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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Yaichiro directed Micheal toward the front area of the craft, where there would be Production and Repair Bays as well as what was the closest thing to a bridge he had designed...he expected it to have more functionality, though there were also several Link Siphon access areas along the way they could investigate if needed...even detonate. As he gave Micheal these directions, he sent a reply to Micheal and Kiko...

I've already made recommendations and got flat-out ignored, so if she won't listen to a superior officer, she wouldn't accept recommendations from you.  I'm not happy with her actions either, and am contemplating options...we're in a sensitive situation preventing me from disciplining her at this point without letting us all get distracted and killed.  Even if nothing more happens, I'll be having a talk with her and filing a report on her conduct at minimum.

Yaichiro deployed four NSDs to their rear, just in case, preparing to rotate them as needed. Helen hadn't consented to the tactic, but he couldn't care less at this point.

"Partial CFS capability has been restored to the port side ma'am." Sune switched to active scanning, looking at the ships that were harassing the Eucharis, and the space around them. He looked at the data from the prior contact with the Lorath and compared the sensor signature to those of this ship. As he expected it was similar, he started running simulations, the weakened CFS system would never stand up to be used as a weapon per say. But it might be able to create a strong enough energy pulse at the close range that the other ships were at to blind their sensor systems. As least long enough for the Eucharis to break clear of them and make a run for the 1XF forces.
Jamming Station

With his mind focused on the mission now, he had two more drones deployed from his shoulder pad to back off and take up a position behind the squad. He then had an additional drone deploy from the housing and start inspecting the nearby side rooms that Helen had fired in.

His intention, in this regard, was to check for bodies. The image would be forwarded to his HUD only, so that he could correlate the findings later along with the scaler scans the drone was performing, though the secondary reason for this was also just in case someone 'had' managed to survive Helen's aether firing. Though, in the back of his mind, he truly found her actions concerning but he wasn't the one in charge. With his weapon ready and waiting, he started to ponder if whether the enemy was going around or whether if they were waiting in hiding.

"Ma'am? I'm bothered by us not running into anymore enemies since the last group. I'm worried they might be trying to flank us, or worse, set up in ambush, perhaps even attempt to lead us into a trap," he sent via encrypted telepathy. He knew she probably knew that,
"Your concern is valid, that is why I've suggested we hurry. Mobility is our advantage in this situation. If we move faster than they can deploy, then we may possibly evade a trap, or at least surprise them in the course of their preparations. There is not much we can do to avoid such a situation however, since we lack intelligence on this station, the assets aboard, and the compliment of this station as well. All we know is that we have to get somewhere that Yaichiro can do his job, and possibly shut this place down, or at least tell us where we need to go to blow it up." Helen explained, elaborating on her plans for the situation as they quickly skirted along the corridors in a swift hover. It was certainly odd that no additional personnel made themselves known, but, it could be expected for a group with superior stealth technology, or if they were simply busy elsewhere for some reason.

Michael followed Yai's directions, keeping on the lookout for both hostile forces and Helen's Kylie. As he thought about what Yaichiro and Kiko had said, the Elysian slowly came to a conclusion about what to do. Sending another encrypted message, this time to the entire squad EXCEPT for Helen, he stated what he planned to do.

"I can't follow along with what this SAINT monster is doing. I joined the ECN, and then the SAOY to protect innocents, not kill willy-nilly. I understand that most of you don't agree with it either, but won't disobey orders from a superior officer who seems to enjoy the slaughter, no matter who she kills. However, I aim to misbehave, disobey that SAINT bitch's orders to kill everyone we see, and get into contact with the UOC before we end up starting a war."
Jamming Station

Takeyu stopped for a brief moment at the message from Micheal. He looked it over numerious times, taking in those words that the Elysian had just said. Can't disagree with him entirely, Helen's actions are concerning to me, but there's no evidence to support that she's killed any innocents as of yet. To do anything against her without evidence to backup any claims would be a complete disaster, he glanced down at his rifle and double checked it's settings before sending off a message of his own to the entire squad minus Helen, he also made certain to keep copies of the messages, just in case.

"Papadopoulos-hei, while I under your concerns. I must remind you that no innocents have been killed yet, none of the footage from my drones currently shows any non-combatents being killed. Worse yet, without physical evidence, taking any action against her could result in the end of your military career.

There's also the other problem; under the Laws of the Yamatai Star Empire, section six, subsection eleven. Police, Star Army of Yamatai, Ketsurui Samurai, and any other office dedicated to the protection of the people, the clans, and the Empire will [b]not[/b] face charges for taking life, causing physical or emotional harm, or causing collateral damage; as long as their actions are warranted given the specific situation. Gross excess in actions or abuse of authority which are disproportionate to the situation, however, can result in charges. 

