Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NSS Alliance [Marine VR Sim] NSS Alliance Boarding Action

Adrian stood in the hall, literally shaking with rage.

Those. Fucking. Bastards.

He realized he desperately needed something to hit. Luckily, two blips on his radar gave him something. He moved rapidly into the room, jumped a control panel, and landed right in front of a startled marine. Grabbing the man by the throat, he activated a small, weak plasma charge in his hand. As the plasma burned through the metal, skin, muscle, and bone, he began screaming for help.

The other marine arrived just in time to see his friend's horribly-burned head smash to the deck, and the rest of the body slump down slowly to meet it. He watched as the tall, crazed medic turned to look at him. As he raised his rifle to fire, a ball of plasma struck him in the face from the medic's palm, fusing the helmet. An instant later, he felt his legs and groin go numb, and felt his torso strike the ground hard.

"Fucking bastards." Adrian kicked the dismembered, bloody torso into a wall, his rage somewhat subsiding.
Enough firepower had been dumped into the bridge room to destroy the equipment inside. The armored shell around the bridge helped contain the explotions and heat. The heat built up more and more as did the amount of flying shrapnel.

Istvan and his men would find their armor damaged by the multitude of impacts and anti-matter. Each would then die and have their controls disconnected as their armor failed and their bodies fataly overheated.
It the real world Istvan crouched in front of Adrian, watching his face twitch. "Wow you're pissy." he said walking around the chair, and breathing down the man's neck "You got an itch" he said "And you can't scratch it. Got an itch. Got an itch. Got an itch... YOU GOT AN ITCH!" He never touches the man, simply walks around him chanting "itch. itch. Itch."

Istvan thought that this is fucking hallarious.
Kokuten breathed heavily, his brain going seven miles faster than his heart. He was having trouble breathing, the rush that made him make swift commands, had messed him up. His body had been attempting to catch up with him.

"You men are under my command, and uh... the... um... 3 AIRs will act as the Assault team, yeah... And, and... The 3 WATERs will act as a fire team!"

"Assualt Team, whip out your blades, Grenadiers, take cover and do not move until I give the signal!"

"Fire team! Suppressing fire! And use your anti-projectile lasers to stop those shots! Assault team, use your blades and cut them up under their field of fire!"

I guess I do make a pretty good makeshift squadleader

The Medic stood himself up and walked over, the room was covered with blasts and blood. He walked over to his first kill, Istavan Yuttreburg. The Medic still had a little tilt going after the rush. He looked down at the virtually dead soldier, he nudged the body with his foot.

"I tell ya, some the craziest, bravest, and down right stalwartmost men are the first to die. Enjoy Virtual Vahalla, buddy." He said as he was about to turn, but something caught his eye. The longer version of the chainsword was strapped to Istavan's back. He reached down and took it off Istavan's corpse, he noticed that his the rest of Grenadiers were looking at him.

"What the fuck are you guys looking at, he won't need it." He looked at the sword in his hand.

"Meh, I feel sorry for him, I guess in a way, If I use this he'll be fighting. Against his own team that is." Kokuten said, equiping the sword to his back.

"Heh, Irony's a bitch, eh?" said one of the Grenadiers.

"Hey, Adrian, you feel any better?" Kokuten ignored the previous comment.
Gran looked over the sensors, seeing the massive engagement in the bridge. Ouch, there goes all the hand controls, luckily the computer core isn't near there, and I still have Ally. He ran a few commands through Ally, the engines whirred for a second, a report came back to him: the Hyperdrive was unaccesable. No matter. "Everyone take cover."

They scrambled behind boxes and plates that were bolted to the ground, Gran took a position slightly closer to the engines. Ally had told him that Rico was heading towards him. He knew with all the doors closed and elevator inactive, Rico wouldn't sit around to blow through them all. He just didn't know where he would try to enter the engine room, and he sure would be angry..
Fian was quite relived that Adrian had managed to take out the team attacking the (Now nonexistent) bridge. He did not expect a meer medic to be capable of such carnage but he expected a similar or much better peformance than the last mission. Checking the scores and positions Adrian and Kokuten's team, Fian assumed that 1/3rds of the enemy is destroyed using 2/4ths of Alpha team. Most notably, Istvan is was taken down without important losses on his side.

