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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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"There are three other items listed," said Nelew, unsure whether the armorer had noticed the bludgeon and guns and picked the knuckles out as an item of interest or if he had skipped over them completely.
"Well then Lieutenant, please keep up the good work."Alaster replied with a little nod as the armorer spoke. He held his datapad in his own hand before walking over to the man. Listed was a 10mm Covert ops pistol, a GP-13 pulse pistol, and a Novacorp Vial.

"There any chances you may have those in stock, or I can use one? If not, I'll just take a good combat knife instead sir." Alaster added politely as he held the data pad out.
The armorer took the data pad from Alaster's hand into his one, pudgy one. He looked at it with a crooked, half tooth grin. "Eh 'ya, the guns we got. Hmm.. Imma haveta take a looksee to check on dat there, Vial thing-ama-jig." He waddled into the back area; the chain fence doorclinking shut behind him. There was a much louder clicking noise as the lock secured itself.
Cyrene perused through the list and reached a decision. Setting her pistol on the counter, she gave the list a last glance. I'll be needing a few extra daggers, an RPB, and a sniper rifle. The Zweihander? Or the Zen Arms rifle? Hmm... the Zweihander's "stealth" effect is only really applicable when the target is at full ranged. better stick to the more mundane Zen Arms

"I'll take 6 Durandium Stilleto daggers, an RPB with standard rounds and a Zen Armaments Precision Sniper Rifle. 6 clips or so, of each." She asked the armorer quietly, adding: "The daggers were pre-ordered a week ago. Are they in yet?"
"MAYBE, MAYBE NOT. I IS LOOKIN' WOMANZ, GIVE ME SUM TIME," came the pudgy armorer's drawling shout from behind the barricade. "I ONLY GOTS SO MANY HANDS." A muffled muttering could heard heard accompanied by a loud clang of metal falling onto something hollow and metal. There was some unintelligible cursing and one followed stomping before the sound of rustling, shifting and clinking could be heard again.
"Sorry for adding this sir, but I do not suppose you have a GP-16 plasma pistol, or a Novacorp Xaser pistol laying around either?" Alaster asked, his air of politeness still there. After all the armorer was going through the trouble of finding their equipment and deserved some measure of respect.

Though he spoke only after Cyrene did, it was until then that he looked over to her, wearing a thoughtful expression as was custom for him. He gave off a short bow, being the gentleman that he was.

"An interesting selection of weaponry. Are you in our unit, or another miss?"
"AYUT, FILL UT DAT FORM. GOT ANOTHER BIT BEFORE I IS DONE," the armorer shouted back. There was more stomping and clanging.

Lenz, meanwhile was checking over his own requested equipment- binoculars with built in night vision as well as his sniper rifle. He nodded solemnly as she got everything squared away before lifting the handle of the metal ammo can and opening the can to remove the magazines and the boxes of ammunition. He pulled the tactical backpack that the armorer had brought home and started loading it up with his gear.

With a loud clang and a muttering of more cursing the squat armorer appeared from behind the chain door, having decided to kick it open as he waddled under the strain of the pile of boxes he had loaded up in his arms. With some heavy stomping he returned to the counter and set the pile down on the deck behind it. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand with a heavy huff before kneeling down and gathering together the separate requests.

"Ladies furst," He carefully set Nelew's requests with a light clang in front of her. "Check ova yar gear and make sure it's goot before ya leave. I need yas to sign the form sayin' you received it not broke." Whenever Nelew opened her 3 boxes, she'd find the weapons she requested with dirty paper copies of the owner instruction manuals.

The armorer shuffled over to Cyrene and heaved another pile of metal boxes onto the counter in front of her. "Ayut, they came in. Check and sign, pluz."

He looked at Alaster with a light sigh as he placed the last of his oxes in front of the young man. "'Ight. Here ya go. Yadda yadda yadda, sign da form, pluz."
Opening the first box, Nel examined the 'dusters, trying them on and testing the voltage. She nodded to herself and continued through the rest of the equipment. The bludgeon was weighed, tested, approved. But the gun was something that she didn't really understand.

