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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 11.3] Back Into Chaos

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Takeyu continued to write his report and was constantly cross-checking everything he wrote to make certain he did not make any partial or even damaging mistakes.

He looked through his power armors combat and damage logs, finding details that he hadn't noticed beforehand. He hadn't realized just how much damage his power armor had actually taken due to his focus being on combat at the time. Wow... he thought with amazement.

As he put the finishing touches, he was about to send it, then realized that he had forgotten to attach the message from Micheal and his response to it.

Ketsurui Hanako-Taisa
CO, YSS Eucharis

Jalen Sune-Chui
XO, YSS Eucharis

After Action Mission Report

I will begin this report by mentioning that upon being chosen for the mission I realized that we had very little in terms of available modules for power armor. I had run under the assumption that this might've been dealt with by ordering the fabrication bay to build replacements, but my assumptions were wrong and by the time I realized that it had already been too late.

The mission we were tasked with, in my own professional opinion, could've been made a lot easier if we had more modules and the proper ones for the mission. Instead, we were left with only teleportation modules and those that came with the power armors.

Upon leaving the Eucharis via the power armor bay, I followed the team toward the intended target. However, a short while later, Papadopoulos-Hei opened fire without any orders from Klein-Shosa, when I later checked the sensor logs I found that a turret on the station had started swiveling in our direction. Whether this turret was going to target us, or not, was never made clear as after the -hei opened fire the station itself returned fire on us. This might've been in self-defense, and thus the -hei opening fire probably made our mission a lot more dangerous.

Klein-Shosa made short work of an enemy turret and provided us a way in a short while later. Upon getting inside, I deployed two drones to serve as recon for the team and was ordered to stay back to avoid being killed by possible enemy weapons fire. I would later deploy two more drones to perform sweeps for possible hostiles, both armed and unarmed, drone data shows that we only ran into armed resistance.

It wasn't long before we had company, however, in the form of a group of Black Coats. However, one of the Shosa's orders let me hesitant, the order to shot to kill anything without hesitation. I was hesitant because of a rather remote, yet real possibility, of non-combatants on board that could provide us with information related to the station or its personnel. Regardless, my concerns were moot in the end as drone sensor data showed no signs of non-combatants. The Black Coats that had been spotted earlier were dispatched a short time later by Papadopoulos-Hei.

A short while later we ran across some closed cabins which the Shosa opened fire into, it's possible that firing into the cabins alerted any enemies in the area to our location, but there's no way to know for certain as it's possible our enemy already knew where we were and were just waiting for an ample time to attack us. This is where things got heated, with Papadopoulos-Hei sending a message to everyone in the squad except for the Shosa, since the Shosa never responded to him. This message gave me cause for concern, both about the squad cohesion, but also about the possibility of him attacking a superior officer, I attempted to talk the Elysian down and cited Yamatai law, or more specifically, section six and subsection eleven, so that he wouldn't do something that could end his military career. I can't be certain if it was due to me reminding him of our laws or if it was because of the ambush we ran into, but Papadopoulos-Hei didn't respond after that.

The ensuing firefight was brutal and though we had the numbers and the firepower, things weren't going to well and only got worse when Papadopoulos-Hei charged head long into the battle, discarding his rifle in favor of melee range. With the -hei in the way, it was difficult for me to fire on three of the power armors for a brief while, and due to how cramped the area was, made things even harder. Utilizing weaponry that was harder hitting was impossible due to the risk of injuring a fellow soldier or even potentially ourselves.

WIth the help of Kiko-hei, she and I were able to take down one power armor with concentrated fire, but another enemy power armor moved in to replace the one we had destroyed.

During this firefight I found a possible way for us to withdraw to and possible even cornering our enemy, but when I relayed this possibility to the Shosa I was informed that we would be staying to fight. So I sent a drone down the tunnel and created myself a barricade temporarily and hunked down and returned fire, at the time I was baffled as to why the Shosa didn't take the opportunity to pull the squad back. I realized, quickly after I asked the Chosa, that the reason was because we had no intelligence about what was beyond the door. Running into an area with no intelligence might've resulted in our deaths, which is why when I realized that I didn't raise it with the Shosa because I realized I was incorrect.

However, things didn't get any better. Papadopoulos-Hei ignored orders to pull back, and once it was clear that tunnel had been discovered was clear. The Shosa ordered us into the tunnel, but Papadopoulos-hei continued to ignore orders to fall back and kept on bashing on a power armor he had managed to get onto the ground. I stayed for as long as I could, but by this time my armor had suffered a lot of damage.

