Star Army

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RP: Lorath [LoD-Lorath-Trishka] Fortunate Daughter

There was a nod from Korr'ih as she spoke; "Well, after all you've been through, a little trip through a few procedural checkpoints is likely nothing to really fuss over." As she finished speaking, the scan completed, as a yellow light shined over a panel near the door, with the panel indicating in Lorath text; 'Please Wait'

What they waited for was not exactly clear, but whatever it was, it produced a distinctive moment of dizziness and a feeling like the down-end of a roller coaster, and after that brief moment, everything felt normal. "Urgh..." Korr'ih sounded, as she slouched a little. "New Tur'listians, even with a new name, they still make things just as annoying as before..." came a gripe, barely mumbled, as the yellow light transitioned to green, and a sound of a lock tumbler was easily heard, before the door ahead opened, and a rather polite voice rang out.

"Initial scans completed, personnel confirmed clear to proceed."

"There are two more chambers to go through, and then we'll be into the lab complex." Korr'ih spoke, her tone betraying that she was not exactly thrilled with the process.

Eventually, the pair would transition through the various chambers, what was unspoken was that they had passed through at least a dozen different security precautions in the process, each of which designed to effectively make the lab complex an isolated bottle, even out of phase with the universe outside, save for a distortion field based signalling switch-board.

Once on the other side of the security precautions, pale blue coat clad New Tur'listians stood waiting for their new guest, and amongst the pale blue coats, was one coat of a jade green, which belonged to a Lmanel, which had ears that were distinctively more pronounced than those of a traditional Lmanel, ears that belonged to a rabbit of some sort.

"Our apologies Commander, and to you too Nall'Tis." spoke the Lmanel woman, who seemed to be in charge, at least of the group present. "We will be the team working with you to reintegrate you into society, and analyze your status after your ordeal. Do you have any questions?"
Nall'tis smirked a little at all the check points they had to go through, shaking her head a little as she sighed and waited. The odd sensation had affected her to, causing her to place a hand over her mouth to hold back what she thought she would spit up. Thankfully nothing followed as she let out a grunt of agreement. Shaking her head again, she simply followed Korr'ih through the check points before finally standing in front of the assembled group of doctors and scientists. When asked if she had any questions, she nodded slightly.

"Got anything to eat? I'm starving..."
A light hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Korr'ih's lip as she heard the request from Nall'tis, other than that light hint of a smile, Korr'ih stood with a posture that was all business, and focus, as she waited to fill out the proper paperwork for turning over Nall'tis to the scientists which would assume responsibility for looking over her.

While Korr'ih's smile was subdued, that of the Lmanel scientist was not, as she offered a broad smile. "We have a kitchen on each floor of the facility, fully and properly stocked... ah..." she gave a look to a nearby Fyunnen woman, who was quite small in stature for her genetic stock, who was clearly a nurse as indicated by her uniform which seemed no where near as authoritative as that of the scientists and doctors which were gathered. With the look, the Fyunnen immediately picked up a meal plan sheet from her station, and presented it to Nall'tis. "Take your pick." spoke the Lmanel scientist, with an encouraging tone; "While your food is prepared, we'll gather the initial vitals that we need to have with you fasting. After that, you can eat up."

So tender of a maw these people have... Korr'ih thought, as she wondered just how badly the scientists gathered wished to gather the secrets which were tucked away within Nall'tis body. It was all the more reason Korr'ih knew that after signing her over to the scientists, she would still keep an eye on the Lmanel; it was her job after all, to look over those of the other castes, to protect them, even from their peers. It was the role the goddess had picked out for her and her Fyunnen sisters.
Nall'tis smiled as she was given the menu, nodding a little to the scientists instructions before she put in a fairly basic, if not large, order for meat and vegetables before handing back the menu. She looked to the Llamnel scientist before her as she spoke up.

"Well, shall we begin? I'm sure you all are dying to get some samples." She knew the burning curiosity that had raged in her when she was out in the alien environment, upset she had never been able to bring back any samples of her own. She would provide what she could for these men and women surrounding her so that in turn, she might be able to learn something herself.

