Star Army

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RP: NSS Alliance [Marine VR Sim] NSS Alliance Boarding Action

Istvan had little sucess in his attempt to gain Borschest. He was walking through the halls, somewhat bored, when he say Rico trailing after a Genshin like a lovesick puppy. Istvan did not like the look of it, and began to trail Rico, ready to give the Genshin assistance if nessessary. His estimation of Rico as being a headstrong macho-man suggested what Rico's next move would be.... Istvan was preparing to head that off if nessessary.
Benji'd gotten himself lost again, dispite supposedly knowing the ship. He was walking down one of the various halls and spotted the Greshin, Rico and Istvan headed towards him. He smiled when he noticed Rcio's love-sick-puppyness. Benji let the Greshin past and then put his arms open wide and when he got close to Rico he wrapped his arms around the man and hugged the other marine tightly. With a wink to Istvan he then shifted his head back and grinned at Rico.

His grin became an absoloutely evil one and without further ado, he leaned close and kissed the man. Whatever mood Rico was in he knew that would completely ruin it. He let go of Rico and then hooked him by the collar of his shirt and gently tugged him backwards till they meet up with Istvan. "Heading up to the meeting... see you later..." and then continued to tug Rico away from the Greshin.
It seemed that for today, the Vel Steyr is always being worried or waiting for something to happen. The numerous occasions in the VR simulation, Valo's unarriving call, the meeting that will begin soon, Rico's still unknown status and most recently the AIR2 incident.

"I'm sure you'll explain to me in detail what exactly happened later." Fian said under his breath.

Yes. Came the reply.

Fian sighed, he did better head off to the canteen to get some chow, he had not eaten since this morning. Besides, if Rico is about to do any damage it would be in the vicinity of the caffeteria and meeting area. The Vel Steyr picked up the pace.
Things were getting blurry as Rico continued to chase the kitchen girl. He was sweating slightly, and getting extremely agitated with her attitude. "Hey, I said slow down!" Rico said with a raised voice, the tone noticeably more harsh. They were running pretty fast now, and the longer they went the more pissed off Rico became.

Before long, however, Rico found himself in an odd embrace by one of the marines he had met before...Benji. Rico wasn't sure exactly what was going on, but as he began being dragged backwards, he shot another glance at the young Geshrin woman. She had stopped farther in the corridor to catch her breath, a look of slight relief on her face. All Rico saw at the moment, however, was that she was his reward...and someone was taking that from him. Rico wasn't smiling anymore.

In a few swift motions, Rico flipped around and broke Benji's grasp on his collar, delivering a hard elbow straight into the center of Benji's face. There was also another marine next to him, Istvan...but Rico didn't recognize either of the marines, all he saw was the blur of the corridor and the figure of the kitchen girl in the distance. Using the element of surprise he had gained, Rico planted a kick firmly into the side of Istvan's knee, sending him into a slight kneeling position before he spun around again, slamming the back of his mechanical right-armed fist into the side of Istvan's face.

Rico didn't waste a second after that. He immediately burst into a mad dash back down the hall. The Geshrin woman screamed slightly, and turned to run as well, but it was moments too late...Rico tackled her from behind, bringing them both to the ground.
Gran had been sitting in the mess hall with his head down on one of the cool tables. He had felt lightheaded again after the sim, and food had sounded like a good idea. God, please not Borschest... He slightly ground his forehead into the table.

His head snapped up as he heard a female scream echo down the hall, as did many other marines. He sat for a second as he hoped someone else would go check it out, he still felt like crap. Fucking bastards... He slowly stood up and walked swiftly out the hall, trying to find the source of the noise. He called out to the empty hall as he checked his back pocket. Good still there.

"Ally. What was that scream a second ago?"
Rico had been laid down in the new medbay. Ally and the medics were looking him over and she reminded them to, "Perform a tox screen and check his brain chemistry.â€
Things can only get worse

There was a lot of commotion going around, but Chris paid little attention to it, usually these things concerned him little. It was probably just about the briefing anyway.

While preparing the food he paid little attention to everything around him, but when he finished he realized that one of the girls was still missing. He didn't think anything major of it at the time; she probably just had to go the long way to avoid the despicable males.

