Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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Khasidel's Art Dump

I know I haven't been here for three months, thus I am supposed to be unable to contribute new races or stuff like that to the site yet. This first image is drawn in anticipation for the time when I will be allowed, further down the line (assuming I am still around :) ). Until then, I'm just going to continue drawing more images and fleshing out the civilizations background and other important details so that it might eventually be found acceptable when I present it for the approval / refusal process.

I've got to have something to do between posts ;) .


This ones an example of a Vasurah officer, tentatively named Aria.

Haven't decided entirely on the specifics of the races physiology yet; I'm mainly thinking along a mixture of reptilian-mammalian or amphibian-mammalian traits. The glowing spots are due to natural bio-luminescence (like firefly's); gotta love glowing in the dark. :D

This image is also an example of the standard ship-board uniform, with the base color indicating division (ie command, engineering, security etc), and the secondary color indicating rank. In this case, black = command and gold = captain equivalent rank. Though this is subject to change further down the line.

The panels also glow in the dark, and the forearm pieces are supposed to support holographic ship interfaces.

On a side note, this took about a whole day for me to draw because I suck at drawing by hand and I don't own the proper tools... drawing entirely by mouse in photoshop sucks great black hairy $(#*#.

I'll probably add more images to this thread intended for use in the races wiki articles once I get around to drawing them. I'm also refreshing my google sketch-up skills in order to make some good ship and vehicle models.

'nough said for now.

EDIT: Re-uploaded the image with the line-work at 60% opacity to make it easier on the eyes.
Made a bit of progress; essentially have finished the front (though I'll still need to add the sensors, tractor beam, landings struts etc to the bottom once the back is done). Didn't really edit this render in photoshop afterwards, hence the lack of glowy bits.

I've been practicing and trying to create some good ship interiors to accompany my designs for Murasaki Orbital Shipyards. I've temporarily paused work on the current ship concept -- the Jiyu freighter -- in favor of creating a smaller shuttle design from the interior outward, which I can submit for approval fairly quickly after making a few internal compartments, sticking them together, then building an exterior model around them. Below is a 30% complete 'Standard Aerospace Cockpit' module piece for the shuttle.

The good thing about making modular pieces like this in sketchup is that I can reuse it in other shuttle models, and I also plan on reusing lots of bits like the chairs, holograms, parts of the consoles etc in other bridge/cockpit types.

Figuring out the lighting and how to get the transparency to work was... really annoying.

Thanks! :D

Here's another couple of WIP's. I intend to vary the interior up some once I get close to finishing it so that one side isn't quite so obviously a mirror of the other; mainly by changing the holograms around a bit, add a maintenance hatch to one side of the floor, rotate one of the chairs so that it's facing towards the cockpits entry door, etc. I also still want to add some back-lit control panels to the roof above the chairs, add a storage locker for pressure suits and other equipment, plus modify the console's a bit to add some extra details.

The second image is of course very, very rough and show's little more than some of the cockpits basic shape -- I was mostly just seeing how the interior of the shuttle looks from the outside with the lighting i'm presently using.

Actually they aren't really textures for the console panels; just a whole lot of different flat colors, each on their own individual face/place/segment piece thingy. The metal is really just the plating texture I use for ship exteriors blown up by about 3 times so it varies the grey color a bit.
Added the storage lockers, overhead controls and made it so the touchpanels emit light. Moved the chairs a bit so that when they rotate, the back won't run into the console ledge. Also fiddled with the windows so thy're more glass-like with reflections. You can't really see the starfield outside anymore -- but it's probably more realistic this way. You really shouldn't see stars through the windows on a spaceship due to light pollution from the interior of the ship obscuring them.

I probably won't make any more WIP renders with lighting, as it seriously increases the render time. This last image took more than an hour and a half to complete at low-res.

Epic, man! I'm really impressed.
Played around in Sketch-up and Kerkythea yesterday trying to recreate the Starship Chair (Type 35) for Star Army ships (there are slight deviations because I wanted to give it a bit more detail, and creating curved surfaced in sketch-up is a bitch. Plus I added a 5-point safety harness). I also experimented a little with making holograms.

