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RP: Land of Dreamers [Land of Dreamers Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

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Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Geruud scuttled away from the table, and climbed a stool at the bar. Once on top of chair, he leaped belly-down on the bar's table, crawling over it and getting behind it safely with Nada's help. Nada herself didn't seem to thrilled of what was unfolding, but she didn't have a firearm of her own to ward off any of these unfortunate fights.


"Wannabe? Oh you'll regret that, Itislah." One of the bandits growled, fairly offended by Hanadi's comment. He almost sailed forward before being stopped by the leader of the group.

"Hold it, Akeem." said former-drunk with confidence, "We don't have to deal with some two-bit Hlrarian, who thinks she's a Sund Wakir." Apparently, he had no fear of Hanadi's reputation, or the Temple Guard, which likely was the signal that he may have still be slightly drunk. The Iroma looked over at the near passed out Nova with a grin, and lazily considered Na'Subir, who was sitting next to her at the table. "See? She'll be easy pickings." he said, looking back at his small group before whipping out a pistol and turning back towards Nova to take aim.

"What the..."

Though, when he turned his attention back, Na'Subir had not only moved his chair to the other side of table, but also in the bandit's line of fire. The older Temple Guard was looking straight at the man, his expression plain, unchanging, and entirely unsuitable for the situation. His chair was still angled to sit from his previous position, instead of his current one. People who had been looking on from their booths and chairs, were also surprised when they looked back at Hanadi's table, as no one had even heard the sounds of a chair scraping against the floor.


Meanwhile, back at the Clinic...

"Argh! Shut him up!" yelped one of the intruding Sund Wakir in Sal Saari, who was trying to hold his ears to Oskar's screaming. At that, the other three raised their guns at the Abwehran, about to mow the man down...

...Until one of them noticed Harmony and Peace seemingly ready to pounce on them. "By the dreamers! They've got beasts, shoot them!" and with that, the other three trained their weapons on both the Lorath and her big cat companion, ready to send them on to the afterlife...

...Before catching eye of Sayoko diving behind her bed with a bag of somewhat unknown items. "No! Shoot her, she's got something in that bag of hers, I know it!" argued the third of the group, which caused the other three to aim at Sayoko, through her bed, about to pepper her tailpipe in a different way from what Asher was doing in his dreams...

...Then Shiki flashed the room clumsily, sending all four attackers reeling in disgust. Though, what really set them off was when the Yamataian had the gall, from their perspective, to attack them(while naked). "Shoot that indecent son of a bitch!" growled the fourth of the group who aimed his weapon along with the rest of them at Shiki. About to give the Yamataian more than just his shame to cover up...

"Ehh..." groaned Asher from the edge of the room. The commotion slowly starting to stir life back into the man in combination to whatever drug Iyad had put in him. He sat up for a moment, and looked around the room. "Hey... what tha' fuck iss' goin' on...?" asked the man blearily in trade, aching all over from their series of wounds he had attained. From just his face he did not seem too well. He had several small scars from where the sand and glass had blasted his face on the way down in the shuttle. Along that, were several bruises, and what looked like internal injuries. Though, most noticeable were the bandaged portions of his body that covered all of the bullet holes on him...



...with the exception of the most recent one put in him by one of the more hasty bandits. Which sent Asher back onto his bed, seemingly put down again.

"Got him! Square in the chest!" victoriously cried the bandit that shot him. The other three seemed to take to congratulating what seemed to be the first kill of they day.

"Such a small target, too!"

"Wasn't that the one who took that old man's shotgun?"

"Who cares, we finally killed one!"

Unfortunately for Asher, this bullet put him on edge with what seemed like an all-day battle against death itself. Though, luckily for the survivors, the bandits had put their backs to the rest of them to observe their kill.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Now, Hanadi was a fairly patient woman when it came to certain situations. This, however wasn't one of them. She'd been keeping a grip on her laiz pistol as one of the bandits spoke. Only to tighten that grip as she jumped up from her seat, pistol swinging up with her; pointed at the former drunk the pistol pointed right at his head.

"I don't need to think I'm a Sund Wakir to know I can drop all you useless shits before you can pull up those guns of yours. And yeah, wannabe you're going to have to deal with me. Because if you were'a Nazarin or Marida you'd know not to screw with me or my cargo. I've dropped enough bandit scum to tell you ain't much of a one. Likely pounding sand out in the dunes thinkin' it's your 'desert fortress'." she spat on the ground.