Looking back through the box and noticing the instruction manual, Nelew picked it out of the pistol's box and read the cover. Her mouth curved into a slight smile, then she signed the paperwork and thanked the armorer before packing up the boxes and several clips of ammo with a couple of batteries. Moving them to the nearest open table or chair, she began reading both manuals to the guns, starting with page one of the pistol manual.
"Hurry Initiates. Your transportation is waiting." Flins strode slowly through the room, looking over the soldiers. "Do not forget your armor, and please don't pick any of the chainguns or suitcase nuclear bombs," The captain pointed to the far wall, against which were pushed several large weapons lockers, one of which displayed a very large, multi-barreled weapon through an open door.
Alaster neatly signed the forms, and picked the box up, going over to where the armor was stored, and got his set. The initiate then opened the box, going over the weapons expertly allowing Nelwe to watch, and learn by example. He took the extra ammo clips out for the covert ops pistol and put them into holders, then took out the Vial, placed it at his hip, along with the covert ops pistol, the Xaser pistol, and mulled over the last two.

With a sigh, Alaster chose the GP-13 pulse pistol, and put it into a thigh holster, leaving the plasma pistol. Though he took the extra battery clips for his weapons.

Once done, he checked over it all, making sure everything was secured before he stood ready.
Nelew looked up from her reading when Alaster went through his supplies and noted what he did, but also noted that those supplies didn't match what she had. So she skimmed the table of contents for her manuals, found the assembly & care sections, and flipped through those with a good amount of rapidity. Then she packed up the boxes and returned to the armorer's desk.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to request a duffel for the equipment and a set of body armor. Is it too late?" she asked politely.
"Nah," the armorer said quickly as he tossed a duffel bag to Nelew.

Lenz pulled on his body armor, buckling it into place before putting his deconstructed rifle into his backpack. He adjusted the bag's position on his back and nodded with a soft grunt to both Alaster and Flinz. "I'm set."
"Thank you."

Nelew took the armor and, after watching Lenz don his set, put it on. Then she stowed the knuckles and club in two of the holsters/equipment rings and set the boxes with the guns inside the duffel. Shouldering the duffel, she reported ready.
An arrow floated along, a young woman in tow. Athrylis walked quickly behind the arrow, her dark red hair fluttering slightly behind her. She approached the armory where the squad was waiting, finally.

She entered the armory and saluted. "I apologize for my tardiness. Initiate Adair reporting." Her eyes did a quick scan of the room, as she stood at attention.
Flins directed his sight to the newly arrived Initiate. "Greetings. Please select your desired equipment quickly. You are to be deployed soon to terminate a traitor swiftly and quietly. Choose your weaponry accordingly."
Athrylis nodded to Flins. The initiate pondered briefly on possible equipment, wondered if this would work, excluding that. Having made up her mind, she approached the armourer. "I'd like to request an IPG M1-V, Sir."
"Ah bout that, we dun have da shipment of dat one yet. Should be getting those in next week or so, try anudder rifle," the squat, pudgy armorer responded. "Ya can talk to the the rest of your squad and find out what's ya'll be needing for ya'll's misshion." He suggested thoughtfully as he removed his beret to scratch his half balding head, she could see that what hair he had left formed there a halo of mousey brown hair. He muttered, "All the Gud dam tech in all da Gud dam wurld and they can't friggin' cure hair loss."

He replaced the cover and offered Athrylis a yellow stained, gap toothed grin. "Once ya gut anudder gun in mind, ya'll have ta fill out da request form."

Lenz shook his head with a look of disgust at the armorer's smile. Fuck, that's nasty. He watched the new girl curiously, "You, new girl, we're going in stealthy like, so keep it low key and easy to conceal- we have 5 bodies to make and only 1 of them important. Take to the Lt about getting one of the S-pker thingies and think about the ZA Sniper rifle or the pistols." He suggested gruffly in what could've been a helpful manner if he didn't look so.... angry?
Athrylis stared awkwardly at the grin, and listened to Lenz's comment. She felt a bit stupid at choosing something like that now.

"Oh, I apologize." Athrylis pondered once more on possible weapon choices. She glanced around for a request form, and filled one out. It was filled out merely for a ZA 10mm covert ops pistol, with the silencer and ammo of course.

Athrylis handed the form to the armorer.
The armorer took the forms greedily into his pudgy fingers, "Aye will be right back, to get dis for ya." With another grin that'd make a jack-o-lantern feel self conscious, the armorer hurried off behind the gated barrier that led into the weapon storage area.

Lenz watched him go impassively, "...I think he likes you, girly."
Athrylis watched the armorer waddle off, before she looked over at Lenz, staring briefly. She turned back to the gate as waited for the armorer to come back.

The thought of the armorer liking her, in the way that Athrylis though Lenz ment, made the last little vestige of emotion in her embarrased, though it didn't show.
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