Her body, so long in the atmosphere, would have changed under the alien sun. But what would be most startling would be that some of her body structure had changed as well, bones formed a little differently, tendons and joints reinforced, and muscles much more lean yet still as strong. Even her blood work would show something different, as well as her nervous system, almost as if she had merged with another mind and consciousness for a short while. Just what had happened to the girl?
Amongst the Lorath, there were certain priorities to be met in regard to social graces. There were greetings, discussions of intent, and actions to provide assurance of such intent, it was just part of Lorath social psychology, which even applied to many official situations in which the Lorath found themselves, and in the case of Nall'tis' arrival in the research facility, that social disposition remained, as the staff was sure to make true on their intent of making the experience as pleasant as possible, as the Lmanel's order for a meal was entered into a data pad, which immediately informed the kitchen staff on the floor to begin preparation of her meal.

As the pleasantries were dealt with, that left the lead scientist of the group to carry things along. "Before we begin, I should introduce myself. I am Chief of Biological Research Pi'el, my colleagues here will introduce themselves if need be, but for now, they are merely observers really, added sets of eyes to catch anything that one of us misses." she explained, as she gestured in the direction of a curtained off area, but the curtains were open enough to reveal a rather impressive looking diagnostic bed, a Kakutama Heavy Industries designed unit. "For this portion of the exam, it will be rather routine. We have most of your personal history on record and available, so we will be able to delve into the years of your absence, without dwelling too much on the distant past." Pi'el started, as she strode over to the curtains, opening them up a bit before giving a look to the other researchers, which left them standing by.

"Come in, undress, and lay down upon the bed. While it collects your vitals, we will go through some basic questions about your current state, and once we have a picture of your present state of health, we will move onto the more... detailed examination and review." Pi'el explained, as she waited to close the curtain behind Nall'tis once she would be in the exam area, so she would be provided privacy.
Nall'Tis nodded lightly, giving the assembled group a smile before she wandered back behind the curtain. Never bashful about her body, Nall'Tis disrobed quickly, the jumpsuit she had been given on the floor beside the bed with her back to the assembled group. They would be given a perfect view of her back.

Riddled with scars and bullet holes from fights, her missing wing had no stump, just a healed over white scar where the bone would usually be. Beside the scar was a long jagged one that ran from her lumbar to just where the wing would usually be, and the same for the other wing, two of the first scars she had gained on the planet.

With little else, Nall'Tis laid down on the bed and looked to the ceiling, her hands resting on her stomach. Her front side was much the same, her left breast missing a small chunk of meat on the underside that had healed over, but otherwise was the same, scars and bullet holes up and down her body. Seemed the girl had it tough out in the alien landscape.

The good news was that her vitals all looked fine, if her temperature and blood pressure were a little high...
Once Nall'tis had disrobed, there was a gaze from the Lmanel doctor, as her amber eyes went over the exterior features of Nall'tis. Everything was as she had read about from the original medical evaluation once Nall'tis had been picked up by the Trishka. Though, even with the listing fresh in her mind, Pi'el found herself mildly impressed by the state Nall'tis was in, considering what she would have had to have gone through to sustain such injuries. It was a good place to start the process though, as Pi'el took to operating the diagnostic equipment of the medical bed, making sure to document the slightly irregular vitals.

On the outside of the curtain, Korr'ih glanced in, catching sight of the assortment of scars and the remaining memories of wounds and injuries which had been endured by the returning Lmanel. There was an appreciation there, certainly it was no pleasure cruise that Nall'tis had been on, and she had earned her survival, it was worthy of praise really, and all the fuss which the Matriarchy had made over her homecoming.

"Nall'tis, from your previous record, prior to your departure, we have a list of your major scars and their causes. I would like to continue to keep that list up to date." Came the words from the doctor, as she eyed some of the more distinctive pieces of cosmetic damage, and she made a note upon the digital chart for her patient/subject; 'Reconstructive procedures?' it was a vague note, but enough of one to serve as a reminder to bring up the matter later. "Are you able to list your scars chronologically, starting from the first ones you obtained, to the most recent, including their causes and any complications involved?"

