Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: UCS Zenpyou [Mission 1] Blackened Wings

"So they're using some of the older Army ships? Do we have any idea where they got them? That could lead us to a black market dealer as well. And on the subject, since they are older ships, is there any chance we might be able to hack into their systems? With our technology advances, is it a possibility?" Denkou shrugged. Seemed feasible to him. "What I'm getting at is that there should be some way we can lock down their own ships without ever firing a shot, and have a chance to capture the entire group intact, rather than chancing any deaths on their side."
"Considering that the Fleet Depot at Nataria were themselves selling the older ship models, especially the Fuushigi no Umi Class Escorts at an extremely reduced rate last year, I doubt that the ships were purchased from a Black Market dealer when they could have been purchased legally from the Fleet Depot at an extremely low rate. Black Markets tend to mark up prices. We'd be lucky if we didn't start seeing Chiharu Class Ships and Yui Class Scouts bothering us soon- hopefully, the higher price tags on them at the Depot will steer most pirates that end up in our territory away from them.

Aside from the fact that the Fleet Depot might have and probably did sell them, we're not quite at a position with Yamatai to even make the request for those records and I sincerely doubt that they'd share it with us since it is an invasion of customer privacy," Fleming responded thoughtfully with a shrug.

"We run into the problem that outside of our jurisdiction of the Colonies, it takes a great deal of cooperation from the surrounding governments to get customer information from civilian companies or other agencies that sell off surplus military equipment. All we can really do right now is try to keep an ear out and our eyes open with the Public Communication network to try to squash anything that might become a problem."
"I would hardly consider the Ketsurui Fleet Yards a civilian organization. They are the sole providers of military equipment to the YSE, not just that but they also control the throne. Of course, those two are probably reasons we can't ask for that information directly." Natsuko pulled one of her bangs forward and fiddled with it absentmindedly before speaking again. "What happens if the Barras family is only the tip of the iceberg?" Natsuko asked. "I'd think it'd take more to lay siege to something than a few well armed ships." Natsuko stopped speaking. "Sumanai, I got off on a tangent again. This does seem to be something that needs some looking into, the Barras family situation that is. When do we launch?" Natsuko asked.
"I am well aware that the Fleet Depot is not a civilian company, I misspoke in my generalization. Whether or not the Barras family is the very tip of the iceberg is for us to find out through our investigation, speculation will only get us so far until we can discover some much harder facts. There very well could be much more," Fleming nodded in reply, with a mental note to try to word his statements a little more carefully in the future.

"Again, we launch in the morning, you can take your things to Hangar Bay 13, where the UCS Zenpyou is once we complete this briefing. The Zenpyou can comfortably house 400 people and can squeeze in 750 people, so there will be plenty of room for everyone to claim their own quarters without sharing unless you really want to share. Check your ship maps and download the specs on the Asuka Class to get better acquainted with the ship- all those questions can and will be answered through reading the material than me regurgitating it for you. Again, you can download this info to your data pads or PCCs to read through at your convenience. You will get to pick out and customize your Tenshi's load out and color schemes when we get more time to prep. You might be able to do all of that tonight before we set off for Miyamae depending on how many more questions you all have."
Zero nodded, considering load-outs and color schemes for his Tenshi. "One question. There isn't much data about load out options for the Tenshi, is there anything we should keep in mind when doing this?" he asked. "Or can we incorporate Lorath parts and equipment for it?"
Brynhildr sat quietly now, listening to the rest of the people in the room ask their questions. Waiting for the meeting to get over, although the last question asked was interesting he was impatient about the answer. Wishing to know what was available to customize with. The seat was getting even more uncomfortable, but military service and discipline finally kept him still. Knowing that whatever he did wouldn’t change the fact that the seat was uncomfortable. Military grade, smiling slightly he waited.
"You can pull up all the different options from your PCC- we have our load-out options on our server and I can't possibly answer all the questions about each individual option in a timely manner. With that, you are dismissed, my recommendation is to relocate your belongings to the Zenpyou tonight but you have leave until 0500 tomorrow morning. We ship out in the morning be ready for anything when we enter the Miyamae system," Fleming stated simply and turned off his PCC's projection and waited for everyone to clear out.

