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OOC LSDF Val'ta - To Boldly Go...!

Just for the record I'm not banking on Porrim to save my mewmew. Feel free to sick your critters on her or whatever. She fears not the insectoid terror of the night nor the catbird that flies by day. I wanna see what you guys'll do next.
That's just how I roll by default. My intent for ages has been to have my mewmew make friends by being a dick, but not really causing cause harm (or at least not much) in the grand scheme of things and by being able to take as much as she can dish out. It's a lot like how I act in real life. I say tons of stuff facetiously and like playing the fool for laughs and to sometimes make a point at the same time.
I see, well you're doing just fine then. Aran'ya is actually drawn to Akemi because she's so adept at pushing people away and being like punk/emo, but then here he is constantly coming back for more abuse. I can see them being good friends in a sort of trading jabs way, at least.

We shouldn't disrupt the meeting too much though...
Meeting shmeeting. Clearly the official meeting is interrupting their destined meeting. Besides, they're just cohering. "We were just following orders" always worked right?
Well hey, it wasn't my intent. Wide eyed and innocent 4 year old baby elfcat Akemi just wanted to have a hushed conversation and big bad bully jelly Jiji got triggered and attacked him.

It's too bad they can't have sugoi telepathy conversations together. Lorath only have emotion based stuff right?
Sadly, no, the best you've got for Lorath is what New Turlista/Occestian can do with the touch based communication. Though I suppose there could be some texting going on using a communicator...
Everyone should really considered putting their characters on the plot page who's not there. So that it's easy to find the sheets so I can know what people look like <.<
Everyone should really considered putting their characters on the plot page who's not there. So that it's easy to find the sheets so I can know what people look like <.<
Yes, please. I told everyone to do this. >:I
Now, just a note about the Val'ta's wiki page - it is incomplete at the moment, as there are parts where I was unable to wrap my head around the technology. At the moment, Osaka, who is responsible for helping me with the technology of the Val'ta is lacking a proper computer to work with, so the sections are incomplete.

If in doubt, just roll with 'it works', or ask me or Osaka for assistance. We will try to fill the gaps as best as we can, and fill out the article in full.

With that in mind, the incoming post is enormous.
Just for a note, im still planning on making my helashio, i just havent been able to really make progress recently becuase well, the past month has been one of limited computer access for me.

It was planned to be a soldier helashio. Looks like with the poeple that are here already, she won't be that overly unusual! Maybe she and the other helashio girl can be friends, yes? (hope to complete it within a week at this point)

thought the helashio page said most have humanlike/apelike ears? meh. Any how i plan on my helashio's history to be an interesting one to sa the least.
"Ears of Helashio have been noted to have a radical variation between those drawn close to the skull, a common trait among most humanoids, to ears which appear like those of a primitive primate, perched upon the skull."

From the Wiki page.

Most people, I understand, take creative liberty.

Late edit: Additionally, that creative liberty is justified. Previously, Helashio (being considered animals) were modified and/or bred for certain traits and could be genetically customized to suit their owners. Technology, eh?
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Late question, but do we have anyone able to do bridge duty in our cadre, or are we all enlisted?

> Akemi raises their hand.

I don't mean standing around and harassing the staff who are actually competent at their jobs.

> Hand still up.
This is an exploration mission... I'm not sure anyone wants to be stuck on the bridge when they can be roaming around seeing all of them sexy sights.
Umm I remember when looking over the sheets as people posted them...one person is I think warrant officer rank, don't remember who.
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