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OOC LSDF Val'ta - To Boldly Go...!

Damnit Porrim, I'm a medic not a bridge bunny! ;) Sorry, though, Aran'ya is more the lab worker and field medic than ship ops.

PS - @OsakanOne Since Akemi and Aiesu spoke about cross-caste procreation in passing, and Aran'ya has actually committed the taboo of loving a Occestian/New Turlista... could you elaborate on exactly why things are "complicated" biologically or otherwise? Just curious, it may help me define some things in her past better.
From what I've seen on wiki @paladinrpg they just can't have children. And it seems to be a OOC thing mostly so that the child doesn't get the abilities of both caste making them rather 'powerful'.
After doing that JP with Osaka I feel compelled to point out for our other Neko player that Neko can choose to taste and smell like whatever they want.

Also, gotta say I can't wait to see how Aran'ya reacts to Akemi's latest act of silliness.
Heh, actually I realized this is a good setup for Akemi to slip into the science lab as a getaway where he then meets Aiesu for the previously posted JP there.
Well feel free to write whatever you'd like. There could always be more interaction before that or Aran'ya could be waiting for him outside.
@Amaryllis Waiting outside the door when he gets out of Aiesu's place you mean? That would be funny, but I don't think she'd go to all that trouble just yet. I figure you reply that he gets away by sneaking into the restricted area there and Aran'ya will give up for now and go hang in the lab or something.
PS - @OsakanOne Since Akemi and Aiesu spoke about cross-caste procreation in passing, and Aran'ya has actually committed the taboo of loving a Occestian/New Turlista... could you elaborate on exactly why things are "complicated" biologically or otherwise? Just curious, it may help me define some things in her past better.

In Doc's own words...
This is a society shaped by eugenics: You can be anything you want provided your biologics fit into a neat box marked either Fyunnen, New Turlistan or Lmanel. If it got out, both would probably be made infertile by the government.

Biologically though? Beyond the fact its already culturally an abomination that would be shot on sight for existing... You'd have a mutt.

Again in Doc's words:
Imagine you've got a good sight dog, a terrier, but you want that sighting dog to be able to pursue the rabbit better than any other terrier, so, you cross that terrier with a beagle. So you end up with this marvel of sighting, scenting, and mobility.

Well, put your noodle around the notion of a Lmanel that could outright directly communicate with animals and people alike, while forcefully reading genetic memory. A Fyunnen that could augment their own strength at whim. These are bad juju.

A mutt is someone who has unfair advantages in society, who usually take the best part of two castes and only the worst part of one. It disrupts the delicate balance of Lorath society and it usually creates someone who because of their differences has sociopathic tendancies due to their inherent sense of security.

Historically, Mutts rise to power very quickly prior to when caste niching was encouraged and eventually enforced. Think of the way the Huns decimated the world population, wiping out entire civilizations. What the European settlers did to the Americans, killing 100 million. What the Spanish did to the Aztecs, wiping out an entire civilization, even their records and culture. What the Germans tried to do to the undesirables (and not just the jews, the over-tited example: LGBTs, the disabled, those with alternative political views or psychological motives, romanies and other nomadic peoples, etc).

It might seem insane that Lor pushes these rules but they do so for a VERY good reason.

As for the birth itself? Both parents have been taught from birth that the child should not exist. That it is an abomination which will become a murderer.

One of them would almost certainly kill it or the stress of knowing if anyone knew of its existence would make them abandon it very quickly.
Also - I have mentioned in RP, that procreation (same or cross-cultural) on the Val'ta is forbidden. We're not a colony ship, for one. If anyone does, they're out the airlock, so check yourself before you go wreck yourself; Or you will not be erect, just rekt. (and out an airlock, and missing a pulse)

This was going to be the best harem show ever.
Every good Harem anime needs an antagonist or two @Amaryllis. Can't just have the girls falling into your lap. :3
I'm just going to sit here, eating my popcorn and trying to count the ways Aran's going to paste Akemi across the walls... and how long it'll take for him to regen... How many parts he may end up missing.... *brought plenty of popcorn to share*
It's just occurred to me that once I start making the icons for our characters, the relationship diagram for this is going to be convoluted.

Love dodecahedron, commence!
Thanks for the clarification @OsakanOne . This is one reason why Aran'ya thinks she was divinely punished by the Goddess in the Moonfall aftermath and Tian'vir's death. Trying to love outside ones caste resulting in losing everything she loved. :-(

I'm just enjoying toying with Akemi, he's obviously going to be some other Amazon Fyunnen's problem at this point though... Killig time until Keib shows up in the lab and then Widow will have someone else to focus on. Then Akemi will probably get jealous, lol. Fun times.
I'm just enjoying toying with Akemi, he's obviously going to be some other Amazon Fyunnen's problem at this point though... Then Akemi will probably get jealous
Akemi can always be more than one person's problem. Plus it's more like he'll try to make Aran'ya jealous with My'ean and vice versa. He still needs to bother Porrim after his boast too. Then he can bother Jiji or the owner of the catbird.

If anyone wants to JP or something just tell me, no need to be shy.
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First of all FAAAARKIN' 'ELL! So many posts!
Are you guys trying to give me a run for my money via sheer volume of posts? :p

Anyway, we take off soon!