Which leaves 2/3rds of Omega and 2/4ths Alpha to duke it out at the rear portion of the ship. Fian frowned, Rico and Benji would be engaging the lone Grant Keats any time now. Unlike the bridge which can be destroyed (but not captured), hitting the fragile ship generators is going to be an easy win. Perhaps they should have taken the faster AIR2s after all.

"All right men, rush the generators. We need to keep them as occupied as possible untill Adrian and Kokuten arrives." Fian said rather modestly, he didnt like people barking orders at him either. "Keep your Smokescreens on, we dont want them to know our troop movements. Use the LBR to fight down lenghts of coridoors and Shotgun anything that gets too near."

"Go in pairs. Gregory, youre with me. Move out." Fian ended his string of commands with the "Out" hand signal. His team broke up into three groups as they boosted their way down to the generators.
"Yeah I know..." Benji said to Rico as a door completely shut them off from their path. "And now it leaves me no choice but to go up...." He pulled C4 from his skirt and forcefully wedged it into the celing. Everyone backed off and when the C4 exploded they stormed the deck above, manually closing all the srounding doors and damaging the wires to prevent the door from being opened the easy way. The C4 process was then again repeated untill they were once again atop the ship. A tripwire and more explosives were left behind for any, so stupid to come up behind them. Then they were off, flying down the back of the ship and heading for the enginges.

Cautiously they approached where the backside of the Engine room was and laid out more explosives. They all backed off and then the ani-matter charges exploded to blow a hole in the back of the ship. "OH GRAN HONEY!" Benji bellowed, his men immediately firing their LBRs into the ripped open engine room.
"Ally, make sure that Fian Adrian and Kokuten get plenty of open doors between there and here, keep the elevator closed still."
A security cam's view popped up in Gran's visor showing Benji blowing through the ceilings. "Alpha? I could really use your help down here, this is going to get ugly." He checked Ally's readout of the corridors one more time, everyone was inside except Benji.
Squad channel: "Everyone, stay down."
Private channels: "Fian, Adrian, Kokuten: I'm making sure you guys have open doors between there and near the elevator, I'm keeping it off to slow Rico." A smirk crossed his face. "Try to stay inside for awhile, I wouldn't want any of you to get squashed."

Here goes nothing. He watched the external cameras through Ally's connection and sweated slightly as he watched the explosives arm and explode. Now!

"Ally! Grav Drives, straight away from the open hole! Full power!"

Gran yelled as the engine room was ripped open. His team staying under cover, hidden as the beams burned into the random plates around the room. The engines roared and the ship lurched instantly, pulling straight away from Benji's group at a breakneck speed that shocked the eyes. The gravity drive of the ship protected anyone inside by nullifying the inertia and moving whatever was in it with the ship, but Benji's group, who were still outside, were left a good distance away in empty space as the ship rushed away from them, if anyone had used tractor beams to latch on to the ship, chances were that they would tear off a plate of armor as opposed to holding the marine to the ship. Everyone inside probably wouldn't even notice that they were moving, unless they were looking out a window. But the Alpha's knew, they had received a short message from Gran detailing his plan, making sure they were being careful.

"Ally! Grav Drives: rotate towards the attacks! Slight forward!"
He yelled again as the engines roared louder, the 958,402 kg ship instantly stopped and swung towards Benji's group like a baseball bat, the forward command changing it's course slightly so that the Omegas were no longer over the hole.

"Let's see how you like being part of the ship's paint job."
Gran mumbled happily as he watched the external cameras with the armored hull flashing towards the group of PAs at speeds that would surely crush them, the whole act of moving only taking around two seconds.
As Rico and his team raced through the lower decks of the ship, many of the bulkhead doors were still closed between them. It was apparent that the DEIMOS system was still intact, meaning it was very possible that Alpha team knew exactly where they were...and Rico didn't like it. After blowing their way through several of the armored doorways, Rico's squad had themselves positioned in the large, open storage areas, directly below the engine pods. Benji and the Nights were already assaulting the engines directly above them.

As the sequence of ship movements fell into place, there was little Rico could do to warn Benji. Although, he found it quite funny at the same time. "Okay baby, shake it off and get back in there!" Rico commanded to the Night squad with slight reluctance. In truth, he didn't think that very many of them were still alive, let alone enough to put a full assault on the engines...their signals were still around at least. Benji had served his main purpose...locating and sending the data on the positions of the twin engines.

