Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 January 2025 is YE 47.1 in the RP.

RP (non-canon): D&D Mission 1: Getting "Acquainted"

Talarin sighed in relief."Let's be off then. We have a village to save." he stood up a bit straighter and stood a little behind and to the right of Denkou."
As the party continues up the stairs some very faint movement could be heard ahead. When Denkou reached the top of the steps, not encountering any more traps along the way, she could see a group of 4 humanoids standing at the door into the mansion, about 20-30 feet away. Having keen knowledge on the local humanoids she identified them as goblin mercenaries. She also remembered that goblins have very keen night visions, are extremely alert, and like to overwhelm their opponents with sheer numbers. Near the goblins, along the railing, where multiple sacks and piles of hay, which seemed to be used as beds. When the party reached the top of the stairs the goblins turned towards them and immediately drew their weapons, morning stars, preparing to defend the door at all costs. A snarl let loose from the one in back, who seemed to have drawn a javelin instead of a morning star like the others. This goblin reared back and prepared to throw the javelin as the other three goblins charged forwards, screaming.
Ghira was the first to respond. He could see quite well in dark conditions, so thankfully he was afforded a slight advantage in this scenario. With a simple gesture and a word, he fired off a bolt of magical energy from the back of the group at the javelin-throwing goblin, a faint grin appearing as he did so.

I knew that learning how to cast spells quicker was a wonderful idea! He thought as the bolt left his fingertips.
Denkou drew her sword and stepped to the side, not wanting to block anyone's attacks, and definitely wanting Aurelus to get out in front of her. After all, what use are meat shields when they're in the back? Nonetheless, she started moving out to the side, trying to get ready to dodge any attacks thrown her way, and get in position to possibly run down the goblin that seemed intent on throwing it's weapon away.
Putting the water flask away, Sorri nodded. If the warrior said he was alright, and she couldn't see anything wrong with him (aside from the fatigue), then there was nothing to do. Well, there was that--

Her idea was interrupted as everyone moved up the mansion and Sorri quickly put her bag back on and tried to catch up with them. She reached the group just as the goblin gang started to attack, and pulled out her quarterstaff, holding it ready.
Aurelus made it to the stairs carefully, as if trying to avoid stepping on any more traps. Once reaching the back of the group, he frowned at the creatures at the entrance to the third floor. "Eh!? Goblins!? How'd they'd get up here!?"

Aurelus unsheathed his sword and brandished his shield, then walked to the front of the group, panting from the fatigue. "C'mon then! Have yerselves a servin' a iron!"
Talarin walked just behind Aurelus. He quickly registered the goblins and started casting a rather easy spell he learn when he first discovered his powers.
Ghira's magic missile sped forward, followed a couple seconds later my Talarin's. As the goblin in back attempts to throw the javelin it got blasted by Ghira's magic missile. However, it had enough time to propel the javelin at Aurelus, since he had walked to the front of the group and that his companions wouldn't get in the way of his throw. Luckily for Aurelus, it missed by inches. Unluckily for Talarin, the javelin hit him instead, glancing off of his left side and flying down the stairs and off of the balcony.

The other three goblin all sprang forward, aiming for Denkou since she was the first one that they had seen. The first one swung its morning star, striking a mighty blow against Denkou's left shoulder before getting a magic missile from Talarin right to the side of the head. However, the goblin manage to remain standing, although it was clear that he was extremely dazed by the shot.. The other two goblins swung at Denkou, both missing horribly.
Talarin hissed as he nearly dropped his own spear when the blow struck him. He retailiated by pointing his finger at the nearest goblin and muttering another spell . He felt the charge build up in his finger before he finally released a long line of extreme cold and ice.
Aurelus looked at the little bastard that had thrown the javelin with narrowed eyes. He had gotten a wooden shield to prevent those kind of glancing strikes from hitting his comrades, but it hadn't helped this time around. The fighter was about to head into battle with the goblin, when he heard a loud thud near him.

Turning his head, he noticed the goblins were picking on Denkou, one of them having managed to strike her on the shoulder. "Pickin on th' lass eh, ya wee bastards!?"

