Sorri glanced back at Denkou, then up at Aurelus, then back at the goblins. "Buy us some time, I'll try to patch her up!"
The half-halfling backed up until she was next to the injured rogue before setting her weapon down and unslinging her backpack, moving quickly. Fortunately, her old supply box was on top of her things, so Sorri just had to open it and dig through the semi-organized supplies inside (they were still in minor disarray from the spill the day before). The special kit from the town healer didn't seem needed at the moment...that could be saved for major work.
For a morningstar to the shoulder, and in the middle of a battle, all Sorri could do was give Denkou two small tablets made of dried and pressed herbal painkiller and some water to wash them down with. "Take these." While Den was either doing as she was told or not, Sorri then put a small sealed pouch into her third, and possibly last, water skin and crushed it. That broke the
pouch of ammonium nitrate (obtained some time ago from"fertilizer") causing the small bag to quickly become cold. She sealed the water skin and pressed it against the injured shoulder before quickly tied it in place with a bandage. Denkou's sleeve should keep frostbite at bay, if it got that cold to begin with...but hopefully it was enough to help relieve the pain. Sorri glanced toward Aurelus and the goblins again before looking at Denkou.
I've done what I can, now it's up to your grace, my Protector, she silently prayed before speaking to the rogue.
"That will have to do for now; it should hold you until they're taken care of. Can you make it?"
((OOC: It's chemically possible. And many people can use chemistry without knowing why something works...just look at cooking : ) Meanwhile, she does have to use more NH4NO3 than normal since it's highly unlikely she can get "pure" samples.))