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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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"Oh I'd say about half and half. I've ended up in a number of barfights, some caused by me, some by others. Hmm, there was a time or two I was dragged away by many a pretty young woman either while we were out, or from when I was in the marines. I remember a time when we made a road trip to outside of Funky City, and got stuck, unable to get back for about two days. Suffice to say our captain was not pleased."

He snorted a little as he remembered that particular memory. A somewhat 'drunken road trip', their vehicle had broken down, and no one got to them until two days later. Thankfully they'd had the common sense to pack some supplies.

"That was back when I was enlisted for the first six months or so..." He explained as he sat there a moment in quiet contemplation. "But, enough about me Sarai,how about yourself? Any stories?"
Hatu nodded and smiled to his superior as he sat down, still enjoying his own food. However, his mouth stopped in chew as a small bit of his potatos were robbed from him by Nelew. He turned his head slowly in Nelews direction, his face not showing much emotion. He swallowed the bit of steak in his mouth and then slowly moved his plate opposite her direction as if to say, 'Mine'.ss

The tech then scanned the table, noting the people who sat around him. With that, he continued to finish his meal, only his potatos(now with a small finger swipe in them) and half a steak.
Nelew watched Hatu's reaction with more than a little humor in her expression. Then she looked over at Flins. "I guess that means he likes it," she remarked.
Sarai chewed on another forkful of the blue kelp for a few moments as she tried to recall a story. "Nothing really interesting that I can recall at the moment, that I can share anyway. A danger of the field we work in, I'm afraid. I don't remember much about growing up, things kinda run together between jobs. I think I might be able to remember how I had to get my pelvis replaced but it's not generally dinner conversation."
Flins took a long drink from his drink, the cybernetic eye focused on Nelew's face, and his face still lacking emotion. He lowered the drink and nodded. "Yes. I believe that that is an accurate assumption." He looked to Hatu. "Is this correct, Lieutenant?"
Hatu's right hand was manning his fork, allowing to eat at his normal pace. His left hand, which was resting on the table, snapped a thumbs up to the Captain in response.
Her smile dimming a little, Nelew waited for further cues from Flins. In her opinion, Hatu was intent on his meal and highly resistant to any attempts at conversing. And Lenz was...Nel glanced over at him. He was just sitting there. Probably as clueless as she to what was supposed to happen. And probably feeling a little ignored, but whether he was grateful or resentful of that fact was something she was unable to determine.
Flins noticed the smaller womans glance in his direction. He turned towards her. "Is there something you wish to say, Initiate?"
"Oh?" Alaster arched an eyebrow. "Your pelvis?" Several different conclusions as to how, and why went through his mind at that point. "So...Sarai, if you do not mind my asking, just how much of you is cybernetic?"

The young man still sat there relaxed, and composed as he spoke. Though the eyebrow remained aloft.
"Hmm.. both my arms; scapula; pelvis and legs. I wager I'll probably be mostly cybernetic if things keep going the way they are by the time I'm 35. It's not too bad, I don't see myself doing anything as extreme as Captain Flins. How about you, do you have an enhancements?" Sarai replied brightly back, she seemed rather proud of her cybernetics.
Alaster held up his right arm, and wiggled his fingers at her. The arm seemed normal all things considered since it had a layer of synthskin.

"My right arm, that's about it." He replied, he didn't have as many cybernetics as Sarai, but he liked the arm none the less. "Though I can't tell you have cybernetics in you. They must have done a very good job."
"Thanks. The cybernetic arms help disperse some of the recoil of the HHGs when I use them both at once. It also helps maintain some control to my rate of fire, normally when you 'cowboy' you don't really hit mich of anything because the recoils and the jumping guns are harder to control unless you have conditioned yourself to have a steady hand," The redhead beamed as she talked about one of her favorite past times- shooting. "Do you chose to replace yours or was it a medical change? I think only 30% of mine had to happen," Sarai commented thoughtfully as she admired Alaster's right arm as he desplayed it to her.
"It was blown off." Alaster replied as he retracted his arm, and held the hand of it with his left one. He sighed slightly, and continued.

"Could say it was the price of recklessness. But now I have this arm, and it has saved me in more then a few situations." He nodded a little, and looked back up to Sarai."So, you have an HHG too, or rather two of them. I have one as well. I find it suits me well."
"That I do. I like the weight and kick of the HHG. I'd love for them to develop an even heavier round. But, we'll have to see what happens in the future. I don't see myself getting to do too much in the way of using my guns against anything but targets, but you should be getting a better chance for it. So, do you have anyone back at home?" Sarai asked curiously as she sampled a forkful of a red colored kelp from the pile on her plate. She made a little displeased face and coughed once she managed to chew and swallow the red stuff. "Oh god, that stuff tastes like Kimchee."

Lenz looked at Nelew questioningly with a perplexed expression on his face as he noticed her attention was on him for some reason. Is that... pity I see in those eyes? His eyes narrowed at this thought, it bothered him and his body tensed again. His hands balled into fists on his lap and his jaw tightened as well. "Is there something you wanted to say, Nelew?" He asked in a forced tone of voice.
"Well yes, yes I do." Alaster said rather simply when she asked him about having anyone. He merely blinked when she exclaimed what the red kelp tasted like. "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer something else to eat?"
"No, as much as it sucks. It's a study, I gotta eat this tray," Sarai commented with a sigh as she sipped her cup of water. "How long have you been with her?"
"No," Nel repeated, her smile vanishing briefly as she answered Lenz. "There is nothing I wanted to say. But it seems you are asking what I am thinking by looking in your direction. I was simply pondering what you thought about the Captain's attempt at socializing us and whether you were feeling left out by our focus on Hatu thus far. Also, whether you would consider such an omission preferable to participation. However, that musing is baseless now because you have participated." She brightened a little, then tilted her head slightly to on side. "Was I correct?"
"Her?" Alaster asked, blinking slightly. "I am with no one, I only have my family back home." He explained with a little bit of a chuckle. "Sadly I never had time for a girl, well, full time." He shrugged slightly at this.
Hatu looked up for a moment as his name was mentioned, and then went on to clearing his plate of his remaining potatoes.
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