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RP: IPG [IPG Operators] Breaking Blood Explosion Extraordinaire!

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After several minutes of searching, the squat armorer returned to the counter. The gate clanking shut behind him. He grinned widely at Athrylis as he handed her the weapons she requested. "Ight, double check and sign da release forms statin' that dese things are in workin' order."
"Thank you, sir. I'm am very grateful," Ahtrylis replied to the armorer, accepting the weapon. She got a release form and filled it out, before she handed the form to the armorer. "I appreciate your aid," she repeated, bowing her head slightly.
There was a little gleam in the squat armorer's eye as the initiate acted submissive to him. He grinned widely and then saw the scowl on Flins's face before simply nodding with and awkward cough. "Anything for a purdy gurl." He hurried off with his new pile of paperwork to the desk at the rear of his area in front of the fence to sign each form off.
Inside, Athrylis was embarrased, on the outside, she just stared after the armorer. As she turned around to face Flins, the initiate stowed away the pistol and ammo. She saluted.
Lenz look of disgust deepened as the armorer finally retreated away from Athrylis. The notion that a man not unlike the yokel could be exercising his lecherous desires upon his Mei made his blood boil. His jaw tightened as he readjusted the straps of his body armor with a scowl. It dawned on him that... Athrylis was almost a painful reminder of his little sister. The new girl had a similar look and it made his heart tighten when he caught her in his peripheral vision because just for an instant.. he could swear Mei was standing there next to him.
Flins strode to Alaster, the much taller half-ID-SOL standing in his usual formal manner, his arms now clasped behind his back, and his large eye staring down at the man.

"Your squad is ready, correct?" The Captain produced a datapad from his right pocket, and looked to its small screen. "The transport to your destination is waiting." He held the datapad out to the Initiate. On it were displayed directions to whatever mode of transportation would bring them to their target.
"Pardon me, do you have a digital transcript of the briefing? I was indisposed at the time and only given basic instructions on the current operation." Cyrene asked Lenz, tapping him gently on the shoulder. Though she might have asked Alaster, he was busy conversing with an officer, and she found it would be inappropriate for her to interject at that time. She assumed that if this innitiate had packed on his datapad, the chances were that he probably auto-recorded it. Though, this was just her guess, based on her experiences with the austere professionalism of the IPG.
Nelew looked at Cyrene from where she stood with her equipment, waiting a moment to see if Lenz replied before answering for him. "Briefing summery: Target is a former Sergeant Winston Patreynam of the Nepleslian Military, reported defected to the Red faction. Known to have betrayed his company and has been designated for termination by the IPG.

"Current location is at suburban development 445 of Luftenstrimmel City; scheduled to leave the planet three days from now. Current security is as follows: Standard electronic security system, to be disabled upon commencement of this operation. Also four ID-SOL guards, lightly armed. Presumed to be in close proximity to the target.

"Mission is designated a stealth operation and must remain out of the public knowledge. Standard equipment is available." The relatively normal-looking woman tilted her head to one side, still watching Cyrene. "That is all."
Lenz nodded to Nelew as she provided Cyrene with the info she needed. "If you need further elaboration on what we are doing, Langford is in charge of our squad during the mission, we haven't discussed how exactly we're going to go about doing this. But we have a limited window of time."

Mikhael Chandler dropped his duffel bag filled with goodies on the floor of the hangar where the shuttle had deposited him. He produced a small, thin cigarette from his pocket and stuck it into the corner of his mouth. The wispy, long contrail that came from the end of the automatically lighting cigarette dissappeared towards the cieling.

"My kind of place..." He smirked despite himself. Chandler recieved an order to head to the armory, so he tapped some ash off the end of the death twig and set off down the hallway. After a few minutes of arrow tracking he arrived down there.
"It would seem so sir." Alaster replied after a few moments of looking over those in his squad. Upon seeing the datapad being handed to him, he took it, nodded his head in thanks and looked back to his squad. The young man looked at the datapad, at the directions and vehicle chosen. Holding the datapad at his side, Alaster cleared his throat politely, and spoke up.

"If everyone now has their gear. Has checked it, secured it, and is satisfied with it as you all seem to be, then we shall get to our mission. A transport is waiting for us, and any further mission specific questions can be asked while we walk there. I offer you this one last chance to check, change, or switch out any of your gear. Once you are through form up in a line in front of me, and we will leave."
Nelew visually reviewed her gear, double-checking to make sure everything was present and without any obvious defects. Zipping the duffel back up, she slung it over her shoulder and stood at attention before Alaster.
"Crashing a party, as usual." Chandler's clipped, sarcastic response cut through the air.

"Sorry, I missed briefing. Late arrival. So what have we got?"
Lenz looked at the new man oddly and looked at the armorer. "Yo bumpkin, get this guy the same set-up as the new girl. And hurry the fuck up, we're running late." He glared at the armorer for a moment before looking at Chandler. "Right 1 target guarded by 4 bodyguards in a residential area. We're taking him out quietly and removing witnesses but keeping it quiet. The L.T. has an ear piece we're using that'll keep us in touch and keep our lines secure with a rotating encryption. Our transport to the location is almost about to leave. So we're in a push."

The armorer's eyes narrowed and he scurried off to get the equipment, there was the sound of frantic searching fom beyond the barrier and in under a minute, the squat man returned and placed the boxes on the counter in front of Chandler. "New boy, ya' gots to check dis here guns out befor ya'll run out of time."
"right." Chandler moved over to the table, inspecting his choice in armaments. He inspected each one, then decided on a GP-1 Assault Rifle with a re-threaded barrel capable of taking a silencer, a Zen Armaments 10mm Covert Ops pistol and a smoke grenade. Following this, he pulled on a load-bearing harness and held the GP-1 at parade rest, the silencer on the end of the barrel.

"I'm ready to go."
"Very well. Thank you for the clarifications." Cyrene answered quietly, her voice lacking any specific intonation. Now properly informed of her objectives, she began to evaluate her options. As a sniper, she'd have to find a way to conceal the weapon, which shouldn't be all that hard, and get to a vantage point. But, with this new information, she might need a quick update on her gear.

"Excuse the last minute change, but I'll also need a rifle case." She asked the armorer, stepping back to the counter.
The armorer pulled a hard black rifle case from behind the counter and placed it front of Cyrene; as well as, a large canvas duffelbag. "'Ere, pick one."
Cyrene settled for the hard black case, and nodded her thanks to the armorer. With a few small motions, she opened the case and quickly loaded in her rifle, as well as the spare clips. I should tell the squad leader I'm ready. She thought to herself.

The operator-in-training walked up to Alaster and presented herself, giving a quick naval salute. "So you're the Initiate ordered to lead this operation? Initiate Cyrene Veles. Reporting for duty."
Alaster arched an eyebrow at Cyrene's introduction. Veles? He thought to himself. The young man gave it a simple fifty fifty as coincidence with her last name and gave her a short gentlemanly bow. Being drilled in it since childhood from your father did that to you. He followed it up by returning the salute.

"Why yes, yes I am Miss Veles." He said in his usual friendly tone of voice. "I hope you've been briefed?"
Chandler noticed everyone heading towards the squad leader, so he attached the GP-1, sans silencer, to his back and walked over to him.

"Initiate Mikhael Chandler reporting for duty, sir." The smoke from his cigarette spiraled away from him, pooling around his face.
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