"So you think you got the balls to throwdown with me? Because my tears for you will be sand when I toss your bodies to the Jarin Wyrms for food."
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

The roughs' attention seemed to be more on Hanadi and Na'Subir than on Najat now; she grinned at their cockiness and her mentor's defense of the young freespacer. Somewhere during Hanadi's speech, she stepped forward and simply swung her weapon at the gun-wielding hand of the lead fellow.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

The crackling swing of Najat's Fael Raig brought silence to the room for a moment, with the only sound following being the sound of an Iroma's hand hitting the floor. At first, it seemed as if the lead man couldn't believe that there was nothing where his hand used to be. Then, the realization soon suck in along with the pain as the leader fell to his knees and groaned loudly in agony. The other four behind him seemed astonished at first, but they soon gained vengeful glares in their eyes. Three of them raised their weapons against Najat, one with a blunt object that resembled something like a pipe, and two with pistols. The one with the pipe closed in quickly, looking to bring down his weapon on Najat, while the other two aimed their weapons, waiting for their ally to bring the Temple Guard into a vulnerable position.

The fourth man, however, the one most visibly offended by Hanadi's insults, came at the Hlaraian scoundrel, his own melee weapon revved for a backslashing swing. By the burn in his eyes he seemed intent on making Hanadi feel his fury.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

The gun shot startled Harmony for a second as she looked wide eyed at Asher. Not knowing just how strong he was, she was sure he was dead, which was a bad thing. Growling a little louder now, she turned on the troupe as she crouched just a little more, loading herself up before her attack. Just as she sprang forward, Peace did much the same save for letting out a rattling roar, a trait of the Lraadyr used to try and stun or scare their prey into a self induced paralysis.

Harmony bolted right for the four, arms spread out as she tried to place her head between two of the assailants in a effort to tackle them. If she got her arms around them, she would attempt to dig her nails now turned claws, into their triceps and biceps in a attempt to sever any kind of strength they had in their arms. Her weight and size, coupled with her speed and leverage, would hopefully send the two she was aiming for to the floor with enough force to stun them.

Peace on the other hand was going for more damage, as he was bred to do. Launching himself after the other two mid roar, Peace would try to land with a paw on each back, claws out and tearing down to try and cause as much damage on his initial pounce as possible. Again with the size and weight, plus the force of his pounce, hopefully it would ride the other two assailants to the ground.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

A less-stoic person might have broken into a grin as the man's hand fell to the ground; Najat, though, simply kept her expression and stance, swinging her faelraig to the other side and turning it to try and knock the pipe out of the man's hand with the flat edge.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

The sound of gunfire made Oskar stop shaking for a brief moment as he peaked his head out from under the cot. Well, the insane man got shot again. What else was new there. It seemed like the wing girl and her pet were attacking the armed me from behind, which was a stupid thing to do considering some of them had firearms.

Oh no, I'm getting the shakes again, Oskar thought as he brought a hand to his view and watched it tremble. A slightly hysterical chuckle squeaked from his lips as he glanced around the room again. Where's my flask? I need a drought right now. I'd rather die smashed than sober, he thought as he spotted something the right color and with a metallic sheen.

Yep, there was his flask. Unfortunately, it was on a shelf on the opposite side of the room. Whimpering pitifully, the Abwehran man quickly decided. Slowly moving out from under the bed on all sixes, Oskar began to scuttle across the floor as quietly as he could towards his flask. He made sure to stop behind any type of cover for a brief moment in case the bandits should decide to try and pump him full of metals he honestly didn't want.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos


Shiki heard a sound rather like the onomatopoeia that popped into his head at that instant, but found that it has already impacted the wall he was facing towards by the time he realized it has passed. The paneling beneath the open window had been cracked and there was a tiny ball of black in the center surrounded with a light dusty haze.

They'd shot at me! Chiharu save me, or I'm gonna die right now! I'll-


The hasty prayers were cut short by the second bullet whizzing past him, gently lifting his hair up with a force that would have probably killed him if it had actually touched him. He hit the ground, assuming that providence was telling him to fall down flatter or face certain death. But he wouldn't have long...