Wazu placed his cane down beside his chair and took off his rank badge. He tossed it on the table in front of him in the lounge as his body settled into the fluffy chair, his hand cradling a glass of dark liquid. His head leaned back, facing up at the ceiling and remaining supported by the back of the chair.

Adrian stared up at the ceiling of the room, breathing hard. Over the course of the past several minutes, he had utterly trashed the center of the bunk room. A broken table lay nearby, with several personal items lying around. Why won't the stop? Adrian had no idea what to do. The noise in his mind was horrifically loud, and the medic felt as if his head would explode. He could only guess why the he was reacting so much more violently to the medication than usual, most of the guesses based around paranoia that perhaps Wazu had ordered him killed with poison. Of course, had he been thinking straight, he wouldn't have thought any of this, but his mind was effectively ruined. With a particularly loud burst of noise in his head, he spasmed again, this time with a large amount of force, enough to bring his head smashing into the deck, leaving him in a state of extreme pain.

Ally's tangible body in the med-bay stood up and told the medic on duty, "I need you to report to the marine's living quarters and bring some sedatives. We have a problem with one of our marines." Ally then quickly made her way toward the marine's quarters.

Adrian held the large caliber pistol to his temple, tears silently rolling down his face. The shit just wouldn't stop. He couldn't live forever like this. It needed to end.

Ally's voice chimed in soothingly as she appeared in front of him, "Adrian... please put down the gun..." This form of her dispersed as soon as her cybernetic body walked in through the door. She slowly made her way towards him. "Please Adrian?" she asked again, her eyes looking as caringly as she could towards him.

Meanwhile Wazu was hurriedly attaching his rank pin to his uniform while cursing and awkwardly limping at high speeds through the hallways.

Adrian's hand held steady. "Oh. Well. It looks like the AI is trying to save the marine. How touching."

"Adrian..." Ally said, getting closer to him and slowly leaning down, putting her arms around his waist, the warmth of her body beginning to be felt against his. "Would you do it for me?" She fluttered her blue eyes up at him in the process.

Just then John sat up in his bunk, looking across at the two. "Heh.. guys.. whats goin on?"

As he watched Ally hurry out of the medical bay, Rico silently began to deduce what could possibly be happening in there. It didn't take him long to suddenly recall that Adrian himself ran off in that direction before Rico could catch him. Rico quickly slid out of the medical bed, attempting to try out his was still not functioning. Without another thought, Rico dashed out through the bulkhead, the effects of the sedatives still slightly hindering his steps.

Adrian looked down at Ally. "Heh. Not kill my self? Not make this stop?" He connects the barrel of the gun to his head. "Not make this infinite torment of my mind end?"

"Yeah, that would be good." Ally said with a smile. "Things will get better. I promise."

Adrian laughed. Long and hard. He just kept laughing, his head on the bed behind him, the cacophony in his mind reaching a crescendo, and pain shooting throughout his entire body. And the laughter continued, despite his body spasming viscously from the sudden mental painspike.

As his body spasumed Ally took the opportunity to reach for his weapon. One hand went to hold the gun and point it up while her other hand reached for the slide to push it back and take it off the gun to entirely disable the firing mechanism.

Adrian felt the gun move and suddenly get much lighter. shit. He stared down at the beautiful cybernetic woman laying on top of him, and wondered just why she had fought so hard to save his life. It didn't matter though. The laughing had stopped. Just pain now. "Make it stop." He whispered lightly.

Ally tossed the slide from the service pistol away and held the marine, cradling his head against her breasts. "Just relax... things will be all better soon...â€
A large hand came down around Adrian's neck almost as if to choke him. However as it did a small needle quickly shot out and back in from the center of the hand injecting seditives.