As Pi'el asked her question, the bed continued to do its job, as detailed scans of Nall'tis exterior and interior were performed, and as the images came up before Pi'el as they were being recorded, she decided to insert another question. "Though, before you get started, have your blood pressure and temperature been elevated like this prior to todays examination?"
"The doctors aboard the Trishka asked the same thing. Since coming back I feel like I've been running a little hotter yea, but I'm not really sure. Only thing I can figure is it was something that happened on the planet. I kinda kept records and I noticed my blood pressure started elevating a little after my bonded was... After he was killed..." It was obvious that the subject was a sore point for Nall'Tis as she looked to the side. She began to list off her scars, starting with the bullet hole in her thigh, moving on to the scars from the great hunting wyrms, then moving on to explain all the others.

Apparently Nall'Tis had been in quite a few fights, some where she was on the winning, and some on the losing, including the story of her wing being ripped off by a pair of rather nasty bandits that had gotten ahold of her just before Peace had been killed.

"When I lost my wing, I had to... I had to make sure I took care of the rest of the bone. I had another member of the Caravan I was with cut the bone out and off. It got infected for a while, but I was able to get over it."

After explaining a few more cuts and scars, Nall'Tis simply stopped and rested her hands over her stomach, looking to the ceiling now as the pain of some of the wounds came to life in her mind, her body burning in fresh agony of the memories as it caused her heart rate to spike a little.
There was a benefit to the modernization of medicine and society, a benefit which came in the form of not actually having to visibly take notes, which often was a process which left patients feeling unsettled. Instead of Pi'el taking pen to paper, she instead used a cybernetic link to the data keeping computer system on the floor they were on, feeding it information both in her own phrasing, and as a recording of what Nall'Tis was speaking, to catch some of the finer details of the ordeals in which she had suffered through, and endured.

"According to studies, some going back even before our exile, there has been a history of notable physiological changes which come on after a bonded animal and the Lmanel which they are bonded to are forcefully separated. Some scholars believe it is a psychosomatic response to the emotional trauma, some believe it is a purely physiological response brought on by a fight-or-flight instinct. I like to think it is likely both." Pi'el spoke, as she noted the increase in pulse, respiration, and even brainwave activity. It was clear to her that Nall'Tis was a likely a victim of a distinctive degree of post traumatic stress. Another note went into the chart; 'Seek N-T'l psych consult'.

"Beyond your psychological hardships, there are also your physical hardships brought on by the ordeal. You have large quantities of scar tissue, your skeletal structure is not exactly pristine, I would like to perhaps recommend reconstructive procedures once we have completed documenting your current state." came the suggestion from Pi'el, it was a rather modern view of medicine, a distinctive departure from Lorath tradition, that was until she spoke further; "Cosmetically, we can maintain exterior appearances, for the sake of keeping your history visible. Though... that is not exactly applicable for your wings."

While to most, the direction of the conversation was hardly the tip-of-the-iceberg kind of discussion Pi'el stated was to be had during this initial exam, for those gathered, and no doubt Nall'Tis herself, the conversation was still skirting around the real reason why she was present in the research facility, it was just as Pi'el said, they were putting off the real work until after Nall'Tis received her meal and the initial data was collected. "If you don't mind, I need to collect some samples from you. Blood, urine, mucus, that kind of thing. Nothing too invasive, just some things that we would like record on before you get a meal in your belly which may throw off some of the data."
Nall'Tis nodded at what the researcher said in regards to her rather violent splitting from Peace. From a third person perspective, she had wished she could have recorded the transformation. It would have been easier rather then having to show as she was sure she would have to now, but that was a concern she would come to when the questions arose, if they even did.

"Thanks for the offer, but I thinki I'll leave it all as it is. Maybe something for my chest though... Feels a little weird." Nall'Tis shrugged a little as she scratched idly at her belly, wondering just when the real examination would begin, and just what all would happen. Hearing the need for samples, the Lamnel girl nodded a little and sat up.

