Sorri shrugged. "Well...they only had one spear," she noted. "They were all carrying these clubs." She looked over the edge. "The surprise attack would have been a better idea, since those two could probably have picked them off." The healer gestured at the wizard and sorcerer. "Or we could have thrown rocks at them."
The half-n-half (("Hahaha--!" *thwacked with a staff* "--ow...")) looked around at the group, but it seemed that only Denkou suffered any major damage. "Oh yeah!" She pulled out another small pouch and checked the contents. The powdered substance was what she wanted, so she took the skin that had the water that Aurelous didn't finish off in one drought, checked the water level, then measured out some of the powder and shook the result up to mix it thoroughly.
"Here, this should be a good pick-you-up," Sorri said with a helpful smile, offering the mixture to Aurelous. "You" Sorri looked at the sorcerer. "Uh, you two can share, if you need it."