They'd certainly kill him if no one else showed up soon, and he didn't have more than a second or two to think of something, when he saw it! A loose chairleg on the ground, unscrewed out from the four legged stool that had been rattled around during the commotion. Ordinarily, he'd complain about things being out of order, or broken... but he had a chance!

Hoping to stay still enough to avoid suspicion, he slowly reached out for the leg amidst more gunfire noise, and grabbed it. He held it to his chest for a few second. Breathing deeply...

I'll probably only have once chance to...

He tied a white pilowcase to the end, and waved it around with the sort of nervous abandon one might expect of a person who was putting their fight of flight instincts into surrender. But sweaty palms defeated that plot, and his grip was loose. The chair leg slipped from his hand, flying a foot or two and hitting a bucket full of soapy water and... something, that had been spilled onto the floor.

Realizing his gaffe, Shiki found himself panicking, and made a dash for the open window, leaping through it as if his life depended on it. Even if there was a vague possibility of rescue, at that moment, it basically did.

*vzzzt* *vzzzt* *vzzzt*
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Her first thought was she'd have to keep on badmouthing them, and eventually turn over a table and shoot. But the moment that bald guardwoman cleaved one's hand off all she could do was swear under her breath. Couldn't think on it too long as the one who'd taken her insults to heart seemed intent on charging her down with a pipe in hand. The thought of charging that stone-faced guard extra for having to deal with trash did cross her mind however.

Hanadi slid back a few paces free-hand having gone to the scarf that had been wound about her neck. The cloth fell free, seeming to harden and take form as it drifted towards the ground. The scarf was a Clothblade, something she'd put around her neck to help keep the sand and dust out of her nose and mouth, and as an afterthought, a weapon.

The clothblade had taken the shape of a sword with a curved blade that looked quite sharp. Sword in one hand, pistol in the other, Hanadi readied herself as the man charged in with his backslash The clothblade clanged against the metal pipe, her arm was draped over the other feeling the two weapons meet and impact.

Grounding herself so as not to be pushed back, she then twisted it so the flat-side was now pressed against the blunt weapon while bringing her pistol up to aim at the man's chest ready to fire.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Sayoko was being smart, keeping something more solid then she between them and her, as she tried to slide under a bed or two away from them, being as quiet as she could be. Dear Empress why do they want to kill us all we did was crash land we didn't mean to hit their antennaaaaa!
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"Saints Saints Saints, I don't want to die..." Iyad weeped blearily the bed he was hiding under. The cowardly doctor kept to himself as he did his best to hide in a similar position with Sayoko, seeing as she apparently knew how to hide from guns.

The bandits on the other hand, were taken by surprise as Harmony and Peace descended on them. Peace took down his targets successfully, nearly clawing the muscles all out of their backs. The two of them let out pained screams as the big cat tore at them. Both of them tried to fight back, but could only flail and swinging their guns, one of them shot their weapon, and shattered the shelf that Oskar's flask sat on, sending clanging it, and most of their other equipment, to the floor.

One of the bandits was a little more alert than the others and was able to avoid Harmony's reach. The one she latched into wasn't so lucky, as her claws dug deep into the flesh of the last one. The lucky bandit stepped back and brought up his rifle to Peace's head, apparently showing little concern if he hit his ally or not.

Though, as the soapy water trailed across the floor, the bandit lost his balance and the rifle trailed off as he pulled the trigger. As he fell to the floor, the bullet he had shot dove into Harmony's thigh, lodging itself within her leg.


Shiki however, would find much success in getting through the window, but he would be met by an unfamiliar face and a large beast on the other side. That face was Zahrah Amada, Eyr Ranr flyer for hire, she stood next to her Jarin Wyrm, staring at Shiki with her infamous symbiotic eyes. With an arched brow, she considered the hornless wonder for a second.

"Who the hell are you, and what's going on in there?" asked Zahrah in Sal Saari, as the Jarin Wyrm next to her let out a threatening cry at Shiki.


Meanwhile, down in the Dry Oasis...

"AUGH! DREAMERS DAMN IT!" screamed the former drunk, twisting and turning on the ground as blood from his stump of a hand poured forth onto the floor. Most of the people in the bar paid little mind to the man's pain, as most of the Sund Wakir and other Iromakuanhe there paid little respect or love to bandits like the one Hanadi and Najat were disposing of.