Once Kiko-hei and Mikeal-hei had pulled back, I stayed behind for a few moments longer before my forearm shield shorted out on me and I was left with no more defenses against enemy weapons fire. Because I had seen that Papadopoulos-Hei had ignored orders before hand, I realized it was pointless to continue telling him to pull back. So I headed on through the tunnel while receiving more enemy fire.

After we teleported out of the station, I realized that Papadopoulos-Hei had come with us.

My decision to lose my legs was so that the -hei's wouldn't lose any limbs, I feel that even though I am a Heisho, I feel it is still my responsibility to make certain my fellow squad mates make it back without suffering any injuries.

In closing, I had made the choice to keep a firm eye on Papadopoulos-Hei due to his outright disrespect to Taisa Hanako Ketsurui earlier in the day.

Nayacesen Takeyu - Jôtô Heisho
Technician, YSS Eucharis.

With the report sent, Takeyu relaxed a bit to allow the fluid to do its job though he was nervous about how the report might be percieved but if anyone had any questions he figured he would be approuch. He noticed Micheal outside of the tank, and though he was thankful the soldier was alive - to learn from his mistakes - he was still concerned about him. Might be a good idea, provided the Taisa doesn't throw him off the ship possibly, to pull him aside at some point and talk to him.

"Papadopoulos-Hei, up on the table closest to me. Inoue-Hei over on the table that Blueberry-Chui is working." Sune called out to Michael seeing as none of the rest of the crew volunteered. He tapped his Uno Sunglasses so that he could monitor the reconstruction process and the status of the two patients.

As he waited for the next patients to get on the tables, he sent a brief message to Hanako informing her of the away team member status.

To: Ketsurui Hanako said:
Taisa, Medical handling the current casualties. Kage-Chusa suffered a quadruple amputation due to teleportation, I suspect it was due to overloading the teleportation module, but it could have been a battle damage malfunction. Nayacesen-Heisho has double amputation of the legs just beneath the knees, same possible cause. Since Klein-Shosa was not requiring immediate medical attention, I advised her to report to you regarding the results of the mission.

Papadopoulos and Inoue-Hei are currently being treated for standard combat related injuries. Jalen-Chui.

Hanako stopped a moment to use the intercom. "Thank you for the reports," Hanako all those who had written up their accounts. "Shosa Klein, please report to my cabin in 5 minutes. With that taken care of, the Taisa went to Junko.

"Junko! Did you know you just saved the ship? That anti-matter explosion would have been really bad for us if the CFS was not repaired. I wanted to thank you personally."
"Uh... Yes, Taisa." Helen spoke, as she stepped into engineering and looked entirely baffled. She had already been en route to meet Hanako, but it seemed that an awkward order had just been tossed her way. "If you'll excuse me." Helen said simply before stepping back out of the engineering compartment, to head to Hanako's cabin. As she drifted through the ship, she could not help but to wonder about her future prospects involving the ship, the Taisa, and the crew. She longed for her old command at times, and at the moment which Helen resided in, she most certainly missed it.
Having lurched to an abrupt sort of attention when the Taisa suddenly appeared, Junko now stood silent, rapidly trying to formulate something to say rather than continue staring stupidly.

"Saved the ship, ma'am?" she said. The concept was a little more than she could picture. From her limited perspective she had merely been performing damage control, lacking the larger context of battle.

"I suppose, I mean, if you put it that way..."

Running out of words again, she defaulted to formality and bowed deeply. "It is an honor to serve, ma'am."
Kumiko frowned, tapping something into her keyboard. "Now that you mention it... it did seem as though our shielding went down much faster then it should've. I didn't notice at first, since we've been getting in over our head so much lately, but you're right now that I think about it." She started bringing up the internal ship logs of systems usage, scanning through them to try and see if there was anything in the power levels or something like that to indicate a problem. "Did you notice anything that might've caused it?"
5 Minutes Later, in Hanako’s Cabin

“You knew this was coming,” Hanako said, locking eyes with Helen. “Your investigation here has come to an end. I cannot say anything productive has come of your study of Yaichiro, other than giving him a release for his carnal energies. We are both captains used to being in full command; as I discovered working with captain Sydney, that can disrupt things. With that in mind, I ask that you return to your ship or wherever the Star Army needs you after it is decommissioned.”
Yeah, Helen saw it coming, but she did not care about how livid Hanako was, because there was one thing for sure, she was wrong about something, and so, she had to make the situation clear, her duty was not complete. "Taisa, ma'am, my investigation was assigned to me by someone who is your superior, I can not abandon my assignment." Helen's gaze locked with Hanako's, there was no fear of the Princess present in her eyes, there was only a resolve that spoke of Helen's commitment to her duty.