"Alright, I want three of you watching that door!" Rico waved two WATER armors and a Golem towards the freshly anti-mattered bulkhead door. "If you see anythin', waste 'em!" The marines roared their response, and positioned themselves on the separate ends of the blown bulkhead.

"You, help me with this." Rico positioned himself directly under the left engine and loaded the last of his anti-matter charges into the barrels of his FMD. It took the marine a moment to realize what Rico was planning...and he laughed and followed suit.

"Everyone else, watch the ceiling! If they try and come down here through the floor, they'll have to come through holes. Concentrate fire! Give 'em everything, EVERYTHING! NEVER STOP!" Rico gave his final passion-fueled command as everyone took positions, and fired his shell at the flooring underneath the engine, intent on disabling it from the bottom up.
As soon as they were free of the ship, Benji got his team moving. The hot air from the engines pushed the marines back and out. As he saw the ship comming around to make them paint, Benji grinned. The marines split, pushing their boosters to the max in order to get out of the way as the ship roared through the circle they'd made. Eight of them were too slow and did become part of the paint job, the rest slowed themselves and waited for the hole to come to them.

Benji and several other loaded their Ani-matter charges into their FMDs and then as the ship roared past underneath them, they waited untill they had sights on the hole in the rear and let loose their ammo. Several of the charges landed inside the room and the others hit the hull of the ship, blowing off more of the armor and widening the hole. Soon, Gran's team would be in the direct line of fire. Benji and six other marines dropped and fired their LBRs at range into the Engine room as the ship speed away.
Istvan was bored. He was watching the screens, but he was still bored. He had given up on bugging Adrian, and now was moving on to other things.

When a 6'6" tall man with bulging muscles gets bored there's not much people won't let him do... Fortunately what he did was not all that outrageous. He simply began reciting old, old, war poetry... so old that it's meanings and origins were lost to time. He started with "Horatius" which suited the situation that they had just been through, as he tried to enliven his men who were depressed somewhat about their early "deaths"

He gave special attention to one particular stanza

"Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate:
‘To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods"
Gran's smiled widened considerable as he heard the plinks and crunches of the Omegas becoming paste on the side of the virtual ship. Phrases not unlike "Dude! What the fuck!?" echoed throughout the rec room as some of the now dead Omegas jumped up. The previously perished Alphas who were watching the screen burst into laughter, seeing a wonder of a ship be used as a bludgeon.

As the anitmatter rounds streaked into and around the hole, one marines and his cover was vaporized completely, another loosing his arm and shields as he was flung from cover. Gran took a quick look at the outside cams. Shit... six versus five... and a half. "CPD!" Each marine deployed a round, the room filling with the shining particles. The rain of LBR fire coursed through the room again, straining through the cloud at their cover again. Since the long range LBR was less effected by the particles, the bolts continued to burn away their shrinking cover. The poor marine who had been flung from cover took several rounds in the back, quickly ending his sim. Another weakened beam flew through the particles and melted Gran's right calf, fusing his knee joint, he grunted and slid to a thicker part of the cover.

"Ally, use the grav drives to point the ships ion engines at them, I want half-power on the ions. Then use the grav drives to back into them, burn them up." It's a big hole, but it should definately hold, she's stronger than that.

The ship stopped it's speedy swinging, and turned and twisted quickly again, leaving Benji's group to stare down the center of a set of angry ion engines. The engines started with a bright flare, and the grav drives pushed the ship backwards. Small and loud creaks reverberated through the hull as the ion and grav drives opposed each other. The whole ship charging like a giant angry energy bayonet. Gran was worried that they would see this coming and would be quicker to get out of the way.

"When do we get to shoot shit!" Yelled a teammate, his smile at the splattered Omegas subsiding.
"Don't worry, you all now have access to the outside cams. You will know exactly when they are coming." Gran replied, his probed beeped as small view screens popped up in each teammates's visor. "Mass Meshers on, we should be practically invisible inside this cloud. Use the ships cameras and targeting, pop the heads off the first Omega you see." Each of the marines poked their heads out of their now scant cover, waiting for the first sign of enemies, their view augmented by the ships scanners and cameras.

