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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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Alaster blinked as his name was called. He was pondering on just what to take when Flins let out the news he would be the squad leader for this mission. He nodded to this, and waited to go and get his gear.
Lenz seemed unphased by this decision but went with Alaster towards the facility's armory. "There are several ways we could take to take out our target. I want to take a sniping position from higher ground to provide you and the others cover since I have done this type of thing before," he mentioned in a low, gruff tone of voice.
"Then we will be counting on you." Alaster replied with a soft nod. "I trust you'll keep it light if you need to move to a better vantage point. Do you require a spotter?" He asked.
"I should be fine, we should have some sort of secure method of communicating to one another on mission, or some sort of code to keep any listeners in confused," Lenz suggested with a short nod.
Nel slowly got up and followed the men out, still considering her options.

"I require firearms training. Who would I ask concerning this?" she said suddenly, looking up at Alaster and Lenz.
Lenz looked at Nelew oddly, "Y-you don't know how to... use a gun?" The short man looked around to see if he could spot their instructor. There's no way we can get this girl trained for this mission in a few hours! "I'm no good as a teacher, I don't have the temper for it."
"The objective can be achieved without use of firearms, if that is your concern. However, if it is preferred that all team members know how to use that particular tool, an demonstration would be enough," replied Nelew. "Besides, you can't be that bad. None of my previous teachers went insane!" she added with a cheery smile.
"Hmm, a demonstration is enough?" Alaster asked thoughtfully, tapping his chin. "When we get to eh armory I suppose I could give you the basic run down on using a firearm." The young man looked down to Lenz. "It would be handy if we had a encrypted communications line, and a code just incase they crack the encryption. However, if we cannot get an encrypted line we'll have to resort to just codes and hand signals."
"Thank you, Mister Langford," said Nelew. She smiled at him, then went back to reading her datapad, keeping up with the men as they continued walking.
"Ah! Communication, excellent time to flourish..." Hatu piped up finally, the tech was pulling a small box on rollers that he had retrieved from the briefing room. The tech stumbled a little as he tried to get the box open in movement, but he cracked it open and reached in. He flipped out a long, small, black triangular device. At the the smaller end of the device, was a microphone, and on the larger end, was an a speaker with three prongs, on the other side, a green circular button doubling as a dial with nine indentions and numbers.

"These. My most recent device, something that will keep our convesations under wraps, and stylish to boot." He let loose a malicous grin on that last statement.

"Though, it's functionality is what is vital, this is the S-Pkr. When you send, your audio is encrypted and only decryptable and readable by another S-Pkr. Encryptions are programmable in nine modes, and thankfully for you, I've already done that work." He twisted the dial/button, while keeping the box in tow with the other hand.

"Turn this to your team's encryption, and anyone working on that encryption will understand your words, crystal clear. 'Hey! We broke their encryption!' WHOOPS, now they have eight to go." Hatu grinned maliciously, once more.

"Now, to put this on... Just put up to your ear." Hatu leveled the S-Pkr to his ear, "Press to the ear." He pressed the S-Pkr to his ear and the prongs secured on his ears. "And the pressure sensitve prongs secure to the ear. Then, press the button to activate the link and lock the encrytion." He pressed the button. "When pressed, the dial will not turn, so you won't accidentally switch away from your encryption. So..."

His eyes scanned around at the other intiates.

"Who wants one?"
"Sounds good, Chiaki. I'll gladly take one for this mission," Lenz said curiously as he looked at the lieutenant and his box of tricks appraisingly. "We field testing these for you and how likely am I gonna be to accidentally break it?"
"Ah, yes, these havn't really been tested it too much privately, as I havn't had the time." Hatu tilted his head as he inspected the S-Pkr he had pulled off his ear.

"As for their durability? It's a simple Plastandronium make up, allowing for cheap production, yet strong structure. You could step on this..." He waved the S-Pkr around in his hand.

"And no damage, infact I have tested that it has a structural capacity under pressure of up to 250 lb. Just don't expect it to take a bullet. Here, Intiate Neis, this one will be yours, it's set to encryption one." He handed his S-Pkr to Lenz.
Lenz took the S-Pker carefully into his non-cybernetic right hand, and appraised it curiously before placing it into his ear as Hatu had demonstrated. "I put it in like this?"
"Yes, more of it putting 'on' the ear." Hatu repeated the action after grabbing another earset, pressing the S-Pkr against his ear, and letting it secure on.
"Oh," Lenz said softly as he adjusted the S-Pker appropriately. "Now to get myself loded up with my other gear." He turned to the armorer on duty and submitted his written supply requests through his data pad. It took a few moments for the armorer; a short squat, crazy-eyed man wearing a standard but slightly too big, SAoN uniform with the white IPG armband, to receive the request.

"Ya lookin' to hunt ya sum bear, dare boy?" The armorer asked with a stupid, half toothed grin. He winked at the unamused heavily muscled initiate in front of him and snorted, slapping his leg with a heavy smacking sound. "Awh, ease up dare, boy. I ain't mean nothin', we is in the same business. Give me a few and ya'll get your gear."

Lenz merely grunted as he watched the man retreat back behind a heavily secured door just beyond the fenced "cubicle" that as the armory's receiving "office".
Taking one of the earpieces, Nelew tried it on. It caught on her hair the first try, but she adjusted it and tested the channels before removing it.

While the armorer was retrieving Lenz's requests, Nel put hers on the desk: just the knuckledusters and the bludgeon. She also requested a Zen Armaments 10mm CO pistol and a WickedArms GP-12B Light Pulse Rifle for Alaster to teach her with.
Alaster was next to receive one of the S-Pkrs, and waited for Hatu to hand him one. "It seems you were our saving grace when it came to communications for this mission Lieutenant." The taller man remarked as he waited to also get his weaponry, and gear from the armory.
Cyrene silently entered the room and began studying an assortment of NovaCorp and NAM weaponry. The cyborg's well fitting SAoN uniform clearly displayed the IPG armband on her left arm, as well as the pistol holstered on her belt.

Cyrene walked up to the armorer, a rather curious look on her face. "Pardon me, do you have any ESG's or RPB's in stock?" She inquired quietly.
"My good friend, I will ALWAYS be your saving grace when it comes to a problem that can be solved with ENGINEERING." Hatu said, his grin especially wide as he put a S-Pkr in Alaster's hand.
The squat looking armorer returned from the back with several metal boxes in tow. With a grunt he set them down on the counter and pointed a pudgy finger at Lenz. "Ya gotta check dis an' make sure it's whatcha want, boy."

He looked at the two young women, having just now noticed them. "Ya, we gots 'em. I needs ya to fill out them there forms on ya'll's data pads, first and sign them requests before I'll transfer da custody to ya." He glanced down at the counter and noticed that in fact, Nelew had already submitted the forms. He picked up the request and looked at it oddly, " Knuckles? All 'ight, before I goes to the back again, any of ya'll other folks in here be needin' anythin'?"
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