"Ma'am, my investigation here was for a simple task, to find out if Kage Yaichiro posed a threat to you, or the Empire, due to his activities outside of the boundaries of his duties. As it stands, if I were to terminate my investigation at this moment, I would be forced to report incomplete findings which may endanger Yaichiro's career, and may even threaten his interests beyond his duties as well. I, as a professional and as an officer in service to our Empire, would not want to implicate a fellow officer without just cause." Helen explained calmly, as she weighed the full scope of the situation, which brought her to her next point.

"Furthermore, Taisa, if my method of commanding your crew in the field is unfavorable, I would not be opposed to direction from you. I recognize your authority, and would not be opposed to following your directions and orders while in service aboard your ship, as any officer should. Though, Taisa, I would like to indicate that just like any officer or soldier, I am a resource, and I am only as useful as you allow me to be. If you wish to dismiss me offhandedly that is fine, though, that leaves me unable to report my observations regarding the effectiveness of your crew, and their impact upon the missions in which this ship undertakes. I would also be unable to assist you in what seems to be a difficult juncture for the Empire, and your ship, ma'am." While Helen disliked being aboard the Eucharis on a personal level, there was still the matter of her professional commitments, which she was not about to skirt around.

"Beyond the scope of my assignment, and my duty, Taisa... I must acknowledge though that I can understand your desire to see me off of your ship, and on a personal level, I share that desire. It is hard to adjust to a new chain of command, as it must be difficult to adjust to a new officer when you were likely comfortable with your crew arrangement prior to my arrival. Forgive me for upsetting the order of things aboard your ship, however, ma'am, I am only here to serve our Empire." After Helen's statement, she bowed respectfully to Hanako. It was a sincere gesture, but deep inside, Helen disliked being forced into such a submissive position... but it was for her duty, and in a sense, Hanako embodied that duty due to her position as Princess. Upon rising from bowing, Helen looked upon Hanako with that same duty-bound resolve, waiting to see how Hanako would react, and if she should even bother to make an oral report about the incident on the station.
Power Armor Bay

Mikael finally got himself out of his banged up Daisy and patted himself over. A few areas stung when he touched them, but he sighed a bit when he looked at his hands and only noticed some blood. He looked it his armor for a few moments before hit patted it and headed towards the Med Lab to patch himself up.

He arrived into the Medical Lab a few minutes later. He noticed Michael, but proceeded to ignore him. Besides being to focused on finding bandages, he really wasn't in the mood to deal with the Elysian. He noticed Takeyu in the tank. He walked up to it and gave a deep bow in his attempt to thank him. Mikael then proceeded to return to his bandage hunt.
Medical bay

While Sune waited for Michael to get on the medical table, he noticed Mikael rummaging around. He spotted blood on his hand.

"Harris-Hei, come here and let me take a look at your hand?"
Michael bowed to Sune, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I am fine. I do not require any medical assistance, nor do I deserve it, and nor would I accept it right now. I request permission to return to confinement inside my quarters now."
Yaichiro listened in on the conversation, by having Charisma relay the sound outside the tank to him via telepathy. There were all kinds of interesting things he could do with Charisma's link, though monitoring the bridge for communications from Hanako might become necessary if she declined his going to the bridge for his Adviser duties. Regardless, when he heard Micheal speak, he made sure to speak through the rebreather...if he couldn't be heard, Charisma would relay the message for him.

"Papadopoulos-Hei...you made a mistake. You let yourself be absorbed by emotion and lost sight of everything else in the fight...but if you simply allow yourself to remain injured and unready for combat, that is also a mistake.

We can be attacked on a whim depending on how the UOC interprets our actions, or if the NMX come to take advantage of the loss of jamming for their own ends...anything and everything can happen, and you must be prepared if it is within your ability. "I will maintain my mind, body, and equipment in constant readiness" is part of the creed all SAoY soldiers live by, and it is for good reason. It is because we must be relied upon at any time to aid our comrades in any situation.

If you don't like how you performed, then look at your actions and motivations. Re-evaluate and improve yourself. One of the worst things you can do after a failure like this is to do nothing and to let it consume you. I didn't attain my rank on my piloting skills, but I can at least tell you that much."