"Koku, where are you."
(JP between Fian, Moonman and Omega20)


"CRAP!" It was the first time Fian swore throughout the whole simulation. The odds were so much against Omega team just a few minutes ago and now it is as though Rico has a needle pointed at a giant's crotch. "RUSH ‘EM!" members of his team swerved in and out of the corridors firing their LBRs and Arrows at the guards Rico had posted. The mass of fire took out a single well entrenched WATER2 at the cost of one of his own. "GO GO GO!" The remaining six WATER2s rushed the remaining sentry, the first one had his shield raised while Fian who was immidietly behind primed his shotgun.

It was taking longer than Rico would've hoped, but slowly the metals and materials being fleshed away by the group began to show signs of heavier machinery. In another few moments, they would have a wide enough hole into the engine to begin dismantling it from the inside. However, Rico's concentration was quickly trailed away as he heard a report from the guards he posted at the door. "We got incoming Rico!" Rico assigned another marine to continue blasting through the floor while he quickly repositioned to get a better view. Sure enough, Rico could make out numerous figures propelling through the corridor...gaining fast. Before long, they were plowing into the room. Rico turned back to his digging team. "Keep digging, you, cover them! Everyone else, OPEN FIRE!" Rico yelled, as the remaining members of Rico's Spartans began to engage Fian's marines.

"SHOTGUNS AND SWORDS!" Fian shouted, his eyes wide and unblinking as he filled the other sentry with antimatter. The flash shields of the marine in front of him blinked madly for a moment then he erupted in flames, passing through Rico's team and impacting in a ruined mess in the opposite wall. At that four shotgun shots rang out to disperse and distract the Spartans. Fian knew this was like running into a beehive naked, but he had to buy some time before Adrian's reinforcements arrive.

Rico's marines were ready. The unleashed a flurry of fire upon Fian's marines, both taking and dishing out massive blows as each side exchanged fire. Rico's men fought like demons, getting hit with near fatal attacks before standing back up and asking for more. Rico himself did his best to keep out of the fray, utilizing his tractor fields to move sporadically in the background, firing alternating charges when he found the chance. "KEEP IT UP! GIVE 'EM EVERYTHING!"

Adrian sat on one of the burnt-out computer consoles, surveying the damage and swearing at his losses. He looked to his few remaining men and sighed before standing. "Alright, guys. We lost most of our men, but we still got some fight left in us, right?" The men murmured in response. Adrian stomped his foot hard on the deck. "RIGHT?!" Some of the men jumped at his reply. "Listen, we might be hurting real bad, but we got friends down there who NEED our help. So are we gonna sit around here and let them go down in flames while we cry about our buddies?" The marines replied with a loud "NO SIR!" and readied themselves. Adrian smiled. "Good, now get to that engine room and let some heads roll!" The marines turned and bolted down the corridor, followed closely by the medic.

Through the whole massacre Fian kept his cool. His machine was ill suited against the current fight, forcing him to think a little instead of going all berserk, besides, he only brought one chain-knife. His monoeyes scanned the room for something important. It wasn't very hard, Rico was making a whole lot of noise anyway. Sanorama had to be taken out fast... or at least kept busy. "RICO!" Fian shouted, drawing his chain-knife and holding relatively still.

As the fight in below the engines intensified, a marine finally gave Rico a report that was not bad news; the thick flooring and bottom of the engine had been dug out, exposing the fragile systems inside the engine itself. Rico quickly ordered his 'digging' crew to move on towards the underside of the right engine and get busy, and loaded his FMD with a red charge, intent on firing into the soft underbelly of the engine.

However, before he was able to do so, Fian caught Rico's attention. He was standing in front of him, vibroknife raised, obviously provoking him. The fact that Rico thought Fian was stealing his thunder in the previous simulation did not help quell Rico's temptation to appease Fian's taunt. After minute of deciding, Rico smirked and trained his FMD away from the hole. "Okay baby, I'm game." Rico stated...he did not draw his own vibroblade from its place on his chest, however.

Fian had a Vibro-Chainknife in his shield hand, while the LBR was held under his right arm. Firing it right now at this range is going to make Rico lose interest in the duel very quickly; he had to keep it exciting. Adjusting his Ion Thrusters, he charged at Rico's left side where the Casanova's heart is.