One of these bandits, the one with the pipe, felt his weapon stop suddenly as he clanged against Najat's Fael Raig. Yet, with her harsh swing, the bandit's pipe flew from his hands, landing on a table near then, knocking over the alcohol of one solitary Sund Wakir.

The now disarmed bandit found himself standing at Najat's mercy.

Meanwhile, the single Sund Wakir that had attacked Hanadi found himself in a lethal situation. His weapon had been stopped hard, and now he was at the mercy of a women who wasn't afraid to use her weapon.

"I... uh... Feruz! Karesh! Do something!" yelped the fearful outlaw, referring to his two comrades behind him with the guns.

Feruz and Karesh both raised their weapons, and took aim at the two fighting females. Yet, before they could squeeze a shot off, Karesh took a pipe to the head, thrown by someone not in the fight, by someone who had their alcohol knocked over a moment ago. The half-drunken patron, growled angrily, picking up the now empty bottle of Saali spirits. He charged at Karesh, knocking the man into another groups table, and forcing Feruz to drop his aim. As Karesh hit the table, he found himself thrown off by the patrons of that table, and eventually the group began fighting with both Karesh and the other patron. Eventually this started to rile up the entirety of the bar, as friends and family of the group and or the other patron started tussling with one another all across the bar.

In a few moments, everything had turned to Chaos, and Feruz, the other gunman was now unsure of what to do as he became enveloped in the mad group of dune walkers. Even the frightened, pipe-wielding bandit that had challenged Najat had gotten rounded up into the fray.

The bandit in Hanadi's tender loving care gave her a weak look, and yelled over the madness, "I don't suppose you could just let me go, would you?"
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

While it seemed everyone had decided to join the 'fun', Hanadi could only reaffirm her desire for charging extra. Because frankly. It seemed like every time she came through here it was always something. Though she slowly shook her head as her new friend asked to be let off. The clothblade however slackened before entwining itself around the weapon. One sharp tug later and the pipe would be flying across the room bouncing along the floor. The pistol however had come up and was now being introduced to the side of the man's temple.

Even if the trash deserved to be shot making more enemies while on a job was counterproductive. Especially if he had friends seeking revenge for his death. But then again, leaving him alive was a small enough mercy. She scratched that last part. If he came to and didn't get out the archeologist shuddered inwardly at what could happen. Either way it was a risk.

Though she did yell over the din and particularly at the stone-faced Guardsman without looking back. "You intend to just keep sittin' pretty or are ya gonna actually do somethin'?! 'Cause if you ain't I'm charging extra!" calling back.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

When Hanadi shaved in the time to look back at Na'Subir, she'd be the first to notice that he had Nova sitting in his lap, protected from the starting scuffle. With good timing as well, as someone was thrown through the table she had been laying her head on.

"I am simply an observer, Istislah." Na'Subir said in response to Hanadi's varying of their deal. He nodded over in Najat's direction, "As such, it is her responsibility to handle the situation in the best way possible. Besides," the icy Temple Guardsman bounced the somewhat incapacitated Nova on his thigh, as if to call attention to her. "Our deal is to keep the outlanders out of trouble, not to withstand the trouble she's in."
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

So close, Oskar was so close to his happiness of the moment. Unfortunately, fate conspired against the young Abwehran as his flask was sent spiraling to the floor. Gaping in horror, he scrambled across the floor and grabbed it. Sitting down on his haunches, he popped the cap and upended it towards his mouth. Only, nothing came out.

Confusion would hit the Merchant's son as he righted the flask and examined it. The culprit of the missing spirits was soon made known as he found a bullet hole going through both sides. "Nein...Nein-nein-nein-nein," he began to whimper pitifully as the Abwehran male began to shake the flask. "NEIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!! he roared in both despair and anger as he stood up and grasped his head, his booming voice overtaking the ruckus of the room as he turned to glare at the bandits.