Valo let go of Adrian's neck and picked him up holding him over his shoulder. Valo's gaze quickly turned to Ally. "What would you like done with this man? My personal suggestion would be to keep him medicated and restrained to a medical bed."
Rico, disfunctional arm swinging limply behind him, had caught up with Lieutenant Wazu who was also hurrying through the hallway. Rico slow down his pace to match Wazu's awkward limp, following him at his side as they rounded a corner into the final stretch of corridor before the marine quarters. The mild sedatives were nearly gone now, being overrun by the rush of adrenaline, and Rico's steps began to show less hindrance. It was at this point Rico decided to speak up, a complex mixture of annoyance and worry spread across his frowning, serious face.

"What's goin' on chief?" Rico asked, not bothering to look at Wazu as he did.
Wazu and Rico arrived just in time to catch a view of Ally cradling the now medicated marine. Once he had gone under she pulled away and allowed Valo to pick him up.

Before Ally responded Wazu cut in, "Take him to the medbay and keep him medicated while you run a tox screen. Make sure he is not using some kind of depressant that is screwing with his mind. When you are done with that check his brain chemistry, use the drugs in the medbay to balance him if you have to. Keep him under until I get down there.â€
Rico, relieved to see that the situation had resolved with no glaring hitches, finally cracked a smile as he watched Valo haul Adrian's limp body through the doorway. He had cooled down a bit, but Rico was still very pissed off with Adrian. He would have to settle this dispute with him once he had the chance. Rico turned back to Ally's body and stroked a hand through his hair.

"Seems Ally's been takin' care of a lotta things." Rico said as he flashed her a grin. Rico then looked back down at his arm, still broken and lifeless at his side. "...well, if that's all chief, I'm headin' back to the medbay...need to get my arm back up ta speed before Captain's meetin'," Rico spoke again to Wazu, giving him an awkward salute with his less-used left hand. With Wazu's reply, he would take his leave back towards the medical facility.
After being hit Benji made off into the depths of the ship and got himself hopelessly lost. He managed to find his way back to the bunk room before anyone else got there and snatched up a wad of papertowels to hold to his bloody and broken nose. While action was going on else where in the ship, Benji hid away inside one of the Cargo bays sitting atop a crate and trying to get his nose to stop gushing blood.

"All... I think Rico broke my nose..." He said, tentitively probing his nose with his fingers and wincing when shards of his broke nose burried their sharp points into his skin. "Yah, yeah that bastard broke my nose..." He said, more to himself than to the AI. Benji got to his feet and walked down the hall way. He looked awful and seriously angry. By the time he got to the Med Bay there was so much activity. Reluctantly he sighed and fetched another papertowel with which to hold to his bloody nose.
However, Rico did not return straight to the medical bay after being dismissed. Instead, he took a long, winding detour down to the power armor bays, keeping an eye open at all times. The PA bay was mostly empty, save for a technician who was overlooking and maintaining a single AIR suit in the far corner. Rico suspected this was the one he was looking for, and confirmed so when he saw the serial number; two-four-five-five.

Rico walked up slowly to one of the technicians...he looked horrible, a few bandanges and bruises visibly apparent through his technician uniform. However, as Rico approached the technician gave a solemn nod. Rico returned it, and watched as the man walked up to the armor and pulled a few objects from the lower interiors of the suit before bringing them closer for Rico to view them.

Rico grinned widely as he looked over the goods. There was a set of soft, thin objects, wrapped and tied in a neat square of thick brown paper. Next, there was a rectangular box, maybe a foot or so tall. As Rico shook it slightly, a slight sloshing sound reaching his ears as he did so. The last object he held up was a smaller, more square container, wrapped in more drab brown paper. As Rico moved it he could hear a soft clinking, like glass hitting glass. He looked over the packages once more, and smiled back at the technician.

"Okay then baby, looks like everythin'."
"Marty doesn't appreciate you using his resources for stupid shit like this."
"Hey, this stuff's important. Besides, it's not like any of this stuff is illegal...I just didn't want to pay a delivery boy to pick this stuff up, and Marty owes me a favor."
"...whatever. Just as long as I get paid."
"Yeah yeah, Marty'll see to that...what's wrong with you anyway baby? Ya look like shit."
"...well..., something's wrong with this damn AIR suit. Whenever I flew it out to pick up your shit, it handled all strange, I crashed it coming in. And it kept...talking to me. In a woman's voice..."

