langford being the exception."
"Not caring is not an absence of skill, just disinterest to use it," Lenz retorted gruffly back.
A clang could be heard as a fork was being dropped on a clean plate. Hatu sighed with a light smile on his face, and turned his head to Nelew. "It's simple, we have one hulking mass of meat, who lacks conversational skills due to the amount hits he may have taken to the head." The Tech gestured a hand at Lenz a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"Another hulking mass, who just seems to be interested in only gathering those under him." He gestured his other hand at Flins.

"I'm just a simple man, who was trying to finish his meal. However, now that I'm done, my mouth can be reserved for other things, such as talking." Hatu twirled the hand that gesturing at Lenz, and dropped his other to his side.
Nelew paused, then nodded once in Lenz's direction and once in Hatu's. "Then I am corrected on both counts," she said softly, her smile almost completely disappearing.
Lenz's eyes narrowed at Hatu's comment. He was restraining himself from losing his temper again today. He audibly cracked his knuckles again and looked at Flins questioningly.

Caleb had re-entered the Mess Hall and walked with a confident stride over to Sarai and Alaster. "Sarai, hate to break it too you, but they're gonna change out your diet by adding some sort of new beverage derived from that stuff they have you eating next."

Sarai looked up at the grinning face of her friend and made a pained face, "Ugh. What color is it gonna be?"

Caleb laughed a little and simple said, "Red." Before patting the woman on the shoulder and hurrying off into a large crowd of men at a table in the far corner of the Mess hall.

Sarai looked sick. "Oh, god damn it.."
Alaster only shook his head a little. "Would you like something other then water while you can get it if you are to be drinking..." He looked down at her plate. "Well, that."
"Ugh, I get to enjoy my water until the next meal it seems, otherwise they would've given it to Caleb to give me this meal since they had him relay the message. I'd love to drink something else but that kinda wrecks the conditions of the diet," Sarai sighed as she savored her water. "Kimchee juice... ugh. Maybe if I'm lucky they'll go for one of the other colors to make into juice that doesn't taste like crap. Never let yourself get volunteered for dietary experiments." she had noticed, since she was facing Alaster that a woman had gestured to him. "I think, that woman over there with Chiaki wants your attention, Alaster."
Nel had just looked in Alaster's direction briefly during her mentioning him as the exception, and was looking at Hatu when Alaster turned.
"That girl over there next to Flins. She seems like she's a little shy but she might be interested in you," Sarai suggested with a grin as she poked at the remaining kelp on her tray with her fork.
Alaster sighed momentarily, and turned back about. "Anything is possible I suppose." He replied airly. "So, just how long are you to be on this diet for exactly?"
"At least a month. So by the time the Operator training is over, I'll be free of this diet to gorge myself on whatever normal food I can see fit," Sarai responded as she reluctantly had another helping of blue kelp. "Don't like the idea that she might have a thing for you? Or is Chiaki at risk of taking her from you?"
Alaster just blinked. "I have only just met her." Was his only reply to that question. "She seems nice enough, if not slightly stiff, perhaps it is simply her training." He shrugged slightly. "Though I have never seen a Nepleslian with those color eyes before. Well, other then a genetic modification or cybernetics."
"What color eyes does she have? Chances are, she might not be Nepleslian," Sarai commented. She shrugged. "So those are the first things you notice in a girl?"
"Oh, faust it, big man. I was only hinting at your extended in combat. It was a compliment, and meant to be taken as one." Hatu said nonchalantly.
Lenz rolled his eyes with a snort, "Sure, you were, Sir. Are you going to tell me to go fuck my sister next and say that it was just a compliment on our genetics?"
Hatu could detect the offense in the man's voice. He would need to test the man's temperment, see if it could handle a beating, or at least pretend to.

"I would have see your sister first, before I comment on your genetics, as you're not giving a good example." Hatu gave him a slight grin.
"You'll have to wait then," Lenz growled, his temper was starting to flare up again with the memory that his little sister was out there somewhere and he was not able to leave to find her. "We'll be lucky if they find her in one piece after what happened to her mom."
"You'd think that when you'd have association with one of the best information-networks in the galaxy, you'd at least have an idea." Hatu gave in a matter-of-fact tone.
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