((Tyler- OOC thread for your info. ))
David stood up and saluted before leaving the room. He waited outside the door as the others exited the room. He was waiting to see if anyone needed to ask him anything. He was unimpressed by most of the questions that had been asked. If this were a Training mission they could be excused because of inexperience but most of these had several missions under their belts. He had no desire to berate them for it but he hoped that it was just a result of nervousness or maybe wanting to make an impression on their new commanding officer.
Karasu Gin had sat quietly in the rear of the group listening to the discussions in the briefing room. Plenty of questions from the crew, and a bit of frustration from the officers. Not with the crew or their questions, but the logistical aspects, not enough equipment, personnel, or time.

As most of crew members starting filing out she replayed most of the briefing in her mind.

Gin then stood up and approached the commander "Commander Fleming sir, Peacekeeper Recruit Karasu," she said while saluting smartly. "I have a few questions sir. Has anyone investigated the scenes of the attacks and looked for any unique energy signature trails that could possibly be used to help track and or identify the ships. Or has an analysis of the ships and cargo that was taken been made, to see if there is common factor that could be used to our advantage. If we could identify a pattern, then perhaps we could either set a trap for them, or perhaps place a tracking device on several cargo ships that could be remoted activated briefly to help us locate them?"

Gin then assumed a parade rest position while she waited for the commander's response.
Fleming looked at the Jiyuuian woman with a sigh after he returned her salute, "Welcome aboard, PR Karasu, but to answer your question- not yet- that's what we're going to attempt to do. It's a bit of a mess as far as preserving a crime scene but we have to start somewhere. Hopefully, the energy trails won't be too much of a mess to sort out with most of the traffic going through there being supposedly cut-off by the Barras Family. We do have some video footage salvaged from a 'blackbox' that shows what appears to be a ship fitting the descriptions of the Barras Family ships but not enough to pin all of the disappearances on the Barras family... everything we have is fourth hand information.

I'm a little weary of setting a trap for anyone with so little information, all we can really do is keep our guard up and try to get the data we need to figure things out from there. When we get there, we're going to run all the scans we can possibly run to figure things out," he replied simply. He was a little flustered that the United Outer Colonies when they broke from Yamatai lost a lot of the omnipresence that the PANTHEON network gave. They had no feasible method of constantly monitoring all of their systems or even securing a crime scene as large as a planetary orbit... once they got to the system, they could do all these things, but not here on Siren...

Not unless they somehow magicked themselves a Crime Scene Investigation team from nothing that was trained in that sort of thing on this sort of scale.
Karasu took the commanders silence as a dismissal. She came to attention and said, "Thank you sir for your time." She turned and made her way to the door.
Fleming watch Gin leave, "We don't have be so formal all the time, Karasu but if you have any other suggestions for what to look for once we actually get to Miyamae 3 to start our investigation, my door is always open and you are always welcome to contribute. Be sure to get some rest and get your Tenshi situated before we leave tomorrow morning."
Gin paused, "Thank you sir, I will remember to take advantage of that in the future, and I will provide what insights I may have. As for my Tenshi I am on my way now to finish checking it out. Then I will retire so as to be ready for departure." He's different than what I expected a senior officer to be. After training she expected officers to be sticklers for protocol, and saluting and such.
Roken had to wait till everyone left before he could leave, He pulled out his Data pad reading over the data and making a few notes of his own. If the family worked just like the gangs back home then he could probably figure out a patter, or at least where they are hold up.

A organized pirate group sporting old beat up ships from a private organization, if things do not work out they should consider finding an alternate method of acquiring the ship sales records. Roken continued out the door eyes half focused on his data pad as he walked down the corridor. He paused to look over the ship designs provided in the briefing, if they have only been in the system for a few months they must have found a spot not to far from Miyame 3 to start there attacks. Roken leaned up against the wall making one last note before he slipped his data pad back into his vest. Better get some rest, ill report to Commander Fleming and see what else I can add or learn.