What that means is that based on our current situation, it's possible that the Shosa's action's can be excused by the military. We are without backup, are improperly armed and don't have the modules to really undertake this mission - in my opinion of course - not only that but we have no idea how many enemies are on this station, we don't have much if any intelligence minus that which the Chusa has been able to provide.

And before you ask no, I am not trying to excuse her actions, but as a soldier of the Star Army of Yamatai, It IS my duty to remind you of the laws that we are upholding."

With the message sent he pondered what more to do; though he agreed with the Elysian, he had his own reservations. So far, all they had encountered were combat troops, no innocents. His whole intention was to also make certain the Elysian didn't make any potential, grave, mistakes. Then he added quickly.

"I will stress this, we've only killed combat oriented troops so far. No innocents. Taking action against the Shosa right now would be ill advised and foolhardy."

Of course, her firing off the Aether weapons into those rooms like that probably 'did' reveal our position on enemy scanners. Then again, it's possible they already knew we were here. he scowled and kept his eyes on the corridors. He did hope that none of his drones found any bodies of civilians, or rather, non-combatents.
Jamming station that is totally not some random UOC installation, honest

Kiko walked in formation and continued to watch the group's rear with her drones. She didn't seem to react at all to Michael's message or Takeyu's reply; the only change in her behavior was that she started recording everything she saw. The infantrywoman wondered just who she would side with if it came down to a fight - the team leader who she was bound by the rules of the military to obey or her friend. It would have been convenient indeed if the law that Takeyu cited were more clearly against Helen.
Eucharis Bridge

Sune turned his thoughts to another problem, the cloaking station. From what Yaichiro described the station was carefully siphoning energy from the local star. So perhaps the way to at least temporarily disrupt the station was to interfere with the energy flow.

They knew where the station was, and its orientation to the star. So how best to cut off the power. There was only one weapon aboard the Eucharis that had the dimensional impact needed. Firing the main array in spread mode would allow them to in effect cut off the flow of energy. If they were lucky, it might even cause a feedback in the systems and cause the station to malfunction. Though given their recent string of luck, Sune was not hopefully for that.

The repair kit pack clattered onto the deck four catwalk as Junko shoved it out of the conduit hatch, following it a moment later herself. Straightening up, she grabbed the pack and swarmed down the nearest ladder. She made her way over to the consoles quickly and checked the fabrication queue. The components she had entered into the system appeared to be working up on schedule, but there was still a little time before they were complete.

“I'm going to seal up those hull breaches,” she said quietly to Endoh, not wanting to interrupt her work. “How is it coming with you?”

As she spoke, she slipped over to the damage control locker. The repair pack still on her back, she only needed to grab a few hull patches before trudging over to the breaches. Having proper patches available made the work considerably easier than her hasty improvisation in the CFS generator space. A nice bead of sealant and application of molecure tape and the first patch was done. She moved on, repeating the process, and soon enough the compartment was secure again.

Returning the extra patches to the locker, she took a seat at her station, monitoring the general systems display until the component fabrication was done.
Eucharis Bridge

"Open fire on the station's jamming systems. Anything that looks like a transmitter, weapon, or power system is fair game. Avoid using our heavy weapons. We just want to disable the jamming so we can contact and retrieve the away team. I will signal the rest of the fleet to ask that they do the same," Hanako told the bridge crew.

In moments, the Star Army ships were stripping the station of its defenses and jamming capability. The sound of minor explosions echoed throughout the jamming station.
Jamming Station

Ahead of the away team the wall panels on both sides of the hallway slid out of the way. Out stepped a total of four Mantus Infantry Power Armor, which then unleashed a volley of NovaCorp Micro-Missiles at the away team.
Jamming Station

With the team's progression, Helen was somewhat less agitated than before... but she still had an ill feeling about dealing with the group. She knew simply that they did not mesh, they were not cohesive in their approach, but there was no way around that for the moment. For now, she simply had to be accepting of their methods, and she had to try to use their individual capabilities as best she could, regardless of their hesitation.

Hesitation though, it had a way of getting people killed, and what came from the sliding panels which were before them made that quite clear as she spotted the Mantus units before her. "Enemy PA, defensive posture, scalar pulse those missiles down! Acquire PA targets, coordinate with AIES link. Aim for the shoulder missile racks." Helen ordered through a rapidly transmitted telepathic signal, simply because spoken words would have taken too long. As she sent the signal, she took to a knee as she raised both aether-projector equipped arms. At that moment, steady and rapid pulses of aetheric energy surged from her projectors, spraying high-intensity energy at the Mantus armors. From the hips of her Kylie came a set of drones, which she used to fire off scalar pulses at the incoming missiles, intending to neutralize them before they could get close enough to cause a problem for her... at least, to neutralize the missiles her aether fire would miss.
Jamming station

Takeyu dropped down the instant he saw the panels start moving, when he heard Helen's orders he went right to work deploying his last two drones and instantly recalling the other four to serve as anti-missile duty. The tiny little pulse weapons onboard the drones fired on the incoming missiles, with the intention of protecting their 'harbor'

He brought his weapon up and instantly took aim, firing off a series of rounds at the areas of the armor he felt might've been the weak points. They were much to close for him to use the SLAG, so he had to rely entirely on the rifle itself for now. I hate being correct! Takeyu scowled as his gut had been screaming about the plausibility of an ambush, it also somewhat worried him that he was vaguely picking up the sounds of distant explosions.