Winding up his arm as back as he could, Aurelus charged a goblin, flanking it as it payed attention to hitting Denkou, and attempted to strike it with a powered attack, not caring much for accuracy since the goblin was preoccupied otherwise. As he struck, Aurelus used his whole body, attempting to slice the goblin in half vertically.
Talarin's Ray of Frost narrowly missed the goblin that he was aiming at, but from his miss it hit the next one back, narrowly missing Denkou on the way. Even though Talarin missed the closest goblin, Aurelus made quick work of it. With a single blow he finished the work that Talarin's earlier magic missile had done, removing the goblin's right arm as he swung.
Ghira took a place at the very back of the party, given that he had spent his one offensive spell prepared.

Eventful actions are eventful.

Once this is over, move some healing supplies in an easier-to-reach pouch!

Sorri took up position behind Aurelus, behind and to one side of him. "I'm right here," she called up to him, just loud enough that he could hear but trying not to get the attention of the goblins. The idea was that he would take care of most of the melee combat but if a goblin got close enough the diminutive healer would pop out and give a thwap or two before ducking back behind the more durable fighter.
Talarin raised his finger again, pointing at the nearest goblin. He chanted another quick spell, unleashing the pentup energy in another stream of cold and ice. He glanced at Sorri. "Mend, they hit Denkou pretty bad, would you take a look?" he grunted.
Denkou fell back, trying to get behind the group. "Ah... yes, healing would be... most appreciated. This... hurts quite a bit." She tried to steady herself against the wall beside the stairs.
Sorri glanced back at Denkou, then up at Aurelus, then back at the goblins. "Buy us some time, I'll try to patch her up!"

The half-halfling backed up until she was next to the injured rogue before setting her weapon down and unslinging her backpack, moving quickly. Fortunately, her old supply box was on top of her things, so Sorri just had to open it and dig through the semi-organized supplies inside (they were still in minor disarray from the spill the day before). The special kit from the town healer didn't seem needed at the moment...that could be saved for major work.

For a morningstar to the shoulder, and in the middle of a battle, all Sorri could do was give Denkou two small tablets made of dried and pressed herbal painkiller and some water to wash them down with. "Take these." While Den was either doing as she was told or not, Sorri then put a small sealed pouch into her third, and possibly last, water skin and crushed it. That broke the pouch of ammonium nitrate (obtained some time ago from"fertilizer") causing the small bag to quickly become cold. She sealed the water skin and pressed it against the injured shoulder before quickly tied it in place with a bandage. Denkou's sleeve should keep frostbite at bay, if it got that cold to begin with...but hopefully it was enough to help relieve the pain. Sorri glanced toward Aurelus and the goblins again before looking at Denkou. I've done what I can, now it's up to your grace, my Protector, she silently prayed before speaking to the rogue.

"That will have to do for now; it should hold you until they're taken care of. Can you make it?"

((OOC: It's chemically possible. And many people can use chemistry without knowing why something works...just look at cooking : ) Meanwhile, she does have to use more NH4NO3 than normal since it's highly unlikely she can get "pure" samples.))
Denkou started to feel extremely better as Sorri's healing started to take effect. Within a few seconds she felt as though she had never been injured at all. Although, it appeared as though Denkou would be returning to her injured state as the two remaining goblin swung at Denkou. With a bit of luck, one goblin missed, and the other goblin's morning star simply glanced off of Denkou's studded leather, not leaving a scratch on her body.

A couple moments later came the second ice ray from Talarin, striking the nearest of the two goblins in the stomach.
The tablets seemed to work better than Sorri had hoped, but she didn't have much time to think about that.

Too close!

After the ray of frost shot by and hopefully took one of the two attackers out of the fight, Sorri picked up her staff and swung it as hard as she could into the goblin who hadn't been hit by the magic, intending to hit the creature's stomach.
"Aye!" Aurelus nodded to the half-halfling and proceeded to slash at one of the remaining goblins with his sword.

"Run slime! My sword is thirsty for blood tonight, and ye all look mighty full of i' fer short bastards like yerselves!" Aurelus tried scaring away the goblins, if not just throwing some more insults at them.
Aurelus' sword came across his body, with a mighty horizontal slash. The tip of the blade ripped through the goblin's chest, exposing bones and organs, before the goblin fell to the ground, clearly dead. Sorri's blow missed it's targeted stomach, but still landed a fierce blow to leg. The goblin screams as the sound of a bone shattering can be heard. Still, the goblin managed to bite through the pain and remain standing.