Roken slipped the data pad into his vest and continued to his temporary quarters.
Ai yawned as she stood up. That was... entertaining. Sure, she was still used to lectures and such from the Leadership Academy, but that doesn't mean they're not still boring. Though, it was, or at least should be, a tad bit more interesting since this was probably part of the information that would keep her alive while out in the field.

The Sub-Lieutenant saluted to Fleming, before she left the room. Perhaps she should move her stuff now, so that way she can do other stuff later? To procrastinate or not?
Zero got up and flipped his PCC up and began looking into the loadouts possible for the Tenshi as well as a volumetric display of one with different color schemes. Multitasking was a skill he could do on the fly like this, simply giving the others a nod as he passed. Walking a short distance behind Karasu for a few moments before he caught up with and passed her. He was going to haul his stuff to the Zenpyou and just put it in his quarters so he’d know he already had it all in place before going to the armor bay.

He shifted his pace to match his comrade for a moment and turned his cold blue eyes to her. Zero said nothing, but he just studied her for a moment, struck by her unusual features for a moment. “What color scheme and loadout do you think would work here.” He asked her, gauging her response.
Natsuko walked out of the room shortly after Ai did. "Ne, Ai-chan did you already bunk your stuff?" Natsuko asked her friend while she slid to the side of the door so as not to hinder anyone else. "If so we can go grab it before heading to the ship." No point in sticking around in here. Natsuko thought to herself.
Denkou stood up, and stretched his arms out before heading out. He nodded politely to David on his way out, and mentally began reviewing what he knew of the possible loadouts for a Tenshi. He would have to review them soon, just to be sure he wasn't making any mistakes, but he was fairly sure he knew what he would do. However, he didn't eve really pause to talk to anyone, only nodding to those in the group he knew, heading out to get his stuff situated in his quarters so he could focus on his Tenshi, getting it calibrated the way he wanted it, and getting his loadout together.
“What color scheme and loadout do you think would work here.” He asked her, gauging her response.

"I'm still trying to determine my loadout. But first I need to fix a malfunction in my targeting system. Since the briefing didn't state if we would be limited to ground or space, I will probably look at a loudout that covers both. I haven't really given much thought about color scheme at this time. I figured if they arrange us in squads that they may want the units to have matching schemes for easy recognition. I really need to get down to the bay. I have a lot of work to get done and still have a chance to get some sleep. If you like we can talk more in the morning when we get ready to load onto the ship?" Gin said with a smile.

Gin went down to the bay where her Tenshi was located. There was still a glitch in the targeting system that was annoying her. It wasn't anything major, but Gin wanted her armor operating at 100% if at all possible. As for a load out, I'm going to want versatility. There's no telling if we where we will need the armor. I think the My-M1-W3005 Pacifier Gun for my hand held will be best, the My-M1-W3003:Mini-Missile Launchers and My-M1-W3004:Transphasic Energy Pulse Cannon. That gives me effective fire power for space and planetside. She entered her equipment request in via her PPC, and resumed her diagnostics.

An hour later she exclaimed, "Aha, I found you." She held up one of the small circuit boards. A micro-fracture in one of the traces. Just a matter of vibration or temp could cause it to open and close sporadically. She went and got a replacement board, and installed it. She ran another set of diagnostics. Then reinstalled the unit into the armor. Well that's done, she thought looking at the time, I even still have a few hours to get some sleep before deployment.
Well, Ai supposed no procrastination since Natsuko was there now. "Un. Yeah, I guess we'll need to get it." She sighed as she mentally reviewed where exactly she had left her stuff and junk... and stuff.

"Wasn't that the most entertaining briefing ever?" Too many questions that got nothing done really, at least in Ai's mind. It's the most fun when you have to improvise on the spot! Though, improvising on the spot isn't so great if it results in losing your arm.... It was a bit odd regrowing an arm... but still less weird than having to get a cybernetic one or something. Thank goodness for being a Neko.