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RP: YSS Miharu Mission 1 "REAR GUARD", Day 4

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"Ah, I see," Yukari said to Asher, smiling. She had never heard of bathing in a sink ... but the discomfort was odd. "You did not go to public baths as a child then. Hm. You do not have to bathe nude, Westwood-Hei."
"Oh, no, that's not it, I could do it nude. I just can't seem bath with people in the same place as me." Asher tried to make some sense.

"It's just that, I like to bath by my own self. I'm not self-conscious, it's just a quirk. Ergh! That doesn't make sense..." He stopped to try and say it right.

"Sure, I could probably waltz in there right now, but I'd just feel uncomfortable. Am I coming through clear?" He asked, scratching that head itch again.
"Hmmm ... " Yukari nodded. "I am self-conscious about my own body. I do not know if that is why you do not like it, but I know it causes me discomfort."
"Why would you need public bathes on a ship anyway, I mean, the enlisted quaters have their own showers don't they?" Asher queried, it had occured to him earlier that a public bath on a ship was a new thing to him. Yet, he didn't think why'd they'd need one on a ship.
Yukari nodded; an internal image of the Miharu came between them. "The Miharu has only decontamination showers and the bath -- no quarters has washing facilities. The why ... I believe it is because the ship is a prototype, and was given luxuries with the expectation it be a 'showroom' vessel."
"The Miharu was also meant to be a nekovalkyrja warship," MEGAMI interjected in the conversation between Asher and Yukari. "Nekovalkyrja lifestyle draws heavily from the japanese communal concept and pushes it slightly farther. However, the gender quirks of the nekovalkyrja species makes it so that you will not find any sections on the ship which are divided between males and females."

<center>* * *</center>

"I considered there might be less risk of you getting hopeful ideas in your head if you liked male-to-male relationships better... so, yes. I might not have dared otherwise," Kotori admitted to Nyton as she stood up and went to plop down in the bath next to Nyton's; the one filled with lukewarm water.

"If anything, your proper conduct and your dogged determination to address me with some honorific even when I consider myself off duty would more than give you the right to be my faithful retainer!" She threw him a wink.
Nyton raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "Glad to see I have met your expectations. I think." he replied. "But I cannot see myself fit to be your retainer if the position means you can pass me around to be shared by the crew like some sort of man whore." Nyton added with a slight laugh.

"Then again, I suppose it isn't too bad a deal if I get to work alongside a beautiful woman like yourself. Most guys back home would be shooting each other just to get a position like this. So I suppose that could be considered one of the perks." Nyton said as he leaned back with a grin and looked at the large landscape painting that dominated the bath.
After dressing, Tom made his way to the kitchen and prepared an assortment of quick and easy dishes for the crew to munch on. Granted, it wasn't hardly enough time to make anything special, but there wasn't much magic involed in pouring assorted nuts into a bowl or mixing a salad.

Not that anyone would trust Tom to operate the stove right now, with the way his eyes were glazed over.

He only came out of it when he knicked the tip of his finger with a cutting knife.


Man... I should've spent the whole break in the shower.

He sucked on his thumb with a pout.
So maybe she's not quite as experienced and unshakeable as I'd thought... Miyoko wasn't quite sure what to make of the scene she'd just witnessed, but seeing the Taii act so... young was a bit of a harsh contrast to the figure she'd seen calmly giving orders in the battle earlier. She filed this away to consider later. The immediate implications were a bit more obvious- it seemed she was washing her own back today. Giving a mental shrug, the Yamataian turned on the shower head and got to work.
Yukari smiled. "Thank you, Miharu." The ship was always so helpful -- she'd forgotten, being on the ship with so many men, that it was actually designed for Nekovalkyrja.

Masako frowned and turned her head over her shoulder to look at him with a bemused and somewhat annoyed glance. "I think your father may have a point, Veressis-Hei." the warrant officer could only comment as she headed finally rounded a corner to enter the wardroom.

