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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Jamming Station

Takeyu gave a shake of his head as the klaxon in his hear warned him about the declining shield strength, he was forced to give up and dive into the chute with his forearm shield up and ready to protect him from oncoming fire.

When he ran a diagnostic on his shield generator, he found that the generator had somehow suffered damage and he wondered if it was because of the missiles that were fired at them. Shield generator could give out at any moment, let's just hope nothing takes that moment to breach my armor, he said and dove past his fellow away team members and off to the side.
Jamming Station

"Equipment check, how many of you have functional transport units?" Helen asked as she slid to the bottom of the ladder, then went about taking a head-count as the rest of the team came down. "We have received orders to egress, I intend to do it in the least painful method possible."
"I've got one, but it'd take at least two of us just to carry your Kylie out of here without losing limbs and such, the same with Papadopoulos-Hei in all likelyhood.

Unless all four Mindy pilots have them, at least couple of us will have to give up a good number of our limbs to do it in the normal way, unless they're able to shed a significant amount of their weapons and armor and get precise teleportation coordinates from the Eucharis to teleport to within atmosphere. How much mass or if we need to abandon full Power Armors will depend on how many people brought Teleportation Modules."

Yaichiro watched the team carefully, trying to determine when everyone got into position and into a defensive posture. Then he could blow up the hatch above along with the hostiles if they followed before the Eucharis' Away Team could get their game together.

Takeyu stood there as he ran a system's check, his armor status pegged almost every area with some form of damage. "Forearm shield is useless," he said as he raised his forearm to show that the unit was in fact not going to be of any use, as it was sparking a bit. CFS system is showing errors to, I better keep a close eye on that...

"Otherwise, my teleportation unit is working perfectly," he gave a mild shrug of bafflement. Out of all of the damaged areas of his armor, the 'only' area that was not showing up in red was where the teleportation unit was. Crappy aim, or I was just lucky.

As he awaited to see what was going to happen next, he saw on his HUD one of his drones come flying down from above and dock with his shoulder.
Jamming Station

Michael had no damn intentions of running away now. Mostly because he was grappling with four Mantii. Not intending to die here, he had resolved to finish the fight. Focusing now on the Mantus he had pushed to the ground, Michael jabbed the thing's throat with his knee, attempting to drive the vibroblade there into a vital section of the body and finish it off.

"Give me a second! I have four pests to deal with right now!"
Yaichiro had it with Micheal's insubordination, and sent him a communication. It reflected no anger, but it was serious and final.

"We have orders to retreat immediately and I've stuffed a fair amount of explosives to take care of these hostiles if they follow. Withdraw with us or die. Those are your only two viable options."
Jamming Station

"In the words of my native people..." At that point, Helen uttered some very select words in her native 'Trade' in response to the Elysian's foolishness as she confirmed that her modified Kylie's teleport module was still operational. "We have three teleporters confirmed... grab Harris and Kiko and let's get out of here. We can resurrect Papadopoulos later... perhaps, his cloned body would be free of whatever defect that made him do such a stupid thing." Helen spoke as she discarded her excess equipment to increase the margin of mass available for transport. "Form together, and transport when ready while pulling Harris and Kiko along. Set for maximum distance, in the direction of the Eucharis' last transmission."
Eucharis Bridge

Objective complete? Not hardly, they still had no idea who was operating the station and why. All they did was disable it, but for how long? It is way to premature to call this complete.... Sune thought.

He sent the away team spatial coordinates for the Eucharis so they could get as close to the ship as was safe.
Jamming Station

Mikael was quite fond of his limbs, so got as close as he possibly could to the nearest person with a teleport module. Which happened to be Helen, the irony from this mission didn't go pass him for long.

"Maybe there might be a corruption in the system when you try to resurrect that idiot.." he muttered mostly to himself as he got close to Helen, stowing his weapon.
Jamming Station

As the Lorath detonated their own massive explosives elsewhere on the station, a burst of radiation hit the armor team. In seconds, the blast wave would arrive.
Yaichiro winced and huddled with the team as his barrier shield went up to try to shield them from the wave of radiation. In the last moments, he attempted to use his authority to override command of Micheal's Power Armor using his rank. He would try to get the Elysian down that hatch as fast as possible, probably giving the insubordinate soldier a few good jerks in the process. In the meantime, Yaichiro discarded his weapons and explosives to increase the maximum weight, and did a similar purge to the Elysian's equipment.

Yaichiro teleported with the rest of them just before the blast, whether he made it or not, and looked around to see of the Elysian had survived.
Takeyu tossed off his explosives and rifle then powered up the teleportation unit as quickly as possible and moved in tighter with the group so that his field would allow Harris and Kiko to jump with them.

Let's hope this works.... Takeyu muttered as the teleportation field enveloped him.
Jamming Station

"Harris, hold on tight, head close, that is the most important part, they can replace the rest." Helen spoke as she grasped Harris' arms and actually pulled them around her Kylie as her sensors detected the spike of radiation, and she sharply turned to place her Zesuaium-clad Kylie in the path of the burst, to reduce the exposure for Harris' less-armored unit.

