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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Jamming Station

"Really? Where the hell do you think we'll go after taking that? The enemy is aware of our position, this is their station and they know exactly where that escape route leads to, and they will be able to move additional assets to block our route. Stay and fight, push through the enemy we know is here, instead of throwing ourselves to what is unknown, and what they are aware of!" Helen spoke in reply to Takeyu's suggestion as she held her ground, and displayed little to no hesistation in regard to firing on the Mantus units with the Elysian in the way.
Jamming Station

He shook his head at her response, it was the kind of response he was not expecting. Takeyu was now beginning to wonder if the Elysian was right, and yet he knew right away that nothing could be done. Perhaps pride is getting in the way, he never liked judging people. Though it shocked him that Helen would ignore a tactical option.

"Chusa? Do you by chance know what is down this route?" he asked him via encrypted telepathy.

Ripping the panel off the wall, he slammed it into the deck to form a poor-mans barrier between him and the power armor. His own shields were flaring and his armor's warning systems were alerting him to some damage already. His drones were fighting feverishly but he knew they would only last for so long, with that thought in mind, he overrode the defensive orders of one drone and sent it down the passage way to confirm whether there were hostiles in there or not.

Raising his rifle back up he continued the volume of fire, aiming at the nearest power armor. Like he did just moments before, he started to search the area for other options.
Yaichiro also sent a drone down the tunnel, before hopping into it and firing his LASR around the corner and at the enemy using triangulation data from his drones and the AIES' processing of that data...but in reality, he'd hopped into the tunnel so that the enemy couldn't see what his other hand was doing. It also helped to allow the barrier of his Forearm Projector to recharge, having been forced to use it to shield himself from the attack. He responded to Takeyu via the same encryption, his free hand doing something unseen.

"If I remember right, this used to be a maintenance conduit access that led to the Repair and Fabrication Bay. It's been enlarged and remodeled though. No promises it leads to the same place, but even if it doesn't, we can work with this!"

They were too close to use a SLAG, but the ability to quickly scan the mass of the plastic explosive as he pulled some off in his hand allowed Yaichiro to plant a metered amount of plastic explosive with a detonator around one of his drones, along with another nasty little surprise should this idea fail...he was unaware of Helen's stubborn refusal to use the tunnel, though they seemed to have little choice anyway. Not that they couldn't exit back out into the corridor if needed. If he could find a bend in the tunnel early on, and it was clear of enemies, it'd be ideal.

"Papadopoulos-Hei, get out of the way! You're in the crossfire!" Yaichiro sent next, finding that the idea of blindly charging in only served to keep his teammates from firing as freely.
Jamming Station

Takeyu glanced partway over his shoulder and then moved himself a bit to give Yaichiro some additional cover. "I'll cover you," he said to the officer as he deployed his forearm shield. "Chusa? Do you by chance know why the Shosa declined to use this tunnel? I told her about it, even recommended that we use it either to escape or to fight the enemy from, but she just flat out ignored the suggestion stating that there was a possbility the enemy would block off our escape. I know that's a possibility, but so far my drone hasn't spotted any enemies beyond this hatch." he said via encrypted telepathy to Yaichiro.

He switched targets, aiming at the Mantus that Helen was firing on - but he couldn't fire on two of the other targets due to Micheal being in the way. Damn it....
Jamming Station

Michael didn't deign to respond to the rest of the away team, ignoring their angered yells as he effectively bullrushed the Mantus that shot him. As he made contact with it, he brought up his left knee at it's groin, vibroblade first, trying to jab the thirsty blade into his enemy, and kept pushing his enemy, both forward and down. Keeping up his momentum, Michael pressed his right elbow, blade-first once again, this time its fury pointed at the throat of the Mantus. Michael was trying something fairly simply, trying to knock the Mantus down to the ground and kill the pilot , going to the floor alongside it.
Jamming Station

Mikael shook his head as he watched the Elysian charge ahead, trying to find as much cover as possible. Unable to get any real clear shots, he shifted fire towards one of the other suits and attempted to destroy them if he has clear shots.

