The technician removed himself from his suit as hastily as he could, leaving it running on low power so that he could re-suit quickly if the need arose. Once outside of it, he scrambled up to the exposed panel, dug to the back, and got to work looking over it. He ran his fingers along some of the wires, looked them over until he knew each one's source, then smiled. "Why wasss everyone so cautiousss about thisss? Unlessss you think it'sss wired to the explosivesss, you could very well have just smashed it. Ah... You don't think it isss wired to set thossse off, do you?"
The Azorean had talked himself into a corner. He made a thorough check of what was connected to what. If there was another transmitter of some sort besides the one for the jamming signal, that would be worrisome. Hell, what if the jamming signal itself was what kept the bombs from going off?