"Sensors detecting an antimatter detonation in progress, forget that fool up there! We're teleporting NOW!" Helen exclaimed as she gave Kiko a nudge closer to Yaichiro, ensuring that she had a ride home, just before she activated her teleporter and disappeared from the station, only to re-materialize in the vacuum of space.
Kiko didn't fight the others moving her toward the teleportation-equipped armors. In fact, she moved toward them herself when they started, but her focus was elsewhere. She was composing a final telepathic message to Michael, which consisted of an image and a request: her own face, her eyes glistening with tears and a pleading, grief-stricken expression; and the phrase "don't throw your life away."
Jamming Station

Michael found himself losing control of his armor, Yaichiro's command override pulling him off the Mantus. The MCAS, operating on commands from Yaichiro, pulled back, retreating down the escape tunnel. Michael was barely within range of Yaichiro's teleporter, escaping the explosion by the skin of his teeth.
The strain of teleporting multiple people had taken its toll, Yaichiro wincing as his Power Armor worked to stop his bleeding and seal his wounds off from vacuum using the insert. To manage to get Kiko AND Micheal out, he had to sacrifice a significant amount of mass in addition to purging the weapons and explosives. Due to this, Yaichiro chose to leave his arms and legs behind on the station, along with those of the armor. He was little more than an armored head and torso as a result.

"W...Well...some are better...than others...but we're all alive, I think...ggkt..."
Eucharis Bridge

Sune watched the expanding wave of destruction envelope the station. He was also monitoring the sensors for the region immediately around the Eucharis. Finally they showed two teleportation events.

"Taisa, sensors show some of the Away team has teleported into our vicinity......" he said stopping in mid-sentence, rising to his feet. "Kage-Shosa's critically injured... I am going to medical to grab a trauma kit... medical kit and meet them in the power armor bay..." He said as he ran across the bridge.

"Away Team, Jalen-Chui, proceed to Power Armor Bay ASAP, medical will meet you there..." he sent telepathically as he moved through the corridors as fast as he could.

"Blueberry-Chui we have casualties incoming, grab a medical kit and meet me in the armor bay for triage and stabilizing. " he sent to the only other member of the crew with medical experience.
"When you get your arms and legs back Yaichiro, you need to lose some weight in the mid-section, keep that from happening again, perhaps at least keep an arm or something." Helen said, as she allowed herself the luxury of being adrift for a moment. As she lingered in the vacuum, she looked in the direction of the Jiyuuian star, in her mind she counted the time required for the light to reach their destination... they would not see the explosion they just escaped from for at least twenty-some minutes, kind of disappointing, at least in Helen's opinion.

"Body checks everyone, make sure you're not missing anything." Helen spoke after her moment of reflection on the matter of the explosion. Then, her gaze went to Michael... she wondered why the teleporter could not have taken his head off and saved the crew some trouble, it was because of him that Yaichiro had to have lost his limbs. Alas, what was done was done though, and only time would tell what would become of the Elysian, or herself, for that matter.


Over the Eucharis' communication line came a message from the Trishka, sent by their commander. "Trishka to Yamataian ship..." the Lorath ship then checked the Yamataian ship's IFF signal, which they were then able to since the jamming had ceased, and it brought a feeling of annoyance to Korr'ih as she knew full well which ship it was, but, in her time of service to the royalty she knew better than to let her feelings cloud her duty. "Eucharis, our forward observers have confirmed the destruction of the jamming station, as well as the presence of a number of your Empire's ships which had fired upon the station. I do hope your away team has escaped from the station intact. If so, I commend their efforts and bravery. Though, on behalf of the United Outer Colonies and the Lorath Matriarchy, I request that your ships either check-in and confirm their presence, or that your task force depart the system once you have retrieved your combat team. Though, Princess, do note, so long as you open dialog with us before you decide to venture into our space, your Empire is welcome to visit, in the interests of maintaining amicable dialog."

It was long winded, but in short, it summed up to; 'The job is done, either put all your cards on the table, or get the hell out, and call next time before you show up uninvited'. Aiding in the Lorath commander's message were a large number of faster-than-light travel signatures which streaked into the system, bearing Lorath Self Defense Force IFF signals. Notably though, none of the ships had gone about performing any sort of active targeting lock upon any of the Yamataian ships, nor were their weapons detectable as being charged for a scuffle. It seemed they were there to show the flag, and to clean up the remainder of the scuffle which the Eucharis had wandered in on.

Takeyu could feel his armor at work, like Yaichiro, he also had to sacrifice something in order to teleport their team members out of the fire, in this case he sacrificed both of his legs. The armor going to work sealing off the bleeding so he wouldn't bleed to death, but he still noticed small goblets of blood free floating in space and it left him somewhat uncomfortable.

"Great... I'm so glad Layven isn't here..." he said with the shake of his head, knowing his eleven year old little sister would've probably freaked out or fainted. I think I'll keep this little incident to myself, he thought with a nod of his head.

"Lost both of my legs ma'am, armor is going to work sealing it off," he said in response to her , Now I know how the Chui felt when he lost his legs during that op a whlie back, with a shake of his head, he turned toward the Eucharis and began to make his way slowly, while using his hands to help steer Yaichiro in the right direction.
"Yamataians...can't change their bodies nearly as greatly with exercise as Nepleslians can, Klein-Shosa...If I change bodies, I'll keep in mind getting...one with less total mass..." Yaichiro said, in response to Helen's comment. Considering that he'd had to teleport Kiko's machine and an Elysian-configured MACS complete with wings, he was lucky.

"Thanks...Nayacesen-Heisho." As Takeyu helped guide Yaichiro toward the Eucharis' Power Armor Bay in spite of his own injuries, the Chusa pondered his reasons for losing his limbs instead of letting Micheal lose his own.

In Yaichiro's mind; some soldiers were more likely to take a long, hard look at their actions and themselves if someone else got hurt as a result rather than if they themselves were harmed...someone had to be hurt in this situation, but at least it could be done in a managed and productive way. It might just be Micheal's last chance to improve himself and adjust to Yamataian teamwork, assuming Helen ever let him sortie again.
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