"Time to play Bobby Five." Mikael muttered to himself as he activated and deployed one of his two drones to add to the point defense effort.
Jamming Station

As the skirmish carried on, Helen could tell one key thing, her team was hesitating because of an idiot in the way. "Team! Stop hesitating! Restraining your fire will get us killed. We have the numerical advantage as well as ordinance advantage! Do not allow a single individual's incompetence to function as a team to cause us all to die! Now OPEN FIRE LIKE YOU MEAN IT! Mindy units have forearm projectors for a reason, use them!"
The First Expeditionary Fleet slowly circled around the station, pouring Immense amounts of highly-targeted fire at the jamming station, leaving it unshielded and defenseless. As its power systems were hit, power throughout the station fluctuated and went offline in many parts of the station.

“The jamming field is collapsing,” Charisma told Sune. “Communications have been fully restored.”

“See if you can raise the away team,” Hanako ordered.
Jamming Station

Another scowl lept from Takeyu's mouth, but this one wasn't at Helen. He had to agree with her, Micheal was causing them quite a number of issues.

Takeyu engaged his forearm weapon and aimed it at the Mantus he was firing at with his rifle and then opened up on them. He could tell based on how the soldier was acting that Micheal probably didn't care about what was being said by TWO superior officers. He knew his rank meant little, but he still had to try, he was after all supposed to be helping his superior offiecrs. "Papadopoulos-Nitô Hei! You are ignoring TWO superior officers and putting the lives of our squad at risk!"

Now he wished he knew of a way to knock the Elysian on his ass, to get him OUT of the line of fire. He was holding back only out of respect for the man being a fellow soldier, but he was putting his life on the line and going into other people's line of fire, which meant that the soldier was accepting the risk of being hit by friendly fire. With that thought on his mind, he gave a light shake of his head and decided to no longer hold back. Idiot... if we get out of here alive, I know the Shosa will rip him a new one.. and the rest of us to for that matter..

He then glanced over at Kiko. "Kiko, if you can, please concentrate fire on my target, use forearm weaponry," he sent to his fellow soldier.
Jamming station
Kiko brought the forearm weapon that wasn't already firing on the armor that Takeyu was attacking to bear on it and corrected that situation. She continued to take care not to hit Michael with her charged shots. Selfish coward, she berated herself as she fired, but she simply couldn't find it in herself to blast her friend down. "Michael-hei, you promised you'd survive and take me out at Sam's Island," she sends to the impetuous Elysian.
"She refused? Well...depending on how things go, we might not have a choice...though the loss of power here makes things easier..."

After speaking to Takeyu, Yaichiro was forced to make a decision...

"Papadopoulos-Hei, I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to fire in spite of you. There's a REASON I called you back. Get back over here if you can."

He said over encryption to the pilot, giving him one final chance...before firing his SLAG at a slight upward angle. It was set to curve over the enemy and explode behind them, so as to damage them while keeping the armor team beyond the blast radius...it was one of three choices open to him, but all three endangered the melee-oriented Elysian.

He was glad his connection to the drone that went past the enemy didn't seem to show anyone beyond this group that was within blast range...
The escape corridor went 25 yards and then ended in a T intersection with passages running along the perimeter. Yai's drone also showed a lift platform for descending to lower levels.


The MANTUS that Michael attacked was born down by the Elysian and his attacks wounded the operator. While most of Michael was below the field of fire as he grappled with the hostile armor. His wings were not so fortunate, he felt the impact of multiple weapon impacts upon the armor casing protecting his wings. Unfortunately a couple of the impacts penetrated the primaries on his wings.


One of the MANTUS collapsed under the barrage launched by the Away team, which would have been cause for celebration. Until another stepped out of the same alcove the original ones had and unleashed a volley of twenty missiles and unleashed a deadly barrage with its NovaCorp High Kinetic Rifle in a strafing pattern at the Star Army personnel.