Yaichiro spoke as if it were a lesson hard learned, something he had picked up from personal experience...a year and a half rusting away in the Imperial Museum when he could have been useful elsewhere in the Army had left him with more than a few regrets.
Junko was still standing near her station, dizzied by the abruptness of the Taisa's arrival and the equal abruptness of her departure. She glanced over at Kumiko, wondering if her colleague had any insight into what had just happened. Whatever the case, she slowly sat down. Standing wasn't going to get any more work done. The general systems display still showed minor damage left around the ship, including some hull breaches in the Cargo Bay and some structural damage in the Armor Bay.

“It looks like there's still some minor damage control for us to do,” she said, turning to look in the direction of Kumiko. “Should I handle it or do you want to get out of here for a bit?”
Sune looked at Michael, it was obvious that the Elysian was bothered by something, but he would be damned if he was not going to fulfill his function as acting medic.

"Papadopoulos-Hei, I do not know yet what transpired on that station. But it is my responsibility to ensure that EVERY crew member on the Eucharis is ready to serve the Empire since we do not have a dedicated medic. So I am going to make this clear.

You are hereby ordered to submit to medical examination and treatment immediately. If you refuse, instead of seeing the cabin, you will be placed into one of the confinement cells here in the Medbay until such time as that Taisa sees fit to convene a Captain's Mast. Now what is it going to be?"
Takeyu had to shake his head, thanks to the systems onboard he did hear what was going on and was about to respond, but heard Yaichiro beat him to it and gave a depressing sigh.

He wanted to say something to the Elysian, but Yaichiro had pretty much said what he was going to say and he knew Sune wasn't about to let the Elysian just walk away.

"Charisma whats the status on the data transfer from my drones ma'am?" He asked, and got a reply back and floated there in thought. Slow transfer... wonder if the damage to the suit is the cause.. he muttered and lifted his head and glanced off to Yaichiro before glancing back over at Papadopoulos-Hei.

"Listen to the Chui, Papadopoulos-Hei, if you allow an injury to go untreaed it'll only get worse. Punishing yourself for your actions won't make you any better," he spoke from experience, though he wasn't going to speak of it - some matters he felt had to remain secret and he didn't fully trust Micheal as of yet, as the only person he could trust his past to was Yaichiro and Junko, whom were the only two he had yet spoken to about it.
Hanako’s Cabin

Hanako remained cool and detached. "I am dismissing you. You cannot remain because you are disruptive. When we arrive at Veronica you will return to YC-28," she told Helen. "These are my orders, and you must obey them."
Medical Lab

"It is not my hands sir. It's just a few wounds on my right side of my torso and left thigh. Nothing some self-aid can not fix for now." Mikael said as he finally found a few bandage packs, medical tape, and scissors. He moved to a corner of the room so he was out of the way for more important procedures.

"Besides I think he is a bigger issue sir." Mikael tilted his head towards the Elysian.
Medical Bay

"Are you going to start trying to practice medicine too now." Blueberry said walking over to Mikael. "Let me tend to your injuries, and do a medical scan on you to make sure you are not suffering from Radiation. Are you trained in the latest techniques of radiation treatment?" She held up the PMS-1 hypospray.


Sune pulled out the medical items he would need to treat the Elysian if he chose to be reasonable. He also was composing a message to be sent to Hanako containing the recent actions of Michael. He would only send it if the Elysian continued to refuse treatment, and had to be put in the containment cells.
Hanako's Cabin

"Hai hime, watashi wa yotō no ichizoku no daihyō-sha ga watashi ni atae rareta junjo ni shitagaimasu." Helen spoke in Yamataian, breaking from Trade as she bowed deeply to Hanako, after addressing her not as a Taisa, but as a princess. "Ma'am, I would request your order be submitted in electronic and hard-copy writing for the purpose of indicating the order to my superior, furthermore, I follow this order as one given by a Princess of our Empire, since that would be the only way in which I would be obligated to follow the order to abandon the mission given to me by my, and your, superior within the structure of the Star Army." Helen spoke, with respectful firmness in her voice. Though, to Helen, Hanako was quite presumptuous, and she wondered if the Taisa would ever be able to function if she were not also a princess.

"Taisa, when we arrive in Veronica, I will return to serving our Empire aboard the YC-28. I thank you, Taisa, for the hospitality in which you have displayed during my short term of service aboard your ship, and I wish you the best during the future endeavors of this ship and crew." Another bow came from Helen, before she stood at attention, and waited for dismissal.
Takeyu crossed his arms over themselve and impatiently stared at Micheal, waiting for the soldier to listen to his superior officer. He was already getting irritated as is and his expression of annoyance was rather showing.

Am I going to have to break out of his tube and pull his sorry butt over to one of those tables? he wondered to himself.
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