I plan to eventually use this model and variants of it to create Star Army ship interiors for a plotship... eventually :P.

That's really good! Could you make it white like Hanako's chair?
Yeah; the darkness of the metal is presently because of the low lighting for the most part. Give me a half hour or so and I'll render one without the hologram in the way.
A couple months back I started redoing my Naginata-class battlecruiser plotship concept -- wanted to improve the look and make it look more consistent with existing Yamataian ships. I've largely tried to imitate the style of Adamkop and his redone versions of the Yamataian Sharie and Super Eiken-class warships.

I finally decided to go with a capital ship plotship concept because most yamataian plotships are small ones -- I want to see if I can't manage to effectively run a ship with the PC's working alongside or in charge of a large number of NPCs. I suppose I might run it kinda like they do in star trek RP's, with the players controlling the ships senior staff etc... though I'm still mentally toying with how I'm going to try and pull the whole thing off.

It's still missing running lights, torpedo launchers, missile launchers and the anti-armor turrets for the aft nacelle sections of the ship, as well as the assorted doodads and bits I want to add onto the dorsal and ventral rear areas including sensors, comms and fire control antenna, hanger bays, etc.

As you can see, I've also tinkered with an alternative turret look, in order to make them look more like they can properly 'pop-up' out of the ships hull -- the big turrets on Yammie ships supposedly being able to do so.

Work on the model has unfortunately stalled in the last month or so -- as I've had to deal with some medical stuff that is prevented me from sitting for the lengthy periods of time needed to work on the ship. Hopefully that won't last and i'll be able to finish this off and start modelling the interiors.




Fiddled around in Sketch-up and Kerkythea yesterday trying to refine some of the interior components I plan to use for the Naginata-class and Izanagi-class submissions. I've been trying my hand at using bump maps and normal maps to give the floor and wall textures lighting effects without having a ridiculously large poly count -- the deck plating in these images are one of my first somewhat successful attempts.

Rendering these things is a bloody pain though -- just creating an image for one of these chairs alone takes around 2 hours. Blegh.

Next up I'll be working my way through the door types, bulkheads, ceilings, computer consoles, volumetric projectors and storage lockers -- then make renders for full compartments like a corridor example, some starship bridges, combat information centers, flag bridges and other similar ship rooms that use pretty much the same sort of equipment.

While these chairs are based on the Type 35 starship chair, they are obviously different designs -- mostly because of personal acstetic reasons and the fact those chairs are so difficult for me to recreate in Sketch-up accurately. These are also not the only types I'm going to use; the first is a basic floor mounted type with a five-point harness, such as would typically found in the cockpit of a shuttle. The second is a contra-grav variant that is essentially a replacement for the old 'rolling chairs' that operates on broadcast power, and will be mostly found throughout a ship both with and without the five-point harness and armrests depending on the location. I'm wondering if I shouldn't try to make some 'floating' computer workstations as well -- what with both the minkan and nekovalkyrja ability to fly and move in three dimensions throughout a ship, having all the workstations in a fixed location within a room is not an absolute requirement. I kinda like the idea of having both chairs and workstations hovering in the middle of a room which is a completely immersive volumetric projection system that shows the space outside the ship in absolutely all directions. :D

I also plan to make a fixed-forward variant of the first chair for use in the back of shuttle craft, or that can be mounted to and folded up against walls.

These are really nice. I look forward to seeing more stuff from the Izanagi and Naginata.

More-or-less have finished off the main model of the Naginata -- still need to do some minor finishes around the hanger bays at the rear, but you can't tell that from this view of the ship. It's come out pretty well I think :3

I'll probably start making the article for it sometime today. Because it'll take so long for me to finish all the new interior images as well to go with it, most of the compartment articles will have to be plain text until their accompanying images are complete.
I like it! And I've been looking at the stats page and I like it so far, too. FM approved.