"Where do you need me to go? Just... Stay here or you got a bathroom or something?" She asked, thinking about the urine sample. She was still hungry, the feeling gnawing at her a little, but she suppressed the urge. They were working as quick as possible for her and it wouldn't do to complain or groan, not when they were being so generous..
Before the Lmanel doctor would speak a word, the first reply to Nall'tis came in the form of the sound of pen strokes, as Pi'el noted the interest in some reconstructive treatment, but not treatment for some of the more 'notable' portions of disfigurement. Bragging rights, sentiment, they were well accepted portions of Lorath psychology, and when a Lorath patient would state their disinterest in reconstructive treatment, it was usually something not really argued with.

"Mmm, stay here, we need samples untainted by air interaction. We will have to insert a temporary catheter. Just for this sample, don't worry." Pi'el explained, as she eyed the monitor which indicated the readouts from the diagnostic which was being performed upon Nall'tis vitals. Every breath, every heartbeat, they told a story which Pi'el knew she would have to decipher. For the moment though, she knew enough to warrant the effort they were putting into this 'special case'.

It was plain and simple; a Lmanel re-wrote their genetic code on the fly as per normal, but overcoming engineered RNA biology to do it, surpassing the limit voluntarily placed early on in development, early enough so there would be near zero chance of rejection, but surely enough, Nall'tis was an example of a breach from the norm, and that alone was enough to study, for the sake of improving the Matriarchy's eugenics program. Eugenics research, and a living example of how Lorath biology stands up to extreme alien environments, there was no doubt that it was all worth the effort, especially as Pi'el looked upon the damage which Nall'tis had endured before returning to her people; it would simply be a waste of such effort to let the fruits of such effort go without being reaped.

"Just lay back, and I will handle the collection process. Most of all though, relax." Pi'el spoke, as she went to a drawer in the exam area, and went about gathering the sampling supplies for both blood and urine. "By the way, what's your favorite color?" Pi'el asked, as she looked in the drawer with the tape she would use to bandage collection site for the blood sample. There was an assortment of colors; it was not just for show though, it was also for patient identification on the occasion of treating multiple patients, or, for the purpose of triage, as a subtle means of indicating to staff which patients were priority, based by color code, but since Nall'tis was the 'guest of honor' at the moment, there was no need for formality.
Nall'Tis cringed at the thought of a catheter, her face scrunching up a little but she sighed and nodded best she could. With a little roll of her shoulders and a cute little wiggle of her hips, she tried to settle down and relax on the bed, but honestly the idea of a catheter did little to calm her. She heard the question about her favorite color and immediately replied with a call of "Green please." She wasn't looking forward to the catheter and just wished Pi'el would get it over with.
There was a light chuckle from Pi'el, "Green is our color." she spoke, noting the customary color of the Lmanel. As she spoke, she finished preparing the sampling equipment. With a pair of gloves donned, she went about the rather to-the-point task of placing a catheter into her patient, allowing for bodily fluid to be collected into a sample bag which she hung at the side of the bed. "Just relax, and as that works, I'll take a blood sample." she spoke, as she stripped the gloves from her hands, and replaced them with a fresh pair as she went about picking up the blood sampling equipment, and the requested green bandage.

Despite all the advancements made by technology, there was still the involvement of an old-fashion needle, and to prepare for its use Pi'el wrapped a thin band of rubber about the upper portion of Nal'tis' forearm. With a glance, and a touch, the Lorath doctor found the vein she wanted, as she picked up the needle which was connected by a length of tube to a plastic fitting where sample vials would be fitted. With a ginger touch, Pi'el went about inserting the needle, and only once she'd hit the vein properly, did she fit the sample vial onto the plastic fitting, allowing for the vacuum pressure within the vial to draw the blood from the Lmanel patient.

"So what do you look forward to doing once we're done with you down here?" Pi'el asked, as she worked the needle and vials.
Nall'Tis winced a little as she felt the needle and catheter insert, shifting somewhat as she felt the pressure. Eventually she relaxed, letting out a small sigh of annoyance at the insertions but knew it was needed. turning her head to look at the doctor she shrugged.