Rico knew better than to get into a fight like this with Fian on the verge of destroying the engine...and he knew better than to attack a WATER with an AIR using direct strategies. However, his curious, competitive side got the best of him as he watched Fian begin to rush him. Rico aimed a tractor field towards the ceiling above Fian, jerking himself quick to the ceiling. In the midst of his flight, Rico aimed his second tractor field at Fian's armored feet, giving them a sharp pull in the opposite direction.

Fian had originally planned a feint. He flew right in and just before he was about to smash into Rico the Vel Steyr dropped his VBCS and raised the LBR... Except Rico was not there. Fian fired into thin air, on top of that he was suddenly tripped by his opponent, sending Fian into an uncontrolled somersault in the air. His 4ft long LBR struck the floor and broke into half before he managed to stabilize himself, splintering into a mass of sparking metal. Maintaining his momentum, he kept flying across the room before stopping at a safe distance.

"FUCK!" Fian cursed, without his LBR and VBCS Fian felt very impotent within his WATER2 unit. Rico is not going to buy him if he charged in barehanded like that. Seething a little, the Vel Steyr intentionally missed Rico's feet with a shot from his laser array.

Rico, still using a tractor field to anchor himself to the wall, laughed a little as he witnessed Fian spin out of control. The shot from his shoulder array didn't scare him...Rico knew how weak those things were against conventional shielding. With another quick set of tractor fields, Rico flung Fian's discarded VBCS across the room to Fian's feet, and jerked at Fian's legs once more, pulling them sharply out from under him and sending him face-first into the flooring. "Common baby, you won't get those tips if ya don't work for 'em!" Rico laughed.

Fian was really angry. He felt that he was positively humiliated by the outcome of the earlier attack and being thrown back his own weapons. Ignoring the din of the other marine's fighting around the room, he nonchalantly walked over and picked up his vibro-blade, and then continued to another discarded VBCS on the floor and picked it up. Entering a fighting stance, he planted both feet of his WATER2 on the floor for stability and activated his Thrusters for round two, the metal flooring screaming as the Vel Steyr skied across it.

Rico watched as Fian retrieved the two vibroknives while quickly taking a look at his HUD. There were more Alpha's coming into the room from the corridor, and although Rico's Spartans were holding their own, even they could not hope to cope with such numbers. Rico checked the second hole being dug under the right-side engine of the marines he assigned to tunneling had been shot down, but two more still worked under the fire, alternating shots with their weapons to peel away the metal ceiling below the engine.

As Fian quickly raced along the floor below him, Rico unstrapped his VBCS and un-anchored himself from the ceiling, assuming a combat stance directly in Fian's path. He raised his vibroblade and revved it loudly, flashing a devilish grin as he did so.

Fian smiled, countering one blade was easy enough especially when wielded by a person with no prior experience is swordsmanship. Bringing one knife up, he locked Rico's chainsword in a clash of metal and showering sparks. His other hand punched the AIR2 in the face, causing his prongs to come in contact with the Nerimium mask and deliver its shocking payload, as soon as the shields was gone he disconnected the EMP and took a swipe at the head, lightly grazing the armor around it.

He engaged his thrusters forward towards Rico's right side, in the process unlocking his right knife and bring it straight down across his opponents shoulder to its waist on the opposing side. Going into a half spin he narrowly dodged Rico's falling knife and then twirled his left knife once and slashed at Rico's right arm, grazing the nanomuscles, but not deep enough to injure him.

Rico could not do much to react as Fian executed the intricate knife-fighting. He was caught off-guard...not expecting Fian to be so good at close-quarters fighting.

Drawing his left knife, he raised both above Rico's head. Fian's heart was beating out of control now; it has been a long time since he did this previously well rehearsed move. Executing another elaborate twirl, he brought both down right on Rico's neck for the killing blow...unfortunately, blunt end first.

