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RP: Yome Ismâopate [Mission 1.0] Whom fortune favors - Prologue

Loading Ramp

Tos'feg's hand was still bleeding consistently, but there hadn't been enough blood loss to cause any neural disruptions. Rather, his current state of standing still with a blank stare was more easily explained by a flood of hormones interacting with his rational brain attempting to catch up with the impulsive, emotional actions he had just taken.

The Tin-Ta'a's acceptance of the next oath shook him out of his reverie though and he grabbed up his kit. With a salute to his superior and nod to his new colleague, Tos'feg marched up the ramp. Pausing briefly inside to enquire after directions from the computer, he made his way directly to the Wapoin Rou'sa.

"Hello?" he called out tentatively as he entered the compartment, setting his bags on the floor and cradling his hand before him. "I need some assistance."
Medical Bay

"One moment, I will b e right with you." came a voice from the isolation room. A moment later a white furred female Tuoro entered the medical bay. She walked over to Tos'feg, "I was busy tending to some of my specimens." she said as her bright violet eyes fell on Tos'feg. "Well, I was not expecting to have patients so soon. I was pretty sure we would be far from home before anyone go injured. "

She pulled a medical wand out of her pocket and waved it over his closed hand. "So how did this injury happen?" she said turning her attention to the medical hand held sensor. "Deep cut, but fortunately no neural damage. I can have you good as new in a few minutes."
Drawing a handkerchief from his pocket Memi proceeded to wrap his hand, "Thank you Sir... um Unless other wise needed can i request a private cabin... As you can see I have a lot of books... and a with the second bunk I can use it as a book shelve. That is if I'm not being a bother? Unless there is a library or study aboard I can set up my tools of my trade?"
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Qaedal was amused by Memi's request. It was not entirely unheard of some of the Kynlumu'a preferring physical format over digital. Fortunately the ship was not going to be filled to capacity so it was not a problem.

"At present most of the two person cabins on deck one are open. So choose one that is not occupied and make yourself comfortable. Also I am sure that the Keeper will have writing supplies in stock that you may draw upon." he said.
Medical Bay

"I think I took the oath a little too far. I'm afraid I'm not so familiar with that sort of thing." Tos'feg was a bit sheepish as he kept his hand extended, even while he looked around with curiosity.

"In any event, I'm glad to hear it is easily fixed. Thank you, Sasâvyjo," he said, with a brief consulting glance at the Tuoro's uniform. "Um, do you expect many patients later on during the cruise?"
Medical Bay

"My name is Jaqsi Yaobas, serving as the Healer for the ship. Come over here so I can fix that." the Tuoro said leading him by his injured hand over to one of the medical stations. "Patients always seem to be inevitable for ships. I hope that my services will not be needed often, but that is in the hands of Siamaka."

She placed his hand onto the surface and switched on the Wapointe Gean'te unit above. She aimed it at his hand and soon all pain was gone. She opened a small tube of Wapoin Nâma. Jaqsi then carefully pressed the sides of Tos'feg's injury together. Once satisfied she picked up a hand held cellular stimulator unit and focused the beam at the wound. "So, what is your position on board the Yome Ismâopate?" she said with a small smile.
With a salute Memi went and started gathering up all his books, bag , and truck. Dragging things behind she made his way into the ship. With a bit of wondering he finally found a room, after being lost for over ten minutes. Once in the room he looked as round and sighed. He wasn't really so sure he wanted to be here, But his folks demanded him to go out and make a name for himself. Do the family good.

It took him a bit to get things to a organized mess, including his now wrinkled uniforms and clothing that were stuffed in the bottom of both the duffel and the truck to make room for all of the books and scrolls. Things were staked on the table and the extra bunk, His trunk was reloaded with the scrolls neatly so that they stood vertically with the lid open.
Once everything was done there he gave up and started for the keeper. He wanted to get that out of the way so he could go back to his room and go back to work on the resurch he had been working on before the letter came for him to show up at the ship.

