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Kokuten's Vault

Kokuten said:
Bah! It just appears that way because the the dark arms seem to make the arms look bigger.
It's not so much that they look bigger, it's that they feel like they have some serious weight to them. You did a very good job of making it look like metal, that's all : ) And metal, most of it anyway, is heavy.
Thank you! Though, you've got to realize, a lot of nepleslians have cybernetics similar to the ones like Kokuten's right arm. So most of them would be heave to them in the first place. I don't know the technical specifications, but I'd like to think there's some unexplained science to how it doesn't seem to hinder them that much.
You know, I remember something from the Ghost in the Shell manga that uses Batou as an example on mechanical arms falling off when picking up heavy objects if they're not anchored correctly. I think there's some sort of rod, bar, or other implementation inserted that goes all the way back to the spine providing the needed support. With two such arms, I wouldn't be surprised if Kokuten's spine was reinforced in some way to not only handle the weight of the arms, but also the extra weight that those arms can carry.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking...at least a 'yoke' configuration, with a connecting bar or whatever between the two arms that would carry the weight instead of just letting them hang on the ends of his shoulders.
haha. very nice, Koku. now you should stick them in SAI and trace 'em and color 'em.
Well, now how do you feel about Kokudante now that he's all lined up in all that SAI glory?

Looked freakin' awesome!

Click for original size.

I DREW SOMETHING! Not exactly sure what it is...

He's mighty and caring!
Courageous and daring!

With Jaybee and Sandrat he follows the Dreams
Fighting the Nightmares wherever they scheme~

More than a simple temple guard,
he guards us all as Justice Guard!

*Violently maims Exhack for killing him off*
All I can think when looking at this guy is "Where's Annie? Where's Annie?"
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