While firing he made a quick tactical sweep of the area, trying to find something that could help them get out of this situation.
Yaichiro aided in the counterassault, using his LASR with care to attack the targets Helen designated, and keeping his forearm projectors charged should he need to use their barrier function. He fired shots from his NSDs at the targets they were told to scalar pulse, relying on his AIES for aid in hitting them without shooting the allies between him and the enemy. He made sure, however, to keep aware of what was happening to their rear...they couldn't afford to be caught off guard from the other direction.
Jamming Station

"Dammit, how the hell do we even know that these are squids and not UOC forces reacting to us shooting at those guys back there!?" Michael yelled, dropping his rifle and extending vibroblades from his armor's elbows and knees. The Paladin was fast, and Michael hoped that he was fast enough to close the distance between himself and the enemies.

Leaping and bounding towards the Mantuses, Michael zigged and zagged to dodge their fire, trying to get close enough to them to bring his pankration into play.
Jamming station, ambush site

Kiko's drones immediately switched from scouting duty to missile-interception duty, and from stunning scalar pulses to potentially lethal shots. From her position in the rear, she aimed her Mindy's forearm weapons at the two armors closest to her and quickly fired a hail of Aether blasts at them. She ignored Michael's question for the time being, too focused on keeping herself and the rest of the team alive, but she took care to not to hit him, switching to the slower and easier to aim charged shot mode if she had to.
Jamming Station

While the Away team did its best to try and take out the missiles, the sheer number of them and the close proximity meant that a few made it through to impact on the power armor shields.

A fraction of a second after the missile volley the Mantus armors cut loose with their Xaser Pulse Canons. The force of which struck with devastating force slicing through the shields and into the physical armor.

Helen's cannons had the same effect upon the Mantus that fired upon her.

The Second Mantus took fire at Michael as he charged toward them, one of the Xaser cannons grazing his armor while the other struck the wall.
Jamming Station

Idiot! Helen thought as she saw the Elysian dart after the Mantus armors, intending to close to melee range... what was the fool thinking?! "Hey! Stupid! Get out of our line of fire!" She said simply, as her only warning to him, as she continued to spray aether fire at the Mantus armors while moving in a crouched crawl of sorts to a better firing position and to keep the Mantus units from just hitting her like a sitting duck. Because of the foolish Elysian, she was certain that there would be a degree of fratricide if she were to use any heavy ordinance, or even in the process of blowing up the Mantus units themselves. "Papadopoulos, if you die doing something that stupid, I'll make sure that you never pilot again when they resurrect you!" She gave him a chance, she really did, even as she began to target her shoulder launcher on the Mantus units.

When the missile impacted, Helen was lucky she was in a Kylie, as the concussive forces and the release of radiation from the antimatter reaction washed around her shields. When the explosion passed, she had no choice at that point but to fire off her shoulder cannon, releasing a rapid volley of rounds, alternating between antimatter and aether tapping slugs, two of each. She was not about to risk another volley of fire from those machines. She aimed her shots with care... but that care was jostled aside as a Xaser burst ripped through her shield, and impacted into the unarmed shoulder of her armor which was thankfully a throwback to old Yamataian engineering, enduring the hit well, but not being entirely immune as Helen felt her flesh sizzle a bit from the radiation that managed to pass through the seams of her Zesuaium plate. Great, I'm going to be having my hemosynth pushing out tumors for the next few days.
Takeyu would notice that one of the wall panels to his immediate right had markings that showed it was an emergency evacuation point. A red highlighted handle would from the indicators cause the panel to open, which meant it the Away team could either use it as a point from which to fight the armor, or escape.
Jamming Station

Before Takeyu had the chance to yell at Micheal for running into his fire, Helen did it for him. He was forced to drop his weapon down due to the worry of hitting his own fellow team-mate and changed his targets to another PA, that's when he saw it, his eye gleaning the red markings as he spun around.

A slight smile crossed his face as he gripped the handle. "Ma'am?! Found an evacuation point, tagged. We may be able to use it to either escape or perhaps fight the power armors from," because of the tense firefight, he yanked on the handle to open the panel, he wasn't going to wait for orders since that could get one of them killed - he had to take initiative.
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