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Kyle's 3D Art

If there's one thing that I really do not like, its when I get an idea on how to improve a previous project and suddenly I am no longer able to work on the projects I had before until I get the original done D:

Thus, while working on a piece of work for another artist, I was experimenting with some of Blenders features; still doing it to but after some work I came up with this:

That is correct =)

Still a work in progress, hope to get another image up shortly that shows a field of them. Later on, I'll work on a cave scene that has them as well.
Huh, just noticed that my post showing the field of Lunabaren isn't here ;-; I'll have to repost that once I can find the render again in my respository x_x

Anyway, here's another:

This is a new Neshaten starfighter, known as the T-12 Heavy. Others here have seen the WIP's and probably already notice some of the additions
What you're doing wrong is using a flag instead of a roundel.
heh, ya, I fixed that later on; will get up a render on that one in a few days

Anywho, here's some more for people to nibble on. Did all four of these models in only two days.

These will be going on a kind of 'little bird' that I am developing for the Neshies; weapon pods that can be mounted on it although later on they'll also be mountable on regular starfighters. And yes, while I am aware that they look more terrain and not so much sci-fi, they are more than capable of being used in space. The plasma gattling cannon is a real beasty :-3
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