Sune opened a channel to the Away Team, he had not idea what the Away team was facing, and did not want to distract them with a lengthy message so he kept it succinct. "Eucharis to Away Team, Requesting Status."
"Helen to Eucharis. We're holding our own here. Have encountered enemy combatants, Mantus type power armor in large numbers. Scouting drones have confirmed an escape route to a safer portion of the station. Request information in regard to mission status." Helen spoke through the renewed communications as she moved in the direction of the escape ladder. "Team! Down the hole! Good job scouting ahead. That was what we needed." She said, commending the initiative, as she brought her LASR-SLAG from it's slung position, and fired off a SLAG squarely at the center of the group of Mantus units before popping down the escape chute, evading the bulk of the weapons fire.
Jamming Station

Takeyu watched the Shosa as she went, but he didn't move yet and turned his attention to the enemy power armors. "Please go sir, I'll follow behind," said Takeyu to Yaichiro before turning his attention to the rest of his squad that was up here.

"Kiko-hei! Papadopoulos-Hei! Mikeal-hei! Into the chute!" Takeyu sent via telepathy as he laid down suppressing fire.
Yaichiro smiled slightly before going in and sending an encrypted message to the team...

"I recommend we get to the fork in the tunnel as fast as possible, and try to keep them holed up at the entrance with the NSDs and whoever brings up the rear giving support fire. Once we're at the bend, I recommend getting behind it, getting against a wall, and turning our barriers and shields on...because I've packed the shadows above the tunnel entrance with some explosives should the enemy follow...whether they're an enemy or a defense team, we've got to survive this."

Sure enough, in the shadows above the interior of the hatch where it was hard to see, Yaichiro had spent his time and his free hand placing a fair amount of Type 31 Plastic Explosive with a detonator in as hard a place to notice as possible...while it wouldn't damage the team once they were past the bend as long as they were smart, it would be a nasty surprise for those who were near the entrance, be it in the tunnel or in the hallway immediately outside. The detonator was also sticking out from somewhat behind the explosive, meaning it could not simply be yanked out, and a drone would be able to observe if they found and tried to disarm the explosive.
YSS Eucharis Bridge

Taisho Yui popped up on the main screen. "Since the jamming is down and the station has been unmasked, our objective is complete," the elder Neko told Hanako and the other ships. "We will now leave the system and let the UOC handle the station internally."

Hanako called over to the away team. "Away team, this is Hanako. Please return to the ship immediately."
Jamming Station

Mikael recalled his drone back to his shoulder and laid down some more firepower himself towards the hostile suits before dropping down into the shute. He did his best controlling his descent with his left hand, while keeping his rifle aimed towards the bottom.

"If I live through his mission, I am so going to marry the next Neko I see seriously..." he thought to himself.
Jamming Station

Takeyu stole a glance over his shoulder as he watched Mikeal then turned his attention to the last two -hei's. "Kiko-hei! Papadopoulos-Hei! Get going please!" he shouted as he switched targets to another power armor to hold them off until the two lower ranked soldiers could get into the hole.
Jamming Station
Kiko brought up one of her Mindy's forearm shields and used her other arm to either cover Michael's retreat into the tunnel or drag him in, depending on if he seemed able to get in himself. Once the brash Elysian was in, she started to back into the passage, still shielding herself and the rest of the squad from the rear.
Guessing Endoh was quite busy, Junko continued staring at the screens for some time until a soft chime indicated the fabrication was complete. She quickly exited Engineering, making her way across the main corridor into the Fabrication Bay. There she found the three units and spools of cabling neatly set out.

It took some time to ferry the coil units into position, first into Engineering, then up to the Deck Four catwalk, and finally through the conduits to the end of the pylon, making ample use of her inertia manipulation all the way. Finally done, she returned to Engineering to gather up the repair kit and cable spools. She casually floated up to the catwalk, a break from her habit of using the ladders, and entered the conduit.

Once in the generator space, she busied herself disconnecting the damaged coil units from their mountings and set them aside as best she could in the tight space. That done, she began mounting the new units, double checking all of the sensor and control ports along the way. At the last, she pulled apart her jury-rigged work around circuit and used the new cables to re-link the full system. After a few cursory tests and diagnostics, she decided her repair job was about as good as she could make it outside of a yard and headed back for Engineering.

She took a moment to return the various pieces of equipment from the repair pack back to their correct locations before settling down in her station.

“Bridge, Takeda. I've completed all of the repairs to the CFS that I can do for now. You should have full or near full functionality back, but having been unable to do proper testing I strongly advise that the system not be pushed to maximum output.”
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