As Fain continued spinning his knifes around, Rico could do little to stop him. He cursed to himself, trying to get a hold of things as the gnashing edges danced around him dangerously. Before he could, however, Fian finally planted both knives into Rico's neck. However, something was wrong...Fian had messed up somewhere. Rico didn't give it another thought, and quickly delivered a powerful blow from his PPG to Fian's stomach, sending him skidding backwards. Rico quickly engaged his own thrusters, catching up to the Fian's skidding frame, planting his feet onto the lower torso like a large surfboard, and straining to aim his damaged right arm and its FMD onto Fian's chest. Rico didn't have any remarks. He quickly loaded two white tungsten charges, and fired them both into the WATERs chest.

The first white charge was partially deflected by the flash shields and destroyed Fian's energy barriers from the extreme stress, the second one however went right through the structural damage created by Rico's PPG shot and created a funny looking bump on the other side of the armor. Needless to say Fian's VR headset went blank. Exhaling, he leaned back on his chair in meditation, emptying his mind.

Adrian saw the small blips on his radar going out one by one. As he reached the bottom deck behind his men, he could see the carnage. Most of the marines were dead, and the survivors were all Omega squad soldiers. Adrian grimaced at this. Using a quick burst of speed, he came in front of his squad, and leveled the F-10 rifle he had strapped to his back at the beginning of the mission. About 20 meters from the door, he began charging the weapon, and when he reached the five meter mark before the door, he let go, sending the massive plasma ball through the door, evaporating one of the marines and continuing inwards. He stopped quickly, slung the F-10 and pulled a carbine. His other marines blasted past him and straight in, ready for a new battle. As his men and he blasted through the door, Adrian grinned. "HEY RIIIIICOOOO! I'M BAAAAACK!"

Rico did not a chance to savor the victory over his counterpart before he was interrupted by the main contingent of Adrian's squad. It was also at this point that Rico noticed the enormous ball of blue-white plasma hurdling towards him, completely enveloping on of his Spartans as it did so. It was Adrian. Of course. "Oh, FUCK. THAT." Rico exclaimed as he reached down and clutched Fian's lifeless leg. With one swift motion, Rico spun and hurled Fian's corpse into the plasma...however, that did not stop it. Rico quickly glanced up at the hole below the left engine...he didn't have enough time. As he dove off to the side, a portion of his leg began to superheat, the armor melting slightly and drooping. Rico quickly recovered and floated behind the rest of his marines, who were bruised and beaten, but still ready to fight. "Spartans, GO!" Rico shouted before turning to the second digging team. "Alright...blow it. Let's get this done."

Adrian saw the men preparing to fire at the engines. "CONCENTRATE FIRE ON THEM!" He, however, was more concerned with Rico and the three marines coming towards him. He charged a plasma ball in his left hand, lunged forward quickly, and shoved it through one man's chest, while the others were left to tango with Adrian's subordinates. Adrian found himself in the room, fire from his men blasting towards Rico's men. The medic found himself closing on Rico and aimed his carbine at his head, still out of range of Rico's close-quarters weapons. "Have fun with Fian?" He pulled the trigger and sent energy flying towards his opponent.

Rico didn't respond to Adrian's comment. His AIR jerked back to life, surging and dodging back towards to hole under the left engine, unleashing his full salvo of DARTS in Adrian's direction while doing so. He didn't bother looking back to see if it stopped Adrian. As Rico looked up, he had to lift his FMD with his left hand, the damage done to the mechanisms by Fian's vibroblade still fresh, and quickly loaded two red charges into the barrel before firing them straight into the hole. He then quickly spun around, his vibroblade still at the ready, not knowing if Adrian was behind him or not.

Unfortunately for Rico, Adrian was right behind him. The darts had cut his targeting, but he didn't need it for this. He grabbed the man by the shoulders, lifted him, and slammed him hard on the floor. Stepping around quickly in front of him, Adrian glared down at him. "Payback, bitch." Charging a plasma ball on his foot, he stomped it down onto the AIRs crotch, putting his powerful nano-muscles to good use.

As his lower torso began to melt away, Rico didn't have much time to do anything else. He strained to raises his FMD towards Adrian's chest, but could not...Rico instead was forced to point it at the knee of Adrian's armor. He laughed shortly one last time before pumping two more red charges out of the barrel, the resulting explosion lost to him as he quickly removed his VR helmet and shook his head with a grin and heavy sigh. "Why the hell is it always Adrian..."

