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Kokuten's Vault

Iroma Physiology.

Nice work, Koku. He looks like he's about to ask if I'm going to finish eating my meal, lol.
Good question. Where is his Gualmyan?

Again, I have to praise you on your coloring and texturing job on this picture. You really brought it to life in an amazing way. Small details I love are the sheen on his sword and the way you did the tatters in his cloak and scarf. Completely awesome.
I'd believe that man was the Zesuaium Chef. Very swanky. I may have made the uniform, but Buu makes the uniform look good.

(Did I spell it right that time?)

Felt like finally getting this one out, I've had sitting around for a long time, just never got around to inking and coloring.

Also, I've drawn Kensuke, another one of the characters entering into the rising Origin Industries plot.
That Koku pic was amazing as sketchy lineart and seeing it in all it's inked and colored glory is just awesome. I love the glowing, fizzling energy off of his arm and his signature XBAWX eyes. :V

Kensuke looks pretty boss, too. I'm still a little sore about the belt and hat, (just kidding :3-) but if he's the head of a division, perhaps I'll give him a little leeway. :V (Also, the fold on his hat is going the wrong way, but shhh. If you don't tell then I won't.)

An interesting choice on the pants cuffs, I like the way it goes along with the skirts on Cyrene and Aerin. Not too thrilled on the coloring of his boots, except that it gives them a Japanese sandal look with the blue stripe over the toes.
Maybe it's just me, but Kokuten's arms have a very definite feeling of mass to them...they feel like they would put a lot of weight on his shoulders, creating a danger of ripping or over-stressing the skin, bones, and possibly muscles there.

Which gave me an idea for a cybernetics arrangement involving a double-arm-replacement setup to take said weight off the joints and more on the shoulders proper. Anyone know what a yoke is?
Bah! It just appears that way because the the dark arms seem to make the arms look bigger.
X-Box eyes, and very big arms!

Yay for Kokuten being drawn!
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