"Gottberre Whiskey! It was a 50 standard year old drought! RUINED BY YOU!" the Abwehran raged as he threw the flask in a fastball pitch towards the unharmed Iroma attacker.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

The bullet that lodged itself in Harmony's thigh made the Lorath let out a clipped yelp of pain. Her leg catching on the downed man's body, she grabbed him by the neck, giving his throat a good hard squeeze with her finger nails digging into the side of his neck now right around where the main arteries would be, and at the hip and after hefting him up she augmented her already decent strength with a healthy dose from her companion. Growling in rage she planted her good foot and began to throw the man she had in her grasp. It probably wouldn't travel all that far, but maybe just the sight would startle the attacker for long enough for Harmony to again close the gap on him.

Peace on the other hand, with his small victory already in place made sure to dispatch the two attackers while he had the surprise, just going to town on their backs from the base of their skull to the base of the spine, clawing away in rapid fashion. Hearing the gunshot and the subsequent cry of pain from Harmony got his full attention. Letting out another roar of anger, Peace now went on the attack at the same time, cutting to the left of Harmony far enough away where it would not be a easy shot for the attacker to just flick the rifle over a few inches. Pushing off the body of one of his downed victims, Peace was tearing off after the man, claws digging deeply into the flooring to get as much traction and grip as possible, the long sinewy muscles of the Lraadyr's body shown off as Peace put every ounce of his strength into just mauling the shit out of the attacker's face. It was num num time and Peace was hungry....
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

As the pipe-wielding bandit found himself at Najat's tender mercies, she grinned and swung the flat, unweaponized edge of her sword at the side of his head. Moments later, thogh, the bar devolved into a barfight; unwilling to hurt anyone by accident, she flicked off the faelraig and began to attempt to dispatch the bandits peacefully.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"Tch." Was Hanadi's response as one of the raging patrons came charging at her. Holstering her gun she side-stepped him, grabbing at him by the scruff of the neck and shirt swinging him forward and into a nearby table. Every damn time! she wailed inwardly.

It just seemed to reinforce that burgeoning belief that maybe she just should scratch this backwater town off her route.


As the ruckus continued to boil over, Nova woke up momentarily having slept through most of the noisy affair's beginning. Though she had no idea as to why she was seated in front of it, that came later as she suddenly realized. "I'm on someone's lap." having been bounced on a knee like a child. Her head ached but that was to be expected from all the alcohol. And while still disoriented, and as Na'Subir responded to the altering of their deal to some tall woman she got her first glimpse of the guard.

Her jaw just seemed to kind of slacken. "S-Stone Face." were the first words out of her mouth before she put both hands on her head, rubbing at it hopping to make the ache go away and the noise as well.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"I... uh..." Shiki stammered, attempting to pry the proper words to describe his situation to this absolutely terrifying woman from the back of his throat with his nervous tongue. He was quite sure she had just asked him something along the lines of 'what the hell are you doing?' on the basis of her tone. There was very little he could think to say, as he had never gotten into a scenario where he had to explain himself to a woman with a bearded dragon-snake thing that probably wanted to eat him... while he was naked, no less.

That's right! He was naked, and remembering his modesty, actually moved to cover himself with his hands in the hopes she hadn't seen anything yet.

At which point he realized what should have already been very evident. She probably didn't speak the same language as him, so there was no point in trying to explain himself with words. He'd be killed for saying an insult he hadn't if he tried to imitate whatever weird song and dance the locals did to communicate, so he found himself with very few options. So he simply gestured to the window behind him with a panicked face, and made hand gestures imitating a pistol, pointing it around the space outside, and at his head.

Hopefully, if he hadn't proposed marriage or threatened to kill her, she might understand what he meant. Otherwise... he might have to run for his life... again.

Because I can't be in enough life threatening situations on this sandblasted hellhole.
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

"Wha-... DOH!" Went the stumbling bandit, disoriented by the blow to the head. It gave him little time to react before Harmony cast one of his dead compatriots on him, which followed soon by Peaces devouring rage. After the course of only minute, the bandits had learned a harsh reason why they shouldn't turn their backs to the survivors. It would be a lesson they would never get to take advantage of, however, as their blood stained almost half of the clinic's room. It sprayed up some on the walls, and covered the beds, but the area where the bandits once stood was drenched in it, along with a permeating smell of gore.

When the mist settled, Iyad climbed up and recoiled only slightly. Being an Ivuori, he held a less flexible face than some, but shock was still there.

"B-by the Saints..." said Doctor Jabalah with a strange mix of horror and disbelief. "I..."

"M-medic..." grunted Asher, a little blood dribbling from his mouth.