Adrian felt himself flying across the room and hit the wall, his shield totally down. He looked down out his leg, and saw a crack. "Oh shi-" He heard the sound of the oxygen beginning leaking out, meaning that he had very little time left. He pulled out his F-10 aimed it for the few remaining Omegas, charged it, and blasted them away. With a sigh, he finally pointed his weapon at his own head, and blasted it off. Better to just get out than run into combat with his body shutting down.

Adrian pulled the VR off his head and stood. He felt itchy for some reason...
Kokuten led his small team of marines outside, careful to keep out of the way of any of Gran's manueverings.
"Gran, I've left the Alliance, so give me fair warning when you decide to swing at the Omega guys."
Looking up at the hull, he could see the spattered remains of Benji's Nights. He whistled. Looked painful. Moments after leaving the ship, the Alliance swerved over his head, and blasted backwards.
Kokuten and his men got the hint and flew towards the end of the ship, hoping to find nothing, but knew a least one Omega probably would have survived.
Benji took his time to look over their scores before taking out his wires and getting to his feet and streching. He quietly tip toed out of the room and came back with a can of shaving cream and a galss of Ice. He snuck over to Fian and slipped a few peices of ice down his shirt and drew a smily face ont he back of his head with the shaving cream and then did the same with Kokuten and Gran. He tucked the shaving cream bottle under Gran's arm and placed the glass of ice near Fian's hand.

Revenge was sweet and stupid stuff like this was even sweeter. With a snicker he went to see how the rest of th e battle was going.
Extensive damage had been done to the alliance, including the loss of the bridge and the loss of one gravimetric drive.

Ally was still intact and could still operate critical systems like the main weapon, sensors, and partial engine control which was being repaired by the ship's automated damage control systems. The VR simulation would soon end with victorious defenders.

"Alright Marines, take a break and chill out,â€
Fian felt the ice going down his shirt and wondered which nutfuck was trying to do him in. Holding very still he allowed his mysterious assailant to finish. When he heard footsteps walking away The Vel Steyr got up quietly and took a good look at Benji's back. A fellow teammember handed him a towel to wipe the shaving cream off him while all six of them leaned back on the wall observing Benji up to no good.

"You are gonna let him off the hook?" One of the marines asked.

"Hell no."

When the evil deed was done, he took a spare towel and wiped off the shaving cream and removed the ice on Gran and Kokuten. All in plain sight of everybody. He would look up occasionally to see if Benji was looking at him (And if he did, the Vel Steyr would only shake his head disapprovingly). When he finished, he placed the bottle of shaving cream and the glass of ice nicely on a table.

And then he walked out... To the washroom.
As Rico watched the final moments of Omega's attack on the Alliance he tried to keep the group of marines around him up in spirits. "Hey baby, don't sweat it so much. We did pretty fuckin' good. Didja see me waste Fian baby?! And how about that Benji, gettin' hit by the damn ship like a fly, eh?" Rico kept on and on, eventually coaxing a few smirks out of a few of them. Truthfully, he was a little disappointed himself for the loss, and readied himself to receive a few taunts and jeers from the victorious Alpha squad.

However, before they could pounce on him, Wazu spoke up and grabbed the attention of the room. He wanted Fian...and Rico to meet him in ten minutes? Rico wasn't paying much attention to Wazu until he heard his name, and that was pretty much all he heard out of Wazu at all; his name being called. 'Oh shit, what did I do? Man...' Rico shook his head with a sigh and ran a hand slowly through his hair.

It was at this point that the Alpha Team winners began practically lining up to give Rico a piece of their mind. Rico readied his middle fingers.
Soreta smiled knowingly as she saw the simulation's results; having silently taken place nearby Wazu in the viewing area. "Some of them are quite good...they've got things on their side the others do not." While she didn't elaborate on that quality, she mulled over it in her mind.

It was a strange quality, one that was often percieved in the most famous of starships...a one-in-a-million crew, favored by the gods, with an incredible amount of luck and skill...that was their gift. They were the movers, they were the shakers, they were the catalysts of change.

But they had their curse as well; tortured by their past, being a constant target for the enemy's most powerful forces, and seeing death, sorrow, and envy every day of their lives. In a way, it was easier to live the other life than it was to live this one, for the pain would never outpace the reward.

It was the burden that she had to bear, as well...