Spying Asher and Yukari sitting and talking together, the young neko smiled and headed towards them. "I'm glad see you are fitting in well, Westwood-Hei," the raven-haired woman said while bowing towards both of them politely.
"Well, I really was just kidding around," Kotori replied to the Nepleslian in the other bath. She paused and then said, "Say, could you two give me some insight on Veressis-san? Everytime I see him look at me, it's like he's seeing some heartless monster about to pounce on him and rip his head off... I don't understand what his problem is."
"Oh just kidding around then." Nyton repeated back.

Being Kotori's retainer wouldn't be that bad a position actually. It should serve my own ambitions well to get close to a member of the Ketsurui family even. I'll see if I can hold out a little bit longer and then accept her offer. It is not like she would be unpleasant plus she is skillful if still a little unfamiliar of other cultures. Nyton quietly thought to himself, the very train kept hidden under a deep and relaxed composure.

He let the issue drop while Kotori brought up the new subject of Leutre. Nyton's brow furrowed a bit. "I'm not sure exactly what it is. He has a tricky culture which makes it hard to understand him. At the same time he is undisciplined and trying to be the square peg in the round hole. His contempt for authority is probably making him afraid of you the most because of you being the commander of the ship. We've let him know that he needs to watch his manners around you so he's probably of the mindset that he may take the wrong step and get himself shot out into space. It doesn't help that he is also possessing of a very big mouth." Nyton said. His opinion, while fueled by the events down in the engine room, was still as objective as he could be given his observation and conversations with the young man.
Asher stared blankly at the projection infront of him. His mind wandering around the fact if he could just bath in a decomtamination shower...

"So... That means, I have to bath with other people, isn't that wonderful...." Asher grimaced, looks like he was going to have to get used of the fact of other people bathing along with him.

At least I'll meet new people... I guess.

It came to him that meeting new people in a shower room, may not be the best way to meet someone, though his thoughts were interupted. He heard Masako, and turned in her direction.

"Oh, yes, it's really comforting to find everone so welcoming here, mam." Asher said throwing up a lazy salute.
And now they were talking about discipline problems from somebody else at her exact rank... Miyoko tried to look very intent in washing, not wanting to appear too interested. But, in the end, she couldn't resist tossing in her own two cents.

"He- ... well, he seemed very appreciative of me showing concern for him, even though it was part of my duties as the medic," she said, recalling the scene in the multibay. "It's probably a bit impertinent of me to say this, but I think that once he's had enough of a chance to see that you see him as a person and not just a faceless underling, he'll warm up a bit."

She turned off the faucet, padded over to the lukewarm tub, and slid in on a side perpendicular to the one Kotori was on, giving an apologetic shrug. "But, I'm a doctor, not a psychiatrist."
"Why hello, Yukari." Leutre gave her a polite bow and turned to Asher. "And good to see you, Dea--wood. Westwood." Leutre cleared his throat loudly and gave the two a sheepish smile. "Ahem. Yes, well, in any case its excellent to see that you're settling in! More than I could say about myself, I'm afraid. But if you're going to keep company with wolves, you might as well learn to howl, eh?"
Kotori offered a silent nod to Miyoko's suggestion. A bitter expression came over her face before the neko lowered herself in the water, leaving only a billowing mass of black hair still partly floating on the water's surface.
Yukari was happy to see Masako and Leutre taking a rest ... but she frowned at her name. "Please, Veressis-Hei ... call me Suzuka-Chui -- or Suzuka, if you must." She bowed her head slightly from her position on the couch, not wishing to offend his cultural tastes, but she did not like her first name used so familiarly.
Just great, here I am complaining about an enlisted crew member in front of another enlisted member. Now who's the idiot with no discipline? Nyton mentally grumbled about himself. "Kotori-sama has not exactly had that chance just yet but even what few moments she had he creates barriers to open communication. This is the barrier that Kotori-sama has been trying to get around." Nyton quickly said. "I've been talking to him. He's not a hopeless case but he needs to do a lot of work on his deficiencies. However we need to change to subject." Nyton continued.

Nyton stretched and let out a breath. "Well, now that I'm relaxed, I am starting to get hungry. Who else is starting to think about food?"
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