Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Lorath [LoD-Lorath-Trishka] Fortunate Daughter

"I really don't have information about Notan, actually no one does, it is something of a mystery." Replied Pi'el as she eyed the chart in her hands, looking upon it more as a list of things to do, instead of as a source of information as of yet. "With the samples collected, I feel that we should have enough to begin the evaluation process, at least the process under a microscope. Who am I kidding though, you and I both know why the High Priest put in the order to have you brought down here. Not for blood tests, or urine samples, but to better examine your ability , so, as the Nepleslians say 'Shall we cut to the chase?'. We have an exam room down the hall which we use to examine such details. If you feel that you are ready, we can get to business." As Pi'el spoke, a small smile crept upon her lips, a smile meant to be shared between those who shared a kinship, in this case, the blood of the Lmanel caste.
Nall'tis nodded a little, more then a touch worried about doing her thing again. She swallowed a little but nodded again before sliding off the examination bed.

"I suppose it's time I showed huh? Just...Have some medical staff on hand? Last time I did I got screwed up pretty badly." She winced, remembering the pain as she jerked her head to the side as if to say for her to lead on.
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"Don't worry, we tend to prepare for the worst down here." Pi'el spoke, as she gave Nall'tis a light nod and led the way from the curtained off examination area.

"I see you came out in one piece." Commented Korr'ih, who still remained at what she considered her post, as she observed the two making their way along. "Stay that way, would you?"

Continuing to walk along, Pi'el began a series of questions as they approached a large hatch that looked more like it came from a bunker or warship than a scientific research complex. "Do you retain most of your cognitive abilities while at the peak of your shifting? Are there any immediate medical concerns that are known that we should watch for? Is there any required stimuli or other exterior input needed to aid in your shifting process?" From her tone, it was clear there was another list she was going by... lists, it did imply that the Matriarchy had some idea as to just what they were doing and what they were dealing with, at least it did perhaps seem that way.
Nall'Tis smirked at Korr'ih as she exited the examination room, giving a helpless shrug to the Fyunnen woman.

"What can I say, they want me working and all the pieces in the right place until I show them the big show."

"I don't really remember. I've only really gone all the way once, I've been to scared to since then because of how badly my body got messed up, but I know the thresh hold now. I know how to get there." She admitted.

Thinking over the questions, she shook her head a little. "While shifted, I don't think so. I kinda remember my heartbeat being really fast... But nothing else. Afterwards, broken bones, torn ligaments, I think I remember rupturing something inside, not sure. It was... I was done for close to a month with injuries and recovery, but then again that was in the middle of a desert with no real medical assistance." The way her wind twitched it was simple to see she was nervous about the idea of shifting again. But she had trained and trained, and hopefully some of it would pay off with less damage then last time.
"Since you've been gone, we've made some distinctive advances in medical technology, I assure you that even if you go to your limit, you're going to be eating dinner with your family tonight." Pi'el stated, in hopes of raising Nall'tis' confidence in the situation. Though, what was likely not a confidence builder was the hatch that Pi'el opened and stood beside, a hatch thick enough to provide protection against even a five-second aether beam burst. "Step inside, take what time you need to focus and meditate upon the shift. There is no rush. I'll be in the observation room down the hall monitoring the situation remotely. If you encounter trouble, I guarantee you'll receive assistance in less than a minute... Goddess bless." with that, Pi'el waited for Nall'tis to enter before she would seal the hatch behind the Lmanel, and make her way to the observation room where she would monitor the event.

Within the chamber which Pi'el took Nall'tis to for her demonstration was nothing aside from thick seemingly soft-foam walls, lighting fixtures were embedded into the ceiling and protected behind transparent durandium glass with a soft plastic dome covering which diffused the light through the chamber. What was behind those soft walls were banks of sensor equipment, data recording tools, threat neutralizing security measures found aboard most Lorath star ships, and an assortment of automated medical technologies which would intervene at a moment's notice. All of that was kept out of sight though, to preserve the simple calm which was the near featureless chamber.
Nall'Tis nodded, her wing twitching even more now as she stepped through the hatch, swallowing hard as she heard the door latch and shut. Shaking out her hands a little she took a few deep breaths in and out slowly, before she began to focus her mind. It wasn't something she walked through or conciously thought over.

She just let herself go.

Forcing her mind to simply drop out into the abyss of the mind that was side by side with her own, that of her dead companion, she began to shift. Where most Llamnel stopped short of major changes, Nall'Tis had huge changes almost immediatly. Arms lengthening out and hands growings wider, her legs shifted and grow as well, her knees shifting in position and even bending direction.

Her spine lengthened out, but kept her upright as her face began to shift. Forming more into a muzzle then a normal face, her hair began to shift down her back to create a bit of a mane now. Soon enough she looked more like a upright, standing Lraadyr then a Lorath, though the wing was still evident and some of her humanoid body style was there.

Panting in exertion and pain, Nall'Tis stalked forward a few steps before leaning back, arms thrown wide and head back as she let out a deep rattling roar of pain and anger.