"I nee--" Iyad corrected himself, and hustled across the room, "I need to help this man!" As he started to get out some surgical tools and bandages, he looked to the rest of them. "I'm sorry, but you all need to leave, if those men work with who I think they do, Laruslan is in deep trouble." Despite being unsure whether he told them about the town or it's name or not, he was sure they understood, they seemed smart enough, "You!" Iyad pointed at one of the Sund Wakir, the one he had used as an assistant. She wore tarnished white robes, and carried around a heavy bag.

"Ye-yes, Jabalah-Sera?" asked the woman, her stomach extremely sickened by the chaotic slaughter.

"Get the bullet out of that Outlander's leg, and apply some Prajna to stop the bleeding." Iyad pointed at Harmony, he then looked at the Lorath, talking to her directly, "Xeno, she will help you with your wound."

"Yes sir!" responded the Sund Wakir woman, stepping forward near the bodies, a little unsettled by Peace, but shaking visibly from having to kneel down in a pool of blood. She pulled out an elongated pair of tweezers to remove foreign objects like bullets. "Please, stay still."


"What the... are..." Zahrah stared at the fully naked Shiki as she got a full view of his body when he got out of the window. By the way he was acting, he was trying to get her attention. Her face went instantly red, and her eyes got pulled to the side by some imaginary object so she couldn't see his reaction. "Hey, I may be young... but I don't just... go for any guy that throws his naked body at me!"

Her Jarin nudged her shoulder, to pull her back into reality for a moment, and make her notice what Shiki was truly gesturing about.

"Eh...? The window?" asked Zahrah, arching a brow, before stepping up to the opening and looking in, "What abou-- BY THE SAINTS!"

The Eyr Ranr stepped back and nearly fell on her Jarin, who was still growling after all this. Though, the animal wasn't looking at Shiki anymore, it was staring in the window, giving an idea of what it was really signalling at.

"It's... it's a fucking SLAUGHTER in there!" Zahrah said to Shiki, looking up at him with disturbed eyes.


Najat's efforts were rewarded with only more chaos, as she stepped into the fray, disabling the other bandits with each swing, other people stepped in to 'help' the Temple Guard. Since the situation was no long orderly as before, it seemed appropriate for others to step in. So, the barfight, turned more into a brawl, and a violent one. People were getting thrown around every which way, with exception of those who knew Hanadi well enough to stay away from her.

During the belligerent melee, one of the patrons, an enforcer, was thrown over the bar. With his body sliding over the table, he pushed off bottles and drinks, damaging a lot of Nada's merchandise. This was reward by a square punch to the face, from Nada to the Enforcer, but the Sund Wakir man was tougher than Nada anticipated. Out of rage, he grabbed her collar, and pulled her down to his level. With a growl he looked as if he was about to do something serious. Though, he was stopped short, as the young Geruud, mostly hidden behind the bar, broke a bottle over the mans face. With shards of glass and alcohol seeping into fresh wounds, the Enforcer slid off the side of the counter onto a stool, howling in pain.

"Ah, you're awake." said Na'Subir, noticing Nova's recent gain of consciousness, ignoring the little nickname, which seemed only a minor note as he regarded Hanadi. "Well, it seems we should make our exit. Are you done here? Because I would like to find the other survivors before anything gets worse."
Re: [Chapter One] The Descent Into Chaos

Breathing heavily for a few moments Harmony released her changes, her body quickly changing back to a normal Lorath right before the doctor's eyes. With the sudden transformation reversal, Harmony's levels of adrenaline shot out the window, leaving her drained. Putting weight on her bad leg with no strength left in her, Harmony collapsed to the floor in a heap with her breathing coming in heavy labored breaths. Her bad leg was twisted underneath her, causing her to groan in pain and try to shuffle her way to a better laying position. As she spoke the pain in her voice was evident.

"Sorry sorry! I just collapsed I'm really sorry..."

Harmony kept her eyes closed the entire time though her nostrils were wide open, breathing in the smell of blood. Even though she was, she was trying to keep her mind off such thoughts. The man she had just killed was her first one after all, and she was trying to get over it.

Peace in the mean time was happily chowing down on the man's face, figuring it was his treat for a job well done. Not to mention the Lraadyr was hungry after all...
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