Rico gave him a funny look, trying to hold in a fit of laughter. He patted the technician on the back consolingly, placing the items back into his arms. "Well, I'll leave you two alone then...just put this stuff under my bunk when ya get the chance." With that, Rico quickly turned around and exited the power armor bays, walking at a fast pace to return to the medical bay.
(Mini-JP between Moonman, Davis)

Rico finally reached the white bulkhead door of the medical bay, a little out of breath from his quick walking. He walked in and nodded to Gran, but didn't say or do anything else as he walked up and laid himself back down onto the medical bed. "Sorry 'bout that baby, little problem," Rico said finally, positioning his right arm closer to Gran and relaxing a bit as he reclined himself.

Gran had just sat in the Medbay as Rico rushed out. He knew Rico would be back before not too long, plus he needed a minute to sort out all the tools. The box lay open on the bed, its contents slightly scattered. "Everything I need and more." He mumbled as he slid his hand over the cold steel of the many items. He looked back at Rico as he re-entered the Med-bay. He moved the instruments making room for him and silently watched as he lay back on the table. "What kind of problem?" He said as he fitted a small monocle-like disc in front of his eye, surveying the damage on Rico's arm.

"An Adrian kind a' problem," Rico said, his smile drooping a bit. He was still inwardly seething at Adrian's practical joke. Not because he did it, but because of what had happened.

"Well they decided to bring whatever it was in here." He pointed over his shoulder at Adrian who had just recently been taken in. "Do you know what happened?" He plugged a small cable into a slot in Rico's arm, near the junction between flesh and metal and attached the other end to the disc by his eye. "Try moving your fingers." He needed some readings as to what was working and what wasn't.

Rico figured Adrian would've already been here, what with his unknown detour to the power armor bays. Rico shrugged, and attempted to move his hand as Gran requested. His fingers twitched a bit, but other than that there was no other movements. "Shit, I dunno baby. Apparently he's fuckin' suicidal, nearly blew his head off in the marine quarters." Rico said, keeping his eyes on his arm.

Gran frowned heavily, he wanted Adrian punished, but he didn't want him dead. Lines of data and flashes of light appeared behind the opaque monocle as the fingers twitched. He sighed as he laid the disc back on the table and took a long tool that looked like a knitting needle. He pressed it against a small disc on the inside of the cybernetic arm and moved it in a circle, Rico's arm whirred quietly as the locks in Rico's arm released the plate. "Well, I guess someone stopped him. Any idea why he tried?"

"Shit...I dunno," Rico replied half-heartedly as he kept his attention his arm. He glanced at a digital clock on the would be time for Miller's meeting with the Alliance crew in a while. Despite all that had happened, Rico still wanted to make it to that meeting. Mostly because he felt that receiving that recommendation would make him feel better...if he was even still getting it after the events that took place. Rico sighed deeply, repositioning himself to get more comfortable. " what's the damage doc?"

"A nerve splitter's fucked, that's why you can't do anything. Most everything still works, just a failure to communicate." He smiled as he lifted the plate and grabbed a mass of wires with some small tongs, they were blackened where they joined. He made sure power was disconnected from the arm before pressing a small metal pole the size of a pen against the splitter, a small spark issued as the ends of the connecter popped open, releasing the wires. He held the burnt connection up for Rico to see before setting it on the table and searching through the black box again. "So you are feeling better?"

Rico attempted to lift his arm...this time it did move. Aside from a few odd-looking dents and scrapes on the outer frame, and the obvious need for a few finer touches to the inner mechanics, Rico's arm was functioning. He flexed it a bit, stretching its fingers inward and outward with a smile. "Feelin' good...all ready for the gun show," Rico laughed as he patted Gran on the shoulder. "Thanks baby...coulda done it myself o' course, but I suppose you deserve a treat every now an' then."

"You're welcome." Was all he said as he slowly packed up the tools, thinking inwardly. He stood and set the box back on it's shelf. He smiled and turned back to Rico. He threw his arm around Rico's shoulder, just like Rico had done when Gran first entered the ship, and quickly walked to the door. "Well, we wouldn't want ya' to be late now would we?"