"Hello, I'm Memi, can I get my colors and my pin?" He asked politely in his normal unsocialized way.
Pule slowly walks towards the cabins looking in each one individually, then shrugs and chooses one of the cabins and slowly unpacks his stuff so it's his bed area., he then changes to his colours and decides to walk around the ship to see if he was needed anywhere.
Ship's Locker

Miooki looked at Memi with a cocked eye and brief flare of nostrils, "Sâvyjo Sotar, I would expect a bit more decorum from a Kynlumu'a. I have your colors right here." He said bringing a stack of uniforms. He also brought out a stack of writing supplies which he placed on top of the clothing. "Best be on your most cordial when you meet the Journeymen. They are a lot less forgiving."


As Pule was wandering the hallways from the speakers in the walls came the following. "Sâvyjo Pule Yoieas. Perhaps you would be so kind as to report to the Ra'alu Ruo'sa. NOW."
"Yes.. Sir... sorry... sir... I am well... Overwhelmed here a bit." Memi stumbled as he reached for the uniforms and the supplies... "Um... If I may beg another moment from you... Do you have any parchments and journals... I like the lizard skinned journals... But I can order those if I need to..." He wasn't sure how he would get them delivered to the ship once they leave, hell he wasn't sure when the ship was going to return here. He really wished he had more time to ready himself.

"I'm sorry if this puts a strain on your logistics. I just like to make hard copies of all my writings. it is handy to be able to flip a few books open on a table. Plus it just seem more historical to do it with ink and paper... Then bits and lights." He smiled hoping he was not making a bigger fool out of himself.
Ship's Locker
Miooki listened to Memi, 'Seems he may be worth having on board after all. ' he thought. "I have some parchments right here." he said entering the locker. He came back with a sheaf of parchment. "As for the Journals, I will see if I can get some before we leave. I have a folks who own me a favor or two."
"OHH!!!" Smiled and was soo pleased "Thank you!!! These will be brilliant to document the launch and maybe a few sketches of the bridge and other key rooms" Half ways through the sentence he was talking to himself almost forgotten the rest of his stuff and focused on the parchments an what all he wanted to get done. It took him hitting the door well before he realized his arms here empty. Turning he raced back tot he counter. "Thank you... um... I need to get these to my cabin and get to work.... Thank you!"

Mini grabbed the piles and started off to his cabin. Once there he dumped the cloths on the bunk but brought the fresh parchments to the table. Humming to him self he went to the trunk and pulled out a dark wooden box and gently set it on the table. He was about to drop into his chair when a thought hit him. So he flicked open the box reviealing a set of quills, pens, pencils, charcol. Just about anything one would need to document a ship's adventure, on paper.

Taking a larger black marker he grabbed a bit of scrap paper from his trunk and wrote in big letters a simple note. Then with a bit of tape from his gear he taped it on the out side of his room.


With the sign in place he returned to his table and with a light pencil, he started marking out and getting the beginnings of a drawing of the ship in dock and the Tin-Ta'a standing by the loading ramp.
Pule listens and smiles "oh the Ra'alu Ruo'sa this will be interesting" he makes his way to the third deck and the Ra'alu Ruo'sa. Pule enters the Overseer station and looks around "Sâvyjo Pule Yoieas, reporting in" then salutes and smiles slightly "so why was called here?".
Medical Bay

Tos’feg looked up with a small degree of alarm. He wasn’t sure how long it had been but he realized he had been silent for longer than was polite. Technology of any sort fascinated him and when focused in on his curiosity sometimes lost awareness of his surroundings.

“Bajao’a, Sasavyjo. I’m afraid I’m inconveniencing you and the Tinsae Bajao’ka with my wound and the delay. I apologize.”
Ra'alu Ruo'sa

A female Qaktoro with light brown fur and black spots turned towards Pule. She did not look pleased.

"Well, Sâvyjo Pule Yoieas I am Sasâvyjo'sa Taeas, I am responsible for Security aboard the Yome Ismâopate. I am also fairly certain that the Tin-Ta'a would have told you to report to me once you got your cabin assigned and you picked up your ship uniforms. So I am curious why I had to summon you?"