"Going back to see my family. if I know them, they will be setting up a party for me, so it should be fun. That and bonding again." The girl said, her eyes locking on the ceiling. She knew how difficult it was to bond the first time, the second time? It was usually impossible. But Nall'Tis knew she would do it, and she knew just which one she was going to bond to.
There was a raised brow from Pi'el as she heard Nall'Tis' plans, a raised brow, and a smile. "It sounds like you have a lot of study and meditation ahead of you... that is if you're going to bond to another species, or will you be bonding to another of the same species as your last bond?" Pi'el inquired, as she thought to her own bonding, which she was still in the process of studying for.

Pi'el was between companions, her first, being a sort of mostly land-dwelling amphibian, was lost in the repercussions from the moon-fall incident. What Pi'el was left with was the choice of finding another of the same species to take as her personal companion, or, to study and find a new connection. What Pi'el chosen was to reinvent herself, much as the Matriarchy reinvented itself over the years, and for her, that meant finding a new companion, and she was in no rush for the process, knowing full well that a mistake could leave her in a rather unpleasant condition, just like some notable cases she had reviewed during her career.

As Pi'el thought on the matter of companions, she gathered more and more blood from Nall'Tis. What started as just a few small sample vials accumulated to eventually approaching a full pint of blood spanned across the various vials which were collected. "Let me know if you start feeling woozy. I have a few more milliliters to go." Pi'el informed her patient, as she shifted her gaze over to the catheter bag, approving of the progress, as she sent a silent electronic note along to the technicians on the floor they were on, for the purpose of collecting the samples. "Also, do you have a preference of location for a skin tissue sample?"

By that point, it would undoubtedly seem, Nall'Tis would be lucky if there was enough of her left once the sampling was done to even make it to the welcome home party.
"I plan on the same, a Lraadyr. And that doesn't matter much to me, I enjoy studying, learning what there is within this world. It's why my major is biology in college." Nall'tis explained as she began to feel the effects of the blood loss. With a deep sigh she closed her eyes for a moment before speaking again. "I'm going to go for the King of the forest... And I'm starting to feel a little woozy."

The off handed manner of speaking about taming and ultimately bonding with one of the great beasts was a little off putting, but it seemed like it wasn't cockiness, but confidence in her self.
"One more vial then." Pi'el spoke, knowing full well that tapping the wellspring which was Nall'tis' blood supply for any more would just cause problems for the overall testing process. "When we're done with the data collection, we'll give you a hemo-stimulant, something to increase production of replacement blood and blood plasma, so you will not be feeling any ill effects after this whole thing."

As the last vial filled, Pi'el continued their previous dialog; "About that bonding though, I'm sure that you'll find a worthy companion. Just be sure to keep a level head, until we know for sure what is going on inside of you, I do not think you can rely upon the limiter process any more. You're going to have to train yourself for a greater degree of control." Pi'el spoke, as she finished with the last vial, and removed the collection needle from Nall'tis' arm, and once it was out, she placed a sterile swab over the site, then wrapped the area in the green self-adhering tape which the patient had picked out.

It was not long before everything was finished, urine sample, blood sample, hair sample, even a tissue sample off the thigh was collected. With all of that done, there was the sound of a server cart approaching, as a nurse peeked her head in. "Our patient's food has arrived." she announced.

"Looks like break time. Eat up. After you eat we just have a few more tests then you'll be free to get out of here." Pi'el spoke, as she waved the nurse in, so she could properly serve the food for Nall'tis, so she could have at the long awaited meal.
Nall'Tis nodded, knowing full well what the doctor was talking about with her limiter. It was a known fact to many Lmanel that the aspectation process was a dangerous one, with RNA and DNA being altered in the process, with some Lmanel actually opting to adopt an optional implanted 'genetic limiter', a piece of medical engineering which could be placed on request to effectively place a 'boundary' on just how far a Lmanel could shift and alter their body, avoiding the risk of a potential run-away process. It was especially tempting to have placed being as how the shifting was actually rewriting genetic coding in their body, it could get dicey if they went to far, not just in regard to the flesh either, but also the mind.

Nall'Tis had gone too far once...

She had been badly hurt, but that had been pushed past as Peace had been violently killed. The sudden ripping of his conscious from her own mind and in the manner he had died had made her snap, pushing well past her limiters. She had shifted into a form that had resembled a Lraadyr that stood on two feet with vaguely Lorath features, and while it had been exhilarating in the power she felt, the ability and senses she had, when she had shifted back it had been hell...

She had torn muscles and ligaments, broken bones, twisted and pulled things she didn't know she could, and had been bleeding for quite some time after the shift. It had put her down for close to a month on bed rest and limited movement, but eventually she had gotten better, and had been training at it, working and pushing herself further and further. While she couldn't get to where she had before without some medical assistance afterwards, it wasn't as life threatening as before. But those thoughts were pushed aside with the arrival of the food.

Sitting up after she had been allowed and taking the food with a gracious thank you to the woman before her, Nall'Tis unceremoniously tore into the food, the first good, home style meal she had eaten in ages. While the Iroma food had been good, it had nothing on the sweet meats and vegetables of the Lorath. Unabashed and unashamed, Nall'Tis was a whirlwind through her food which oddly enough, not a single drop or piece escaped. After a few moments and taking the time to make sure she was clean, she set the plate aside with a content sigh, smiling a little.

"By the Goddess that was nice... So I heard I've missed a few things? Didn't really have time to flip through much of anything on the pad I was given, any way I can get a quick recap?"
There was a lot to cover, one part being due to just how long she had been gone, but also, the Lorath people were living in what could only be described as 'interesting times'. Pi'el pressed her lips together in thought, wanting to tackle the topic head-on, but there was simply so much to say that it was difficult to find a place to begin, and even with the Lorath attitude toward taking hardship head-on, there was a topic she simply did not wish to touch upon, one that was still a rather sore spot for her and many other Lorath, but, it was something that Nall'tis had to know simply out of respect for her as a sister within their society.

"Much has happened, not exactly friendly to the concept of a 'quick recap', and doing such would be a disservice to you." Pi'el started, as she actually took a seat upon the swiveling stool adjacent to the bed, folding her hands in her lap as she could not help but to frown a bit. "Things just did not really take off since we moved out here. Our colonial expansion has been slow, the United Outer Colonies fell into disarray then collapsed, and our people have been looking out for ourselves since then, and the cost for our involvement with a people who could not manage their affairs was one we should not have had to pay." there was a sort of agony in that moment of having to tell such bitter news, but it needed to be spoken; "Xiaah Harr'ikke sacrificed her life in battle to save some of those people who were fleeing from the Mishhu who wished to take advantage of the UOC's inability to handle its own affairs. Notan of the Lmanel is on the verge of being recalled as elder due to indecisive action. There is little direction on the part of the New Tur'listia. Only the Fyunnen really have a strong direction, but that comes from us being in a time of preparedness for war. As a people though, we're managing, and we're prospering only because the Xiaah left a legacy for us to live off of until we can... 'work something out'."

A vagueness was present in those last words, a vagueness that alluded to something much more, and it was something that Pi'el was privy to, but most certainly was not about to share... it was simply something that did not need to be paid mind to by civilians until the time came to put the plan into motion, and that plan was still developing and being agreed upon by officials both religious and scientific. Though, those were thoughts for another time.
Nall'Tis seemed floored when she heard about the death of the Xiaah. She had seen her once, when she had come to her solstice school on one of those 'visits' politicians and important people did to make themselves look good. But it had still been nice, getting to shake the hand of the leader of their people, tell the woman her name, just get to be around her and see just how real and even child like the woman had been around so many people.

Looking to her lap, Nall'Tis fumbled with her thumbs a little, somewhat depressed now as she thought on just what that meant, then the side note about Notan, the leader of her house, had been inactive and indecisive.

"Master Notan has been inactive? Really? Is he just out on some conservation and tracking trip?" Such a thought was odd coming from such a hyperactive man, but that meant her idea might be a little more possible now. She thought things over, wondering just how bad it really was and realizing that she had to work even harder now after doing more catching up.

"So...What's next?" There seemed to be a fire in her eyes now, ready to get through with everything and get on to the next part of her return to the Lorath.