Medical Bay

Jaqsi smiled briefly at Tos'feg and then looked back down at her work. "The performance of my duties, is never an inconvenience. I presume this was a result of your oath. Fortunately, you will not be needing to repeat that anytime soon." she made an adjustment to the cellular stimulator and resumed her work. "Besides your mishap has given me a chance to check out the medical bay's systems in a non-life threatening situation." She switched off the stimulator and placed it in its docking station. She then reached up turned off the overhead unit. Sensations returned to Tos'feg's hand.

"There you go Sâvyjo Fuir, you are now ready to resume your duties. Although when you have some spare time, I would like you to come down and take a look at some equipment I need installed." She said with a smile.
Ra'alu Ruo'sa

Pule looks down "my deepest apologies Sasâvyjo'sa Taeas, I was thinking of patrolling the ship and get a feel for it" he looks up at her "if i knew you were this beautiful i would have come right away" he smiles slightly and bows "i am sorry that i didn't".
Ra'alu Ruo'sa

Tigar listened to Pule, 'This one has quite tail on him. Get's called down here to be dressed down for failing to report. And he tries flattery. He's got guts.' she thought. "I will accept your apology. After all this is your first day, there is a lot of excitement on such a day. So a slip in judgement can be overlooked. The reason I wanted you to come down was to let you know your assignment. As well as general ship security, I am going to post you to security detail for our Kynlumu'a. Whenever he leaves the ship, you are to stick with him unless otherwise ordered by me or the Tin-Ta'a. After all if we lose our Kynlumu'a, we have to return home for a replacement, and anything of our history he has not yet submitted could be lost. I do not think you want to have to explain to the Tin-Ta'a why." she said and pulled out a document. "Here is a brief report on him, study it when you get a chance. Now if you wish to explore the ship. Go ahead, just don't get lost." she said with a smile.
Medical Bay

"Oh, of course." Tos'feg looked around at the equipment again, curiosity just as evident in his gaze as before. "It would be my sincere pleasure."

He stood. "Thank you, Sasavyjo," he said and with a salute turned, gathered his bags, and set out through the hatch. With the computer to help guide him, he quickly navigated to the Wuny Tin. He stepped through the hatch and looked about.

"Savyjo Tos'feg Fuir, reporting."
Pule smiles and nods "thank you" he bows again and turns to leave "umm on second thought, could you show me security of the ship, i would like to know" he smiles and turns back to Tigar "i need to know the security, then I'll find my charge and introduce myself to them".
Ra'alu Ruo'sa

Tigar watched Pule as he started to leave, she was about to make a mental note to pull his file when he turned around. 'Good, he is capable of properly prioritizing his tasks. I won't need to teach him that, perhaps only occasionally remind him. I can deal with that.' She thought.

"Certainly, security on our ship is going to be different than most previous ships. There is the opportunity for us to meet with our allies or even other races, and as such we could have to entertain visitors. For this reason all critical ship locations are having additional security measures installed. When we do have visitors, they will be escorted by one or more members of my department. Also in case of a problem I will be positioning some small arms in various damage control stations. So you will need to check the location sheet daily. Most of the ship security otherwise is normal. We have isolation panels that are used for decompression but can also be used to compartmentalize the ship.

We will have weekly drills dealing with various scenarios, and each day I will place an object somewhere on the ship that does not belong. All members of security have until mid shift to have spotted the item, and send me a message with its location and what it is. Any questions?"

Nyora'a Ruo'sa

The Bajao'ka Tinsae Potos Kehula was a female Qaktoro with grey fur and tawny stripes. She wore a coverall with a number of common tools secured in a sash. Potos had her arms up to the elbow inside of a panel of one of the ships engines. Upon hearing a voice call out she turned to see the newest member of her staff.

"Over hear Savyjo Tos'feg Fuir, by the Tinvyma Movidoanor." she called out. She had a number of questions for this member of her team.
'This one has my curiosity. A Tula with a love of machinery. Trained by the Otâmovi Wiy Jael, at least I do not have to worry about this one looking to get into a fight constantly. A Tula's temperament makes them them ideal technicians. I'd give a months worth of Odawina to get a few more.' she thought. She gave a final twist of the tension wrench she was using and pulled it out. She leaned against